John Wesley Hall, Jr. is a good man. He may or may not remember talking me through an ethical minefield years back in Twin Falls; I imagine he's helped hundreds of us criminal defense types out of similar jams. Thank you, NACDL, and thank you, Professor.
So let me recommend Law of Criminal, the website supporting his book, Professional Responsibility in Criminal Defense Practice (2005). 34 chapters, some 5000 footnotes, and he still finds it in himself to link to my silly blog! Check out the book too if you get the chance.
On the website, scroll down to The Rules:
§ 1:1. The Rules [from the book, without footnotes or citations]
Rule No. 1:
Your word is your bond. Always live by this rule...
Rule No. 2:
Listen to your gut...
Rule No. 3:
Always be loyal to the client...
Rule No. 4:
Never trust the client, his or her friends, witnesses, or relatives. Trust only yourself...
Rule No. 5:
Say nothing or do nothing that you would be afraid to read about in the newspaper or in a transcript or hear in a courtroom some day...
Rule No. 6:
Properly handle the fee like your career and livelihood depend upon it, because they do... (okay this one doesn't apply to me, but it may to you)
Rule No. 7:
The lawyer should not be the one to go to jail...
Rule No. 8:
Be the best lawyer and person you can be...
I will try, Mr. Hall. Have a safe trip to Sierra Leone; I owe you.