Ready to play T-ball
"Marshall go down the slide and hit me"
They are the best of friends and love playing together.
She just kept getting in different poses and saying OK now this one mom.
Hahaha... This is so funny...
Love this one.
Yep that is what you call spunk.
OK her arm is bending the wrong way. Funny thing mine does the same thing.
We thought we had to be at the park early to take pictures but found out they had been canceled. The kids thought it was awesome because they got to go play on the toys. It gave me a chance to try out my new camera. I am still working on it but it was fun. Paris loves being in front of the camera and will pose without any issues. Marshall doesn't mind for 1 picture but then he is done. Faith on the other hand I had to chase. The huge grins are from her thinking it was so funny trying to get away from mommy and her camera. Seraphina decided to sleep and let me have some time to take pictures.