KC & J Bo Family


"All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." Edmond Burkes

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Twins T-ball Team

 The Twins...

 Made it to first base.

 So intent on the ball...
 As a parent this drives me nuts but all the kids do it so what can you do?

Marshall has loved playing T-ball this year. It is his first time and he is slowly getting the hang of the game. It is so fun to see him enjoy it. This year they are really just working on learning the game and what they are supposed to do. Casey has made it to all of Marshall's games which is so awesome.

Playing at the Park

 Ready to play T-ball

 "Marshall go down the slide and hit me"
 They are the best of friends and love playing together.
 She just kept getting in different poses and saying OK now this one mom.

 Hahaha... This is so funny...

 Love this one.

 Yep that is what you call spunk.

 OK her arm is bending the wrong way. Funny thing mine does the same thing.

We thought we had to be at the park early to take pictures but found out they had been canceled. The kids thought it was awesome because they got to go play on the toys. It gave me a chance to try out my new camera. I am still working on it but it was fun. Paris loves being in front of the camera and will pose without any issues. Marshall doesn't mind for 1 picture but then he is done. Faith on the other hand I had to chase. The huge grins are from her thinking it was so funny trying to get away from mommy and her camera. Seraphina decided to sleep and let me have some time to take pictures.

Seraphina ~ 10 Weeks 6 Days Blessing Dress

I decided to use the same dress to bless Seraphina in as her older sisters. It is a beautiful dress and for the cost I figure I need to use it several times. hehehe. She looked so cute in it but because it has a silky layer she is so slippery in it. I really needed someone else to help hold her in place but I did the best I could. She was not to happy to be in the dress as you can see. She is more of a free spirit and liked to hang out diaper only style much better. She is such a cutie I just can't help but kiss on this princess!

SummerTime Fun

It was a nice warm day and with Marshall's preschool and Faith's Princess Playgroup over the kids have been having fun playing with Eli (a friend in the neighborhood). They got to have a fun picnic on the front lawn (though the neighbor lets his 2 pitbulls out in the front to use the restroom. Faith is pretty afraid of them so it was nice when he finally put them back inside. Why he doesn't just let them out in his backyard is beyond me). Nothing better than a cold Popsicle after running around on a hot day.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bike & Scooter Fun

 Paris has taken it upon herself to help Faith learn how to ride her bike. They call it their bike learning time. They are the best of friends. I love how much they help each other out.
I couldn't help but take a picture of this cute sad face. He did not want to come home. Oh and if you didn't know cowboy boots go with everything and anything here in Wyoming.