Saturday, November 15, 2008

Up to the Mountain Tops

I love family. Last weekend we called up Richie and Carolyn and went hiking up Ensign Peak. A nice hike that the kids could make it up all the way. Nothing like hiking with 4 kids under 4 (this was before Bekah's big day). It was so much fun. Gosh, I love you guys. Carolyn and I have had fun working together on digital scrapbooking.

Rob has been working hard. He finally got his chip back and so has been busy testing. He stays up on campus one or two days a week and works until 9 or 10pm just to get some more done. He has also been networking and starting to look for a post-graduate job. Not that he is graduating quite yet, but I am so thankful for a husband who is so assertive and already starting to look for ways to provide for his family. I must confess, after reading about the world's economy or violence spreading, I get really nervous for my family. But every time I pray, I feel really peaceful. I have a great man by my side, am blessed with my children, and I feel like with the Lord's help, we can face whatever comes our way.

Happy Birthday Bekah

The big numero quatro! We had a little princess party this morning... a breakfast celebration with family and Berlynn (Bekah's best friend), and her cousin Alex. After breakfast, the 3 princesses (donned in their princess dresses) and prince brother decorated crowns and hats. This year I made a castle cake. For someone who doesn't like to eat cake, it sure is fun to decorate it. Anyway, this year Bekah totally understood the whole gift thing. Previously, we had to help her with presents. This year, we had to help save the presents from her. She opened her first gift as soon as her friend walked in the door with it, so we had to slow the gift opening down just a little bit. Thanks everyone who came, called, or did webcam with us. We sure love you!

Anyway, tons of fun. My daughter and her friend (still in dress ups) are now in a vegetated state in front of her new Princess Dora movie and Kyle is out cold upstairs. Nothing like the post-sugar drop.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bekah's Primary Program Debut

Bekah had her first Primary Program! Wow! I must confess, the program is a little different when you actually have a young child in it. Instead of sitting back and chuckling, you are mouthing all the words, smiling, giving thumbs up, or trying to do sign language get your child to sit in their seat. The primary is not a big one, but there are 12 sunbeams who sat in the very front. Bekah did great! She sang beautifully for at least the 1st verse of every song and sat in her seat for most of Sacrament meeting. She only came down to us twice... once when she loudly whispered that she had to go potty. But she looked so adorable. Really, I know I'm biased, but the girl was just precious.

When it came to her part, she walked up and clearly and beautifully said, "My name is Bekah and I am a child of God." Super. Then she turned around and fell off the stool. I think that there was an audible gasp from the audience. Without batting an eye, her head popped up and she made her way back to her chair with a proud grin. My husband leaned over lovingly and said, "Classic Bekah."

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! Ours was great! Parties, candy, and great weather. Bekah had a preschool party on Thurs., the library did something Friday in the morning, and then the Trunk or Treat was Friday night. We were royalty this Halloween... as it may be the last year we can coordinate. Next year Kyle may not be so pliant. Ahh... I love toddlers!

Bekah was a princess, Kyle a knight in shining armor (he really just loved the sword), Daddy a king, and I was a fairy godmother. My neighbor lent me the dress... and it was pink poof. A couple little girls came up and just stood awestruck in front of me, wistfully stroking the dress. The next morning my neighbor's little girl asked (again!) "Can you put on the pretty dress?"

It was fun to have my parents and Rob's dad over for the trunk or treat. After returning home for dinner-in-a-pumpkin, Rob headed out with the kids for more (I think dad's go for this because of the candy), and then we spent the evening at my neighbor's house. The kids just ran around in their sugar-induced frenzy (no you cannot just eat cookies for dinner) while the adults just talked. The next morning, my kids woke up, and like 80% of American kids, the first words out of their mouths were, "Can I have some candy?"