Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Story of the day

This morning and almost every morning Addy tells us a story from the scriptures.....well she is flipping through the scriptures while she is telling a story. Today's story was classic:
"Once upon a time, Little Bear, Jesus, Father Bear and Mother Bear went to the beach. Sand, play play play play. Then go home to Addy's New house and play play play play. Then they ate fruit snacks. The end."
She shuts the book and then it is my turn to really read and I start reading and she stops me "Mama you forgot to say once upon a time."
She is a smart little girl.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Slow Pokes

Wes and I got out of the van and went in the house.....Addy was playing around outside. When she realized we were already inside she yells "Wait for me Slow Pokes!"
I love this kid!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Today's funnies from Addy.

We all headed downstairs this morning and Addy grabs her belly and says "OOO." her stomach growling loudly, "There's a kitty cat in there!...And a Tiger."

Later on Addy and I were cleaning up the house. I was making her do all of her chores and she says "I not help you anymore, mama..... I just can't". She sits down in the rocking chair and just holds Mo.

Since Addy was sick we were watching a little more TV since we couldn't go outside.She started crying when the TV went off this morning. She say's "Where is Dad?" Sob sob "I need him... I need him to hold me."

We got a package from Namma today and Addy said these phrases the whole while she is opening them.
"What's it what's it what's it!!"
"Oh my oh my oh my."
"Oh my goodness."
"Oh man."
"WOOK Mama WOOK!!"(look)
"A Booty and the beast coloring book. Oh I love you Belle."
"Thank you thank you thank you."

Can you tell she was excited?
I will post some of the video later.
My camera is broken and so the pictures may be few and far between until I can buy a new one.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


We read our scriptures as a family every morning before we even get out of bed. The other day Addy was trying to take them from me. I said "Addy please wait I am trying to find something" while I am thumbing through the pages. She gets in my face really close with really big eyes and asks "Jesus?"
I started cracking up that I forgot what I was really looking for.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentines box

Dear friends and Family- This Valentines box is a one of a kind Valentine eating monster made by Addy (Little help from me). It is ready to gobble up the valentines that will be sent in the mail. Addy is really excited. We can not wait to open them on February 14!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Of Course!

Addy's new thing is to say "Of course". She says it at the funniest of times and most of the time she uses it correctly. One day she said "Mama I fell down." I said "Oh no, you did ?" She says " Of course!"
Tonight we made pancakes and eggs for dinner and I asked her if she wanted to help make everything.
She says "Of course, Mama. I crack the eggs of course, and mix too!"
Her little face just cracks me up when she says it because it is so matter of fact.