Wednesday, February 9, 2011

1st half of January.

January went by quick so I I post something quick too. New Years was spent at home with our friends Melanie and Danny. We had a lot of fun and we did nothing at all!
Neither Addy or Owen were up for the fireworks or the stroke of midnight, but it is better that way.
Owen had his first little hair cut. We had to rid him of the mullet. He was really good and just kind of let us do it. No crying or complaining.
Sunday, New Years day we came home from church and Addy was loving on her brother so I needed to take some pictures.
Monday morning we woke up and there was snow covering our ground! We do not know what to do when this happens in Vegas! Addy was unimpressed since we had just come from mountains of snow. It did not last long, by 10am the snow was gone!

Owen would rather be in the bath than in the snow.

We watched the Ohio State game.

Addy rides her bike in the house since it has never been outside. She has a blast.
Owen rolls over so fast I could not get a picture of him!

The week after Christmas.

We decided that the day after Christmas (Sunday) we would go up to Utah for some family, snow, and fun. Unfortunately that meant taking down the Christmas tree on Christmas day. Addy and I were pretty sad but there is always next year and hey, at least it was done.

This is the first year that Addy has actually participated in playing in the snow. She had a blast. She would pick up a clump of snow, (can't make a snowball in Utah powder snow). she would throw it and at the same time yell "snowball fight!!".

We got to go snowmobiling (Addy screamed until we forced her on and then loved it, then fell asleep), Wes went snowboarding, we made snow angels and the best (at least for me) was going sledding. We would start at the top of the driveway and then just cruise on down the street a half mile or more and then get picked up on the snowmobiles. SO much fun!!! It snowed like a beast when we were at the cabin, it was great!

We also would go hot tubing after we were in the cold for awhile. Addy LOVED it!

Owen had no idea what was happening but he loved being with family. Although he was nicknamed Spitty Smitty on the trip because he kept spitting up at the cabin and he rarely ever does that. I blame it in the altitude.

Bundled up for the 19 degree weather.

He even fell asleep in Opas arms.

Oh Yeah and I introduced the Wii bowling to Addy and she housed us! Here is a video of her getting spare.