As much as I never thought I'd say this...the past few days have been wonderful. Physically they've been almost unbearable...but my heart is full, and that will have to carry me through until my body can once again catch up!
I've had the chance to sit back (or lay back) and just watch and listen to my little ones. I am grateful for these moments that make me truly appreciate what I have.
These are the sounds that have made me happy...
Scooting - Olivia is scooting all over the place. It isn't an official crawl...more of the gimpy one-legged attempt that my children all seem to prefer. It makes my heart almost burst as I hear her little hands slap the tile on the floor and then her one-footed/one-legged scoot rustling along behind her.
Squeals and Laughter - this sound comes from all of them. Olivia squeals with delight when she manages to scoot fast enough to catch her brothers. Ethan's laugh is he basically thinks he is the funniest thing on the planet! He laughs all day things around him that he finds hilarious and at himself, since he really is goofy! Garrett's laugh is a little harder to elicit these days (he's getting too old and cool!), but when he and Ethan get together...the laughter never ends!
Copy-cat - Ethan is a self-proclaimed Mini-Garrett! I ask E what color cup he wants and he responds "What color is Garrett having?" I ask E what he wants for lunch and it's "What is Garrett having?" He ADORES his big brother and wants to be just like him. It is fun to listen to them play together and grow more like each other every day!
Helpers - Okay, not really a sound, but both boys are such big helpers right now. They watch out for their little sister and are always ready to help her or move her out of a bad situation (or away from anything of theirs that she might destroy!). Garrett has finally gained the confidence to pick her up and carry her around without being directed or shown how to do it. He makes me so happy! Ethan is always ready to make Olivia laugh with a crazy dance and silly noises...and always ends it all with kiss on her forehead! Seriously melts your heart!
Sing-song - My boys love to sing...and can be found, more often than not, singing to themselves as they play. I love to hear Ethan singing silly songs or primary songs as he does his puzzles or plays with cars. Today, while in his own little world, entertained me while jumping on the couch singing at the top of his lungs about the 'Wise man and the foolish man...and their houses on the rocks and sand". Garrett makes up some great songs as well and can always be found humming or singing along with something!
Chatterbox - All my children love to talk...and do so ALL DAY LONG! Ethan is loving having Garrett home from school so he can have another person to talk to (and boss around, as is usually the case!) Olivia is no exception either. She chatters along with her brothers and chatters to herself. If the boys are upstairs...she scoots over to the stairs and shouts up them in a long stream of chattering. If they only knew that she was pleading for them to come down and play with her...or to bring her upstairs with them. The toys upstairs are much more entertaining!
Imagination - Ethan especially is all about the imagination right now. Today at breakfast, he was showing me how his hands were racing each other to the bowl of cereal. One hand didn't make it as fast and kept shouting for the other hand to "wait up!!!"
Daddy-time -: Steve took the day off of work yesterday so I could rest. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing him interact with the kids. They adore their dad and cherish every single second they get to spend with him. I adored listening to their conversations all day and also the sounds of the washing machine start up, the vacuum cleaner running and other various 'usual mom' jobs getting done, all while I was laying in bed. How wonderful it is to have a husband who can (and will) step in when help is needed! I appreciate him more than I can ever express.