Friday, October 30, 2009


I woke up to Addy singing this morning. It was so cute and funny. This is how it went:
Frieeeeeend..Kyyyylee...outside, octopus, Kyyyyleee.
I was laughing so hard. She must miss her friend!


I accidentally left my plant out side and it was cold and windy. I hurried and brought it and and it just looked sad and I wasn't sure it was going to survive. Addy said "What happened Mama?" I said "The plant is very sad and needs a little love". I walked away do get something and then I saw Addy kissing the plant on each leaf. I told her the plant felt better already. She said "No Mama, plant feel better in Addy chair." SO I moved the plant to her little chair and watched Addy to see what she would do next. She put her snacks in the pot and said "HAPPY". told her plants didn't eat snacks only water and sunshine. We cleaned out the snacks and when came back from throwing them away, Addy was doing this:
She was reading to the plant and had Mo sitting next to it. Ha ha
Addy is the best!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The phrase of the week ...or a few weeks

Addy has been saying the funniest I knew I had to share.
Her 2 new phrases are:
That tickles!!!
Oh Heavy!!
Sometimes she uses them together like today she got the milk out of the fridge and said "Oh Heavy...that tickles, Mama."
So funny!
Oh Yeah and she has been raising her eyebrows up and down, up and down when she looks at you!

Halloween Clowns.

I have never really liked clowns very much. You could say I had a fear of them from the movie IT, but this year I decided to that we should all dress up like clowns for Halloween. We really wanted to have a party but since we live in a tiny apartment we decided just to do the ward party and call it good. Addy was so excited to be a clown. That is all she could talk about for weeks. The party was last night Wednesday the 28th. It started at 6pm with a chili cook off and hot dog roast, fishing for prizes, a cake walk and last but not least the Trunk-or-Treat.
Wednesday morning Addy and I headed over to the Salvation Army and I found the most perfect outfit, Addy's I found in the summer time at a thrift store, and we had been collecting the rest of it little by little. Tuesday night we opened all of the packages of noses and glasses.

Wednesday Addy and I started getting ready at about 4 o-clock with Addy in curlers and lots of hair spray. Wes got home at around 5:15 we all got dressed and then it was make-up time. Addy loved this part and giggled the whole time. Then curlers out, hair sprayed and colored and then off we went.

Addy's BFF was there as a little witch. They were excited to see each other dressed up. They were holding hands for a long time.

When it was time for Trick or treat Addy was jumping around so happy to start. The first trunk we got to Addy, I told her to say Trick or treat and she looks at the guy passing out candy and yells "A TREAT!!!" And that is what she said the whole time. Pretty smart kid if you ask me!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eve's birthday weekend

Oh man did we have fun on my birthday. Wes did a very good job of keeping secrets from me and planning a whole weekend without me knowing. Although the closer we got to the weekend the more I was putting together clues but it did not ruin it because we had a great time. So my birthday was on Thursday. That morning we went to a buffet at the Red Rock casino, Addy and I then went to the park, Met up with a friend that took us to get a mini cake from Nothing Bunt Cake (which we ate later and blew out candles).
White Chocolate Raspberry Bunt
We had a pretty low key day and night and then the next day started the surprise. Wes told me to pack and what the weather was going to be and that was it. I was so excited!! Addy and I picked up Wes at 2 o'clock and started driving. I obviously knew kind-of where we were going (North) and figured we were going to St. George to say in Grandpa's condo (thank you!!). We got there unpacked the car and headed out to find somewhere to eat. Wes was saying how hungry he was and then when we got down there, around restaurants, he said "Hey let's walk around for a while...we have all the time in the world and I don't want to rush it". That was confusing but then when he kept checking his phone and laughing and walking away from me to answer the phone I figured something was up. Wasting time playing in the fountain.

Addy Riding a horse.

We finally went to an Italian place and that is when our friends the Pope's showed up.
Kira and Eve

I was so excited to be able to see them and hang out with them all weekend! It totally made my birthday to have my friends there. I wish I could have had all my friends there but they are so spread out around the world. Anyway that night we played and Kylee and Addy had a blast together.
Saturday morning we went out to breakfast to the Bear Paw. Oh man it is such a good place. It was packed and we were there for a long time but it didn't matter because we had fun. After breakfast we went to the local farmers market.
Kylee with a hat from the farmers market.

We then headed over to the car show,
An awesome Woody car.

a chili cook off, Scarecrow festival
My personal favorite.

The Sheryl Scare Crow

and most importantly (to Addy and Kylee) the stream. Man we couldn't get Addy to do anything else but play in the water.

Kylee was brave enough to meet the Red Robin bird. She was so happy to see a huge red bird!.

We went back to the house for nap time, found a babysitter (thank you Stew) and had a really fun night. (My batteries died so no more picts!) We went and played mini golf, raced cars ( I had THE slowest car), played video games, got pictures taken in a booth, and then went out for dinner. That night we played games until Addy had a night terror, luckily it was pretty late and we were tired anyway.
Sunday we FOUND some food for breakfast, hung out and cleaned the condo, then headed out. We were sad to say goodbye to the Popes but we hope to see them again soon.
Before we left town we stopped by where my Auntie and Uncle were staying and got to spend some time with them. It was a short visit but it was good to see them.
It is only an hour and a half drive home but it took us a little longer. Addy fell asleep and then woke us screaming crazy screams saying her bum hurt. We pulled over, thankfully it was the first exit for Mesquite, we ripped Addy out of her chair and pulled her pants off and her diaper thinking maybe there was something rubbing her or a bug or something. Then she started saying "DIAPER DIAPER". So we put a new diaper on her, and her shoes and let her down. She seemed fine. We thought maybe she was hungry and just saying her bum hurt so Wes walked to get her some food. I kept a close eye on her to see if anything was happening and noticed that her diaper was super saggy and I went over and felt it. it was completely full of wetness. I mean full like she jumped in the pool with it on!No wonder she was screaming! I didn't know her bladder was that big! Anyway we got back in the car and headed home and had a quite night.
Thanks to Wes I had a great birthday surprise!


I found it!!! I found fall here in Vegas. I thought I would not see one tree change since most of them are either Palm trees or some kind of a pine tree. But I looked outside our window and found fall. It isn't much but I will take it!


Not only are we so excited that Wes passed the bar and is now an Attorney but he also got his name on the door. Congratulations honey! We love you!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Addy never really stacked things when she was little and I always heard that if they didn't stack things that something was wrong. We would try and stack but she would just knock it down after two things were stacked. Well the other day Addy shut herself into the pantry and this is what I found when I opened it....
She was staking cans as tall as she could. I wondered why nothing stayed organized in there! Ha Ha Silly Addy!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Whoa-man and Gavin's visit

We had our friends the Yardley's come and visit last weekend. Addy was so excited to have friends stay with us. Roman or Whoa-man (2) and Gavin(6) were so much fun.

Addy could not take her eyes off of Gavin for a minute. He is pretty cute! She would laugh at anything that he did and would try and show him toys, her fingernails, pretty much anything that would have him pay attention to her. She liked Roman too, but since they are only 4 days apart and at the same stage of not sharing, they had their little fights. They do have one thing in common..they are both obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba and would dance together and sing the songs.

The adults had fun too. Julie and I got to go shopping with all of the kids, while Wes went house hunting and Kyle ran an insane 128 mile relay race called the Ragnar. Later that night we went out to eat, Kyle passed out and they rest of us played games.
We miss our friends the Yardleys and miss game night too!
Here are the kids saying goodbye.
Addy was so sad when they left and they only thing that made her happy is having her Daddy make her a caterpillar.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ode to Gabby

Addy's friend Gabby Moved to Utah over the weekend and they got to spend almost one whole day together. In the morning they were playing at Lucy's house and in the afternoon our house. It took them a second to get along but afterward there was lot's of fun!
We miss you Gabby!! Hope you like your new home.

Shark Reef

We went to the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay with my friend Shannon and baby Isabella. We had a ton of fun. Addy loved looking at everything. They have an area where you can touch a sting ray and a few little sharks but Addy was too chicken.

We saw all kinds of things. Fish, Sharks, Turtles, Komono Dragon, Octopus, sting ray, star fish and jelly fish.

The best part was when Addy walked across the glass floor and then laid down on her belly and started swimming and yelling "I'm swimming!"
She is a funny little girl!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

From 1 to 2

I would like to share some things from Adelade's life from her first birthday to her second.
The day after her first birthday, September 29, 2008 Addy started walking. Then came running, jumping with one foot and right before her 2nd birthday jumping with both feet all over the place.
Addy loves to run, dance, going on walks, do somersaults, fly, ride bikes, go to parks, loves to spell park, home, cake and any other words we feel like.
Addy loves having friends. She loved her little friend in Provo, Jane and then when we moved she found 2 new friends Gabby and Lucy. She talks about them all the time, even in her sleep.
Addy was an excellent sleeper until we moved here to Vegas. She slept about 11-12 hours and now she sleeps about 9-10, on a rare occasion she will sleep longer. She also loves her big bed.
For about 6 months she would only let me since one song to her at night time and would want me to sing it 5 times. It is a song from signing time called Special to Me.
Addy learned to swim and loves to do it anywhere she goes. She will even lay down on a floor that has a little spilled water on it and yell out "I'm swimming"! She even swims in the bath tub! She also will float on her back all over the pool and bath.

She is very independent. If you try to help her do something she will tell you "No, Self".
She loves to giggle, and fake cry.
She loves to pretend to pull body parts off of you and eat them. Sometimes she will tell you what it tastes like and sometimes she will spit it out.
Addy loves animals but only from a distance.

She loves to read and gets 10 new books from the library every other week.
She learned to go potty on her own but doesn't like to do it all the time.
She likes to say "I tooted", then "excuse me".
She loves lotion and to put it on by herself.
She can dress herself, with just a little supervision.
Addy loves to wear flowers in her hair and will pick her own out to wear everyday. (good thing I make them)
She is very girlie and loves to wear Necklaces, Bracelets and has to have her Fingernails and toes painted every Saturday night to get ready for church.
She still loves Mo but has to sleep with Mo1, Mo2, puppy, giraffe, blanket and princess cup.
She likes to be the center of attention.
For a while she was obsessed with watching the same Wiggles video everyday but now it is Yo Gabba Gabba and Little Bear.
She also loves Signing Time and I swear she is smarter because of that show!.
She loves to cook.
She loves to eat, spaghetti, hot dogs, chicken, cheese, sausage, pizza, dried cherries, anything with sugar, Any and all fruit all the time.

Addy loves to help me clean. She will even get a wipe out of my purse when we are out and clean something there.
She Has been able to put her shoes on by herself since she was 18 months.
She knows left from right.
She does not like snow and she gets really tan in the sun.
I love everything about her. I think my favorite thing is night time. Se tells me she loves me This Much, with her arms stretched out to the sides. She Gives me three kisses every night, Regular kiss, Butterfly kisses on each cheek and an Eskimo (we call them bunny kisses).
My other favorite thing is how polite she is. She always says please and thank you, Blesses you when you sneeze and lately has been saying "Thank you Mama". It is really cute.
She is silly and fun. We love Addy so much!