Monday, October 27, 2008

A Penguin, A Pony, A Pumpkin and Potatoes

Wes and Eve finally got to go on a date 2 days in a row. First we went to the temple, which was great and then the next day we went to Cornbellies. We walked through a corn maze, jumped on a giant pillow, walked through a HUGE dragon, roped a steer, raced rubber ducks, went down a big slide, watched piggies race, races 3 wheelers and ate some pumpkin cake with hot chocolate. We had a great time but forgot our camera.
Wes has been working on a enormous project and Addy and Eve have not seen much of him. Last week Wes finally finished it and We lived it up.

Addy and Eve started swimming lessons 2 weeks ago. Addy is in the class called The Penguins.The lessons teach babies and their parents how to swim. First you teach them how to kick, then blow bubbles. Then you give them a toy to swim to (while you hold on to them) and praise them when they make it there. You have them hold on to the edge of the pool and kick and hold on by themselves. Then the best part is teaching them to 1.2.3. JUMP. Addy is really funny at this part. She won't look Eve in the eyes at all and watches the other kids. At first it was more like 1.2.3. TIMBER, but now that she understands she bends way down and sticks one foot out and falls into Eves arms. The hardest part of the lessons is playing ring around the rosy. Everyone stands in a circle with their babies, sings the song and on the fall down part you take your kids under. The teacher asks that we hold them under longer and longer each time. Addy is good at holding her breath when she goes under BUT only for a second. Keeping her under for 4, 5, or 6 seconds seems like a long time. We know she will learn soon, there are still 3 weeks of lessons.

Addy and Eve also got to visit with an old friend that was visiting her parents in Grantsville, Ut. Where, you say? Yeah Eve didn't know either. Field after field, mountain after mountain Eve finally made it there. Addy and Eve even saw skydivers jumping out of a plane on the way there and on the way home.
It was football Saturday so of course Addy was an OSU cheerleader (on call for the team). We watched the game and Addy played with the band and cheered the whole time. The ride back didn't seem so long, but we knew what we were looking for.
The next day we celebrated Eve's Birthday with Wes's family in Lehi. We ate Chicken Cordon blue, mashed potatoes, salad and had cake of course. Eve's favorite cake is wedding cake and the birthday cake tasted just like it! YUM! We all finished up the night with presents and playing WII Fit. Who would have thought it could be so much fun. We had ski jumping contest and it was great.

That same week Addy hit 20 lbs and we got to turn her car seat around. It was a great day! She was very excited and and so were we.Addy's new thing is to help unload the dishwasher. We know that every little kid goes through this stage, but Eve is loving it. Addy hands one piece of silverware at a time to Eve and says "Here". And Eve says "Thanks you", and Addy copies her. Sometimes she tries to climb inside the dishwasher but we don't let her. She also gets all of the plastic plates and Tupperware out.

On Eve's Birthday, the Moms group from church went up to Thanksgiving point Farm Country. We had so much fun. Addy loves animals and tries to copy their noises. She even got a pony ride and rode it like a bullet bike (motorcycle). She went from excited, to laughing, to crying. Then we went to t he pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin for Addy.

That night Wes took Eve and Addy out for Eve's birthday to CPK and they had a great time!

The next day we went out to eat with Wes's dad to tucanos. It is a Brazilian restaurant, and I got a free birthday meal. Addy had a blast with the mashed potatoes.

Addy is the funniest little girl ever. We can't wait to post some more pictures amd she you how much fun Halloween week is going to be.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ode to Adelade

Since Addy just turned one I thought I would recap her first year with pictures and the story of when I went into labor.I will start off with my Baby shower in June in Ohio. We had a blast played poopy diaper game and How big around are you with toilet paper. Afterwards We celebrated by going to COSI.
I had another baby shower, For friends in August by my best friend Cory. We had it at Timpanogos Park and it was a super windy day. Everything was blowing all over the place. The third shower I had was given by Valerie, my sister in-law at her house, later August for family in Utah.
Wes was gone all summer which was sad because I was looking forward to having 2:30am cravings and making him go get me something. But he wasn't there and I didn't have any cravings. Although Mexican did taste better than anything else that I ate and one time on the way home from the gym I passed a Taco Bell and really wanted their nachos. But other than that I ate normal and was still working my 40 hour shift every week. It was getting pretty funny dressing for work because I didn't fit into anything comfortably anymore and none of my shoes fit me anymore unless I wanted my feet to swell up really big. I started wearing my flip flops which I don't think my boss liked so much but I didn't care. I wasn't sleeping much and I started not caring about anything but having the baby SOON!
On Wednesday the 26th of September 2007 I woke up and told Wes that I was going to be having the baby today. He said okay and told everyone at school that the baby was coming that day. I had to work that evening and I told everyone there that I was having the baby that night. My boss told me he would boil the water and rip up some old clothes but that was about it. It was the big joke that night at work. SO I went home snacked on something watched a little TV and then Wes and I went to bed. At 2:30am I woke up like normal to use the restroom, got back into bed and felt like I had to go again. So I got back up and realized my water had broke. I hollered to Wes that it was time to have the baby and he jumped out of bed and asked how I knew and asked what he needed to do. I told him to pack himself a bag and help me get ready. I really wanted to take a shower, so I hopped in while Wes got ready.
We got to the hospital, rang the doorbell to get in and they answered "Yes". And Wes said "Um my wife is having a baby". They let us in, checked us in and told me that I was only a 1/2 cm, so I had 9 1/2 to go but since my water broke I had to stay there. 5 hours later I was only at 2cm.
I had taken Hypno Birthing classes and decided that a natural birth was right for me. I practiced and practiced and was ready for little Addy to come. But I wasn't ready for everything that happened. About hour 10-12 my body couldn't handle anything anymore. I was tired, really tired, hungry and shaking uncontrollably. I started getting really sick and so the nurses gave me some drugs in my IV, which just made me pass out but could still feel the pain. LAME! So I got an epidural and was ready for it to be over. Thursday was passing pretty fast and still no baby. Finally Dr. Shelley Savage came and said that we had to get going and that it had been to long since my water broke. She found out that I was not progressing because Addy was posterior (face up) and stuck on my pelvic bone. She said that Addy needed to be rotated or we would have to do a c-section. Luckily rotating worked and we thought for sure it would go smoothly after that but Addy was too tired and so was I (did I mention I was really hungry too?). SO then the DR. said the she needed to come now because it was getting dangerous and our options were forecepts or vacuumed. We picked vacuumed and after one push Addy was in the world.
Adelade Eve Smith was born on September 28th 2007 at 8:30 am 7lbs 2oz 19.5 inches long and she had lots of black hair. Wes got to give her the very first bath, while I was recouping.
We got home on Sunday morning and were exhausted. We had great friends in our ward that brought us lunch and dinner. My feet were still really swollen and we were so grateful for the meals. Finally my mom got there after about 5 days. It was great to have her here to take care of us.
This is when our lives began with our little baby Addy.

Here are some pictures for each week/month of her life. You can see the little girl she has become.

3 days old

One week old
One month
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months
I forgot that the other picts are on Wes's computer. I'll post those later. Please check back.

11 months
12 months

Birthday Girl After Party

Addy's real birthday was on Sunday September 28th at 8:38am. We celebrated by going to church. G-pa wasn't feeling well so he stayed home, so the rest of us got to see Addy at her best! She looked cute but for some reason if she skips her early morning nap she has a break down at church. It seems that we can only make it about 30 minutes before we see the wrath of Addy. We do not have any pictures of this, which is probably better. Wes and Eve were lucky that G-ma and Aunt Peach were there then because we were substitute teaching Sunday School and would not have made through with a screaming baby. So Aunt Peach and G-ma took Addy home so she could get some sleep.
Later that night Eve, Wes, Addy and Aunt Peach went over to our friends house for dinner. We had a great time. Wes got to watch football, Aunt peach got to chat with an old friend and Eve and Addy got to jump on a trampoline.
Monday morning we got up and had to take Aunt peach to the airport. It was sad and Addy was upset but she knew she would see her again really soon. Aunt Peach wait and waited the whole time she was visiting to see Addy really walk and to her her say "uh oh". The afternoon after she was taken to the airport Addy did both! She walked from the table to Eve and then from Eve to the table. She would get so excited and wave her arms up and down and pant like a dog. She also would drop something and say "uh", It was a crazy day.
That night at dinner Addy was a little goof. G-ma would put her hand up to her own ear and say to Addy "call me". Addy then took her finger (with cottage cheese all over it) stuck it in her ear and would say "el-oo?" She had the whole table laughing. She also took the strap of her chair and put it up to her ear and said the said the same thing, then scream because she was excited.

Addy loves stories and books so G-pa would read to her everyday. They had a great time looking at all the new books she got as presents. G-pa also loved playing with Goofy little Addy and she loved the attention. Later on that week, the Mom's group from church was meeting at the park and Eve knew that Addy would need to go to make friends. Addy and Eve took G-ma with them and headed to the Paul Ream Park in Provo Ut. It has a playground and a duck pond. G-ma and Eve decided to bring some bread along with was so Addy could feed the ducks. Eve, G-ma and Addy had a lot of fun. they played with the other moms for a while, rode on the slides and then feed the ducks. One duck was by himself and very friendly. They broke off bread for him and he came up really close. Addy loved it. She sat on the ground making her animal sound (panting like a dog) the whole time. We were not worried about the duck atacking her but.....

we were scared she might attack the duck.

That weekend was general conference and we all enjoyed watching it, and Addy during that time. She attacked a balloon and wrestled around with it for a while. We also found out that Addy learned to Whistle. She sucks in and makes a funny little face. She does it all the time and it is so funny. She will just walk around the house and whistle while she plays.

G-ma and G-pa left on the monday after conference and Addy is still recovering from having so much play time with them.