Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blackeyes and babysitting

After Halloween we were very tired and Eve was not feeling very well . She went to the Doctor and they told her she had sinusitis. It could have been worse right? Well this wasn't stopping her for doing all of the things that she needed to do that week. On Wednesday Eve, Wes and Addy were going to be watching 4 kids, 2 boys (10 and 12) and 2 girls (4 and 2) over night until Saturday evening. It did not seem like a big deal, but being in someones house other than your own, making food for them and making sure they do their homework and clean up before bed is a little harder than it looks. The part that was the hardest was going from 1 kid to 5 overnight. Plus, Kids are needy and Eve was sick and needy too. The nice part is almost the same as the hard part. 1, they aren't our kids, and 2 it wasn't our house and food, so it all worked out. Addy had fun playing with new toys, new friends and finding new things to get in trouble for, she was a little clingy too. She is very curious as well lately and nothing stops her from exploring. At first the youngest girl and Addy had a hard time learning to share but they figured out to play away from each other then they didn't have to share. Addy spent most of her time in a little chair sitting. standing and just loving it. The boys were at school all day, so Eve just had the 3 little girls at home. Eve did have some visitors while she was there, (it was nice to talk to another adult). Wes came home at night after school and would play nerf darts with the boys for hours. They had a great time. Friday and Saturday we took Addy to Oma's house because she wasn't sleeping well with all of the action that was happening. We knew that she would sleep good in Oma's arms and also have fun when she was awake. Friday night after we picked Addy up from Oma's house Addy decided to climb the back of a kitchen chair. It didn't work out so well for her and ended badly. Eve feel asleep on the couch for just a moment and Wes was preoccupied and that is when it happened......She started climbing up the chair and
then chair came crashing down on top of her, smashing her face. Wes and Eve both jumped up from the sudden crashing noise and found poor little Addy under the chair and screaming. We picked her up and she had a bruise instantly on her head and her nose. Her nose was bleeding! It was scary but it didn't seem serious. Since the Doctors office was already closed and wasn't going to be open again until Monday we decided to wait it out to see how she was. Monday came and Eve was super sick, Wes had to stay home from school to take care of her and Addy, It was too crazy to go to the Doctor for Addy. Her nose was Still pretty swollen and it seemed liked she had a stuffy nose. SO Tuesday we took her in and the Doctor said, "Well I don't think it is broken but she does have a double ear infection". Holy cow poor little thing. No wonder she was clingy and cranky. So we got that taken care of with some drugs which also helped her heal pretty fast. Pretty much the rest of the week we spent holding her.
On Friday Eve's best friend Cory came into town to go to and take Eve to The New
Kids on the Block concert. It was awesome! They sang all of the popular songs from 15 years ago when they where huge, and they also had new hits out that weren't that bad. Eve and Cory had floor seats which was nice but they were kind of far from the stage which was a bummer, so we thought. In the middle of the concert The New kids went to a second stage which just so happened to be right beside them. YAY!Eve and Cory didn't get home until 1am and were still semi-deaf the next day!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Halloween week was great! Eve and Addy went to the duck park in the morning with some friends. The ducks were fed the ducks some cornbread, (that didn’t turn out right for Sunday dinner) and some corn puff cereal. They gobbled it all up! Then Eve, Addy and the friends went to the playground area to swing, slide and everything in-between. Addy had a hard time with the swing, at first but when she noticed that her friend was giggling and laughing she decided to give it a try and loved it. She giggled the whole time; Eve had a hard time getting her out to the swing afterwards. Later that day Eve and Addy went on a long walk in the beautiful weather and Wes met up a little later for the walk home. In the mall parking lot, on the walk home, Eve was getting a little hot and wanted to take off the jacket she was wearing. So while walking Eve pulled the jacket up over her head and didn’t notice that her shirt came with it! And then Wes yelled, “What are you doing”? Eve didn’t know the shirt was coming off too but realized it and hurried and pulled it on. Just a little embarrassing!

Eve and Wes got to carve pumpkins for Monday night family home evening and watch a movie together with no interruptions. Wahoo! It was great! We are Pro's at carving free hand, if you can't tell.

Wednesday was Mom’s and Tot’s Trick or Treat at the church. Each mom was in charge of one door to pass out candy and to decorate it (if they wanted to). All the kids and babies came dressed up and they went door to door in a group and got some treats. For this event Addy was a cute chubby flower. At the first door Addy was mad that Eve was forcing her to go up to it, but then she saw that all of the other kids were getting treats and walked right up to it and got her treat, it was a rice crispy treat. She was so excited that Eve didn’t even have to help her to the next door, she just went right up and held out her hand and her bag. This time it was some pretzels and gingersnap cookies. She kept that one in her hand, the other treat in her bag and was off to the nextdoor holding out her bag. Who knew that kids would catch on so quickly! She love it. After the Trick or treating was over the moms got together in a room and got to chat and snack while the kiddies played.

Thursday was the Law Schools Halloween party. They have pizza and pop and have a little costume contest. This time Eve and Wes were cavemen and Addy was a little monkey. She wasn’t the only monkey there but for sure she was the cutest! After lunch the kids can go trick or treating to each carol (law students desk and work place). This time Addy knew exactly what to do and was pulling us along. She actually snuck off at one point to the haunted carol and was putting all of the candy in her bag. Eve and Wes were busy talking to friends but then noticed and had to give the student all of his candy back. It’s a good thing Addy doesn’t know what candy is yet! She just knows that it usually comes in a shiny or crinkly package, it smells good and it is fun to squish.

Friday was our ward Halloween party that Eve and a friend were in charge of. They thought "Hey we have costumes, where is the party going to be?" Eve, Wes and Addy were cavemen and a monkey again and we had fun. Eve was feeling kind-of stressed and lost her voice but that didn't stop her from fun. Everyone was invited to bring a scary treat and dress up. Most everyone dressed up and only some brought the treats. Eve made fingers and toes and when you bite down there is a crunch, like a bone (don't worry it is just a pretzel) but some people were to scared to eat them. Others brought Brain topped cupcakes, boogers pretzels (pretzels with green icing on the top of them) and mummy toes (little sausages wrapped with tortilla). There were also games to play, bowling with a pumpkin, pumpkin putting, and tossing a penny in the pumpkin. Everyone had fun and there were prizes for the best costumes, group theme, scary treats and those who won the games.

Saturday Eve went to a baby shower in the morning and found a good spot for pictures.