Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sassy Little Thing

So, Miss Liv is as sassy as they come right now.  We are butting heads like no other and she has not obeyed one single thing I've asked her to do in over a week!  Yes...life is good!

But lately, I have been finding humor in her complete stubborn-ness.  At least, now that she's been asleep for a couple of hours, I can find a little humor in it.  And I'm posting it here on the blog for all to see.  Mainly, because one day, she's going to have a little girl...just as stubborn as she is, and I want proof!!!

So, today I was reminding Olivia what we do after with our dinner plate as she is up and ready to make a quick escape to go play.  She was standing at the back door, 2 feet away from said plate.  She has her hand on the doorknob, ready to escape, when she turns around and we have the following conversation:

Me - Liv, can you take your plate over to the sink before you go out?

Liv - No.

Me - Remember what we've talked about?  We don't talk back AND we need to do what needs to be done before we get to play!

Liv - Nu uh!!  Liar, Liar...pants on fire!

There you have it...I apparently lie to my children about their responsibilities and she gets to sing about it!!!

And then this lovely exchange...
Liv has always had issues with putting away her shoes.  EVERY SINGLE time she takes off her shoes, she does not put them in the shoe closet.  Seriously...every single time!  I don't even care if she puts them on her shelf in the closet...I just want them IN THE CLOSET!   She'll kick them off in the front room and then runs off to play.  Apparently, I've been using the line "If we don't have a place for our things, then maybe we should just get rid of them" a bit too much because lately!  The past couple of days, when she kicks off her shoes, she now accompanies it with the line, "I don't reawy yike dees shoes anymore."  She's said it a few times...and when I do ask her to put them away, she says she doesn't want them anymore and I can just take them away.  (Yes, your highness!!!)  Guess that's a sign that she has too many shoes!  Stinkin' cheap flip-flops!  I did even make a big show about throwing a pair away the other day...hoping she'd see I was serious!  But it didn't work...or maybe she knew they were getting too small anyway and she was ready to hold her ground no matter what!

Sassy little girl...finding loop-holes in every parenting theory I have.  More like she plays off of every weakness in my already weak and exhausted state!  We are desperately working on the talking back and respect issues, the cleaning up and responsibility and so on...but she's just so darn funny sometimes that I just have to laugh.  That is...when I'm not crying!