September 23, 2003

It seems Ms. Stewart isn't the only truth-impaired Coulter-wannabee out there: Tapped elegantly tears a new one into former Dartmouth Review bundist Laura Ingraham, while also explaining how Regnery Publishing performs its magic.
Baseball may have once been our national pastime, and football is our national sport, but basketball truly is the American game: David Stern, commissioner extraordinaire, comes to the defense of Kobe while simultaneously ripping the Patriot Act.

September 21, 2003

The San Jose Mercury News puts more meat on the story about Ahnolt's bricklaying venture in the early-70's. Not only does the story confirm what was originally reported here about European Brick Works not ever having possessed a contractor's license, but it further explores the legal ramifications, both in terms of A.S.' immigration status at the time, and the legal requirement in California for a bricklaying company to possess a license to charge over $100 for any job. [link via Calif. Insider]
HORSE RACE UPDATE: The Washington Post reports that a poll by the non-partisan Public Policy Institute shows Bustamante continuing to lead Ahnolt, 28-26, with McClintock trailing at 14%. Since most of the stories about Cruz have been negative, the fact that he maintains a small lead over one of the most famous people on earth indicates that A.S. is dead in the water, and he may need a K.O. in the debate this week to resuscitate his campaign. Support for the recall continues to collapse, with only 53% now in favor, and 42% against, a margin that will tighten further if the Big 3 do nothing but attack each other Wednesday.

September 20, 2003

As a follow-up to yesterday's post on Jill Stewart, I thought I would post links to the actual legislation the left-coast version of Ann Coulter refers to in her article. The bills are: AB 1245, AB 1309, AB 587, AB 1742, SB 796, SB 892, and AB 231. Since fact-checking and due dilligence seem to be rare commodities in blogtopia, I thought I would at least try to make a difference.

September 19, 2003

The Ninth Circuit has agreed to rehear this week's decision on the recall. My guess is that the panel will overturn the decision but still require the District Court to set a new date for the election (poss. the first week of November) so that the appeals can be properly heard.

UPDATE: Eight of the eleven judges on the en banc panel were originally nominated by Democratic Presidents, but none of the three who made the original ruling made it.

UPDATE [2]: The oral arguments before the Court of Appeals will be televised !!
He's not just your run-of-the-mill slimy politician, he's eeeeevvvvvviiilllllll:

Jill Stewart, on Gray Davis:
If the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals delays the recall, pity the voters who will be subjected to months of Gray Davis faking he likes church...and faking he's a good man.
The rest of her article is even better, if you like mendacious summaries of legislation (which she doesn't link to) with your breakfast. She even attacks a law that would punish schools if they don't keep sanitary bathrooms after getting 30 days notice to clean up !!

September 18, 2003

Anyone who saw Oscar de la Hoya kick the ass of Shane Mosley last Saturday must have been as baffled by the media reaction after the fight as the ridiculous decision by the three judges that created the fiasco. Sports contrarian Allan Barra explains why the viewers at home have a much better seat, and a more legitimate position, in determining who won the fight than the judges and reporters at ringside. One of the reforms he'd like to see for title fights is to allow judges to have access to the same TV angles of the fighters, and the same PunchStat numbers, that the TV audience has. [link via Off-Wing Opinion] It won't stop a crooked judge from overlooking the fact that one fighter landed over a hundred more punches than his opponent, but at least it's a start.
You know it's mid-September when the evenings start to get a little cooler, the kids are back in school, and Bill Plaschke has a column blaming the Dodgers' annual collapse on a non-white player. This time it's Odalis Perez, the team's most consistent (and hardest-working) pitcher, who gets attacked because he asked for (and received) a day off because one of the cuticles on his pitching hand broke off. Seems like a minor injury, sure, for those of us who don't have to put extreme pressure on that area of our body 100 times a night. Earlier this year, he attacked Kevin Brown for trying to pitch through injuries; now he rips a player for needing a day off because of an injury. Of course, the guy who replaced him in the rotation pitched brilliantly, and the team got shut out again, a problem that wouldn't have happened had Plaschke not driven Gary Sheffield out of town two years ago.

September 17, 2003

Ever since such stories became fashionable, nothing has been more boring to me than accounts of "political correctness" at schools and universities. I usually end up sympathizing with the person or group that has been attacked for taking offense at some alleged act of bigotry, due as much to my skepticism about the truthfulness of the account, rather than any political connection I might feel. Invariably, closer scrutiny of the story will reveal that either the Wall Street Journal editorial has once again taken the incident out of context, or that the frat boy really did use the "n-word", and the entire story will be revealed as a sham created out of thin air to attack some mythical stereotype of feminism, or to minimize the reality of bigotry by drawing a false moral equivalence between institutional racism and the misguided antics of some student groups.

Therefore, I think it is incumbent on me to comment on this little bit of outrage, which as far as I know has not been commented on by the usual suspects on the right. Here, you have an attempt to boycott the L.A. Daily News being organized by the Simi Valley teachers' union, to protest the newspapers criticisms of educational policy that the union finds unacceptable. The Daily News has a policy of providing free newspapers to local schools, and the United Association of Conejo is upset that the paper's policy of using often-hysterical headlines to publicize the editorial opinion on its news pages is giving short-shrift to their positions on teacher pay and the like.

Boycotting a newspaper is a reasonable political tactic, one that can be embraced as a worthy expression of free speech by those who do not have the funds, or the megaphone, that come from publishing a newspaper. I have defended the right of college students to toss student papers in the trash as an expression of that right, and oppose the efforts of people like Nat Hentoff to criminalize or punish such conduct. And, of course, conservatives themselves have used much the same tactics, when it comes to trying to censor the BBC or CNN because they were insufficiently supportive of both U.S. foreign and Israeli domestic policy.

But the teachers union has adopted an indefensible position on this issue, one that redounds to their discredit. Rather than using the paper's position as a starting point for the discussion of education issues in the classroom, or as a way of "teaching against the text" in better educating their students, and thereby using the paper to illustrate to impressionable children that simply because someone speaks from a position of authority doesn't mean that the person or institution is correct, instead the union is using its position to censure a contrary opinion, an opinion against their pecuniary interests.

Not surprisingly, as with any banned publication, that only makes the contents more alluring to their students. It is as unconstructive an educational policy as banning Huckleberry Finn or Catcher in the Rye because of objectionable language, and it only leads to making the rather banal political positions of a newspaper seem like forbidden fruit. [link via L.A. Observed]
Good summary of the political ramifications if the Supreme Court decides to get involved in the recall fracas. I'm still waiting for Volokh Conspiracy to weigh in on this; to date, the conservative reaction has spanned the range from ad hominem attacks on the three justices (here, here, here, and here) to strained efforts (here and here) at distinguishing Bush v. Gore, none of which has redounded to their credit, either politically or intellectually. I happen to believe that the Ninth Circuit's decision was a reasonable one from a legal standpoint (in any event, I have always thought that being the "most overturned appellate court" in the era of Rehnquist, Thomas and Scalia was the highest honor that could be given to a federal circuit; no one has any problems today with the dissents of either of the Harlans, for example), but may be questionable from a factual standpoint (are the methods of counting ballots to be used in March really that more accurate than the punch card system, so much that there is no "rational basis" to hold the quickie election?) I'm no law-review rat, so I'd be happy to read more learned opinions on this issue.

September 16, 2003

WHY I'M PROUDLY PALEO: This has to be the most clueless blog posting since the recall was scheduled, from Kausfiles:

Here's an anecdote from the Recorder's account that pretty much captures the seemingly condescending, museum-quality paleoliberal mindset of at least one of the three judges on the appelate panel:
[Judge Harry] Pregerson then playfully pointed out that education [in how to avoid punch card errors] might not work on tired workers, or workers harried by trying to find their polling place. Then he said those problems might be more of a concern to minority candidates (sic) who may have more reason to be tired at the end of the day than whites.

"In L.A., if you look around, see who's working and who isn't," Pregerson said, drawing laughter from the near-capacity courtroom.
I guess the definition of a neo-liberal is someone who believes non-whites don't work.

In a not-unexpected development, a justice on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has requested that the full circuit hear the appeal of yesterday's ruling on the recall circus. They will decide sometime tomorrow or Thursday whether to hear the appeal.

September 15, 2003

As you probably know already, the Ninth Circuit postponed the recall election until such time as each of the counties has done away with the archaic punch-card voting system. There isn't really a good argument for having the election in October, anyway, other than the fact that the arbitrary deadline for scheduling it was written into state law ninety years ago. It is generally a good thing in any democracy to allow voter passions to cool, which is why the recall proponents wanted (and needed) a quickie election.

If the Court's ruling stands, the election will likely be held in March, 2004, on the same date as the Presidential primary; that should improve Davis' chances of beating the recall (more Democrats will be voting then), but diminish the hopes of Bustamante (more time until the election allows the GOP to consolidate behind one candidate, who can spend Cruz into the ground over the next seven months). Since both Bustamante and A.S. have apparently stalled in the polls, any delay only serves to help the other candidates get their campaigns off the ground, or in the case of McClintock, to continue his momentum.

BTW, what a clever touch to base their decision on Bush v. Gore !!

September 13, 2003

Everyone have a nice weekend. I'm off to Santa Monica (prob. Over/Under) for some college football, followed by Mosley-de la Hoya tonight.

UPDATE: Never again !! Anyone (besides the de la Hoya haters) who thinks Mosley won that fight should be prevented from handling sharp objects. But it was nice to see Bill Plaschke finally find an African-American athlete he could get behind.

September 12, 2003

This may not mean much of anything, but readers of Kausfiles know that one of his current obsessions is about an appearance A.S. had on the Tonight Show a couple of decades ago, in which he boasted about being a part of a chimney repair scam when he first came to the country. The nation's paper of record fills in some of the gaps. The name of the venture, European Brick Works, was formed by the candidate and his pal and fellow bodybuilder, Franco Columbu, after the 1971 Sylmar earthquake, to "repair" masonry devastated by the disaster. According to the records of the Contractor's State License Board, no entity by that name has ever been licensed in the state of California, either as a general contractor or a C-29 masonry specialist, nor do the names "Columbu" or "Schwarzenegger" appear as either officers or personnel of any licensed contractor.

Understand, I've only handled a few construction cases in my legal career, and I have only a passing knowledge of contracting law as it stands today, much less what it was like in the early-70's. "European Brick Works" may have obeyed the law in every respect, and the stories Ahnolt was telling Johnny Carson may have been apocryphal, like the now-infamous "gang-bang" story, designed to showcase the non-conformist, outlaw rep that he thought would sell his screen persona.

But I have a feeling that state law back then would have frowned on anyone, even skilled bricklayers, from falsely claiming they were licensed contractors, and I find it hard to believe that the typical Valley homeowner (or, for that matter, the homeowner's insurer covering their earthquake claim) would have employed an unlicensed business to "fix" their chimneys.
Being a friend sometimes requires you to tell someone that what they are doing is wrong; sycophancy and friendship are incompatible. It's called "tough love". If your friend has had too much to drink, and is acting in a belligerent and irrational manner, you call him a taxi, or you try to settle him down. You don't tell him he's okay to drive home.

Since September 11, 2001, Tony Blair has not been a very good friend to the United States. When we needed allies, instead we got co-dependents.

September 11, 2003

The latest L.A. Times poll is out, and it pretty much affirms the findings of the Field snap-shot earlier this week: Bustamante maintains a five-point lead, 30% to 25%, but he's pretty much hit the ceiling as far as his potential support is concerned; Ahnolt is failing to generate much excitement; and McClintock is hanging in there, with 18%. If this poll is accurate, there is absolutely no reason for McClintock to drop out. Support for the recall remains at 50%, but Davis has narrowed the gap to within the margin of error in the poll; he now trails by only 3%. If the big three in the replacement election continue to go negative on each other, the voters are going to choose the devil they know. Davis will probably survive, in spite of himself.
This is way beyond belief. How can any country that considers the Barbie doll to be a "Jewish" plot against Islamic morality be considered an ally in fighting terrorists? [link via Adam Felber]

September 10, 2003

If the blogosphere is the next big thing, then it will have to produce a writer as eloquent, as insightful, as fearless in speaking truth to power, as Prof. Krugman. We may all have to wait awhile on that one...UPDATE: My, what a stupid thing to post. Not about Krugman; he's still god. But about the blogosphere...what was I thinking? I only visit this site twice a day, this site several times, and wish that this site would resume posting. And the author of this article is what each of those blogs have in common. If the L.A. Times doesn't give him a bi-weekly column soon, their shareholders will hold them accountable.

September 08, 2003

The latest Field Poll has Bustamante maintaining a five-point lead over the pack...UPDATE: here's the actual polling data. At first glance, it appears that Bustamante may have problems getting above his current total, while A.S. continues to under-achieve, and McClintock may actually have an outside shot of pulling off a shocker. Wiser men than myself have already analyzed the significance of the ethnic and gender breakdown in the poll; what I think is interesting is the fact that almost a fifth of the self-described conservatives polled are undecided, as opposed to only 6% of the liberals polled. With his name recognition, Ahnolt should have already nailed down this group, so the fact that so many are still on the fence indicates that they have a hard time rationalizing a vote for him, but still remaining skeptical about McClintock's chances. If that attitude changes, if the State Senator actually starts running a halfway-decent media campaign, if Bustamante doesn't find a way to expand his current support beyond African-Americans, Latinos and women, and/or if A.S.' idiosyncracies become too hard for the typical Dana Point/Palos Verdes elector to stomach, McClintock could be our next governor.


Resolved: Any writer who continues to translate the MeChA slogan Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada as "For the Race, everything. For those outside the Race, nothing," is himself a racist.

Resolved: Anyone who says that MeChA is morally equivalent to the Nazis or the KKK, is himself sympathetic to the methods(if not the specific aims) of the Nazis and the KKK.

Resolved: Any blogger who denounces MeChA, or similar groups, as "misguided identity politics", has proven why "identity politics" is still going to be embraced by many non-WASPs.


September 07, 2003

Howard Owens, who's been taking me to task recently for my sympathies to MeChA and La Raza, has a lileksian piece on record collecting that's worth your time. I used to have a pretty decent and comprehensive collection of British Invasion LP's, but like the rest of my albums they all were ruined when the roof of my bedroom collapsed as a result of the Northridge Earthquake. BTW, do they even sell turntables anymore?

The usually-excellent conservative legal blog, Volokh Conspiracy, had this unfortunate cheap shot yesterday on the Alabama budget crisis. Quoting the nation's paper of record:
The Horror!

After the rally at Troy State, Lucy Skellett, a sophomore cheerleader, explained how the budget woes affected her. Last year, the cheerleading squad got to travel with the football team. This year, there is no money for away games.

"Four games," Ms. Skellett said. "That's all we get to cheer now, is four games. You know how hard we work out for that?"

If Alabamians won't vote for a $1.2 billion tax increase to help out Ms. Skellett ... well, I'm just speechless. Oh, the humanity!
As an unabashed and unapologetic fan of cheerleaders and cheerleading, I feel it incumbent to defend the honor of Lucy Skellett and the rest of her teammates on the Troy State squad. Unlike college football and basketball players, cheerleaders don't get paid for what they do. A great deal of work and practice goes into it, and their only reward (besides an improvement in their social life) is to hear the third-rate cracks from the geeks and nerds they won't go out with (like me).

More to the point, however, is the fact that this budget cutback is happening at Troy State. Not Alabama. Not Auburn. Troy State. I guarantee you, if the Crimson Tide were forced to cut back on any aspect of its football program due to budget cuts imposed by an outdated tax code, the powers-that-be in that state would rise up, and demand higher taxes !! But since the cutbacks are occurring at a "lesser" state school (no doubt similar sacrifices are going on at the historically black colleges in that state as well), well, we can laugh at the poor girl who has to work her ass off (figuratively speaking) for the honor of being treated like a joke by her home state.

September 06, 2003

One month from today, I turn 40. Another day closer to the grave, as Reid Fleming would say. Any words of consolation?

September 05, 2003

Ahnolt's not the only one who is finally answering questions about his positions. Here are some responses from Georgy Russell after a speech yesterday in Berkeley, including the promise that she will move to Sacramento should she win the election. Go Georgy Go !!!

September 04, 2003

Hud-Dogg ? Angel TV-announcer (and longtime former big league journeyman) Rex Hudler got busted in Kansas City over the weekend with possession of pot and certain drug paraphenalia, which, for anyone who has ever listened to him, explains a lot.

UPDATE: Now that I think about, Hudler was hospitalized a couple of years ago with a brain hemorrhage that almost took his life. Like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, whose usage of marijuana is tied to his problem with migraine headaches, it is entirely possible that Hudler is smoking weed for "medicinal purposes". Not that it makes it any more legal to do so in the state of Missouri, but it does add some context to this incident.
Bowing to the inevitable, Miguel Estrada withdrew his name from nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeal in D.C. His defeat may well mark a turning-point in efforts to pack the courts to reflect a certain ideological bias by Presidents, with five other nominees currently being blocked by the Senate. Liberals like myself should bear in mind that the shoe was on the other foot just a few years back, and it will be again in a few more years, so the filibuster, powerful weapon that it is, should be used as sparingly as possible. Still, a bracing defeat for Bush. Remember, it's both advice and consent.

September 03, 2003

I used to think the stories in Oui Magazine were fictitious, until recently.... Man, did he bungle this. I think like most fair-minded voters, I felt that the statute of limitations had expired on taking the "gang bang" incident seriously; Lord knows, the last thing I want is to have those all-night Spens-Black orgies from 1983-5 revisited by my many enemies. And, like some people, I even suspected that Ahnolt's participation in group sex might have been apocryphal, a story he made up to impress an interviewer from a skin mag.

But c'mon, waiting a week before you suddenly remember that you were lying back then? Let's examine the thought process here: you have this 25-year old interview with a now-defunct magazine brought to light last week. The story that gets all the play (other than a rather lame attempt to claim that A.S. was homophobic) is your boast in the interview that you took part in a high-impact group cardio exercise at Gold's Gym. Then a week later, you suddenly "remember" that the whole story was made up, in order to hype Pumping Iron and the world of bodybuilding. C'mon, have you been in so many similar activities that you forgot which ones were real? Or did it take a week for you to remember that, no, come to think of it, I've never participated in an orgy?

BTW, the first debate is at 4:00 p.m. PST.

September 02, 2003

Reporter-turned-blogger David Neiwert has the last word in the smear against Bustamante and MeChA (thank god, b/c the subject is starting to bore me), placing it in the context of similar attacks against groups like the Anti-Defamation League and the NAACP: that groups which fight discrimination and defend minorities are "secretly racist".

UPDATE: Collaborative bloggees Crooked Timber also publish a handy primer for this issue, for any of you who are still interested. [links via Atrios]

September 01, 2003

The Post-Modern Presidency: Fine Washington Monthly article by Joshua Marshall about the "revisionist mindset" at the heart of the Bush Administration, out of which has arisen the President's very unique contribution to the fine art of mendacity:
Everyone is compromised by bias, agendas, and ideology. But at the heart of the revisionist mindset is the belief that there is really nothing more than that. Ideology isn't just the prism through which we see world, or a pervasive tilt in the way a person understands a given set of facts. Ideology is really all there is. For an administration that has been awfully hard on the French, that mindset is...well, rather French. They are like deconstructionists and post-modernists who say that everything is political or that everything is ideology. That mindset makes it easy to ignore the facts or brush them aside because "the facts" aren't really facts, at least not as most of us understand them. If they come from people who don't agree with you, they're just the other side's argument dressed up in a mantle of facticity. And if that's all the facts are, it's really not so difficult to go out and find a new set of them.

Been checking out the brand-spanking-new page for the English language site for the Fox News of the Arab World, Al-Jazeera, and came upon this article; you'd think that even if they don't know if this is the legendary Nefertiti, they would still be able to figure out whether the mummy was male or female. The sports section is worthless; no mention of SC's shut-out of Auburn. Nothing on the recall, either.
One sign that Ahnolt's campaign may be bleeding from within is his decision to back out of this week's debate between the replacement candidates. Not only is it a sign of weakness, but it is a tactical blunder as well: regardless of whether he is represented by an "empty chair", each of the other candidates has an incentive to bash him, and he won't be able to defend himself. It will also be an ideal time for Cruz Bustamante to smack questions by those who've been hinting that he has dual loyalties out of the ballpark.

August 31, 2003

Did you realize that Robert Vaughn is the only surviving member of The Magnificent Seven? Charles Bronson was never my favorite actor, but he was in three of my all-time favorite movies: T.M.S., The Dirty Dozen, and, best of all, Once Upon a Time in the West. Requiescat in pacem.
One of the more troubling aspects about the "dual loyalty" charge against Cruz Bustamante is the notion that there is something insidious about ethnic pride. Like Jewish politicians who have their loyalty to America questioned any time the issue of Israel comes up, Bustamante (and, one suspects, other non-Anglo politicians) is now the target of those who pretend that there is somehow a moral equivalence between the Klan lynching blacks and burning crosses, and the slogan Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada.

Translated, that slogan means "for our people, everything. Beyond our people, nothing." It has no racist connotations. It isn't meant to be hate speech. As far as I can tell, no white person has ever been dragged out of his house in the middle of the night by a hooded MeChAtista, tied up, castrated, and then burned alive because of the slogan. Stop trying to pretend otherwise.

August 30, 2003

Barring any unforeseen developments, Smythe's World will now go dark for the Labor Day weekend. My college football blog, neglected for so many months, will get the totality of my attention, at least for the period when I'm not getting hammered in Santa Monica, doing my weekly pub crawl through Gothams, Doodles, Brittanias, Hooters, and Over/Under en route to the ideal college football-watching climate. Go CAL !!

August 29, 2003

One sign that the other candidates are beginning to take Cruz Bustamante seriously is that he is now the target of some sleazy racist attacks. When I wrote my post last week about his unexpected rise to front-runner status in the recall election, I noted that he had belonged to a separatist group in college. The organization, MeChA, at one time had called for a separate Chicano nation, which for a Mexican-American in the early 70's would have been as "extreme" as it would have been for a Jewish student in the 1930's to support Zionism.

My quibble, though, was not with that aspect of MeChA. I was more concerned that a number of people close to the organization had eventually drifted off into cloud-cuckoo land, spouting an anti-everyone else ideology. The group today is essentially an ethnic pride group, as "separatist" as the Knights of Columbus, and its university charters disavow any bigotry or separatism; in fact, the group is open to all races and ethnicities. Bustamante should appropriately tell the voters what his stance is on Aztlan, and then get on with the campaign.

However, first Fox News, and now Tom McClintock, have begun calling MeChA a "racist" organization. Both have good reason to smear this organization. Fox has had to confront an embarassing story this week about a leaked memo showing that its executives were trying to bias its coverage in favor of Ahnolt. McClintock, who absurdly claimed that MeChA was just like the KKK (well, for one thing, they don't burn crosses on people's lawns), is attempting to appeal to the Republican base, which overwhelmingly supported Prop. 187, and is, shall we say, uncomfortable with the possibility that a non-white might be the next governor.

In fact, most of the criticism concerning MeChA has come from the Ann Coulter/David Duke/David Horowitz wing of the body politic. Those who have a long memory in California politics need only go back to the 1969 Mayorality election in Los Angeles, when Sam Yorty, well-behind in the polls, accused Tom Bradley of having ties to the Black Panthers, to realize that this sort of ugly politics is not unusual in California, and even has a track record of success. Anyways, expect that story to get covered as if it were as important, as, say, a candidate boasting about a gang-bang.

August 28, 2003

John Hawkins, proprietor of Right Wing News polled myself and 27 other "left wingers" (actually, I'm more of a libero than anything) as to who the 20 greatest figures in American history are. Here were mine:
Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, FDR, MLK, Jackie Robinson, U.S. Grant, Barry Goldwater, my mom and dad (tied), Cesar Chavez, George McGovern, Louis Brandeis, Clarence Darrow, Mark Twain, Dorothy Day, and Eleanor Roosevelt.
Neither McGovern, Darrow, nor my parents received enough support to qualify for honorable mention, which truly signifies idiotarianism on the part of the left.

August 27, 2003

I Never Thought This Would Happen To Me: This article actually makes me more likely to support Ahnolt. I mean, how many times in one's life do you actually get to vote for a candidate who has admitted to having taken part in a "gang bang". [link via Kausfiles]
Paul Westphal has said that when he was recruited to play at USC back in the late-60's, Bob Boyd showed him the blueprints for a "new campus arena" that would soon be home to the Trojans. Thirty-five years later, SC continues to play its home games at the Sports Arena, which is, truth be told, a nice, comfortable arena, with pleasant sightlines, but is predictably empty during the team's games. In spite of their recent success under Henry Bibby, challenging UCLA for the time in almost a half-century for citywide dominance, USC's attendance was annually the worst in the conference, and one of the worst totals anywhere among big-time college basketball programs.

Finally, though, a private donor has stepped in to contribute $35 million to build the long-dreamt-of arena, and the students and alums will finally be able to see the school play its home games on campus, rather than in an ancient arena situated in the parking lot of the Coliseum, in an area thought, rightly or wrongly, to be a bad part of town. The plan is to begin construction next year, with an opening scheduled for the 2006-7 basketball season.

I would assume that once the new arena opens, the L.A. Sports Arena will no longer have a reason to be. The site of the 1960 Democratic Convention, where JFK withstood the challenge of LBJ (as well as a thrilling demonstration on the floor on behalf of Adlai Stevenson), has no other tenants, and can't really compete with Staples and the Forum for rock concerts. However, it should be seen as an opportunity for the Coliseum Commission, never known for its foresight, to removate the stadium that still dominates the area. Tearing down the Sports Arena will provide for thousands of parking spaces, as well as alleviating worries local fans have had about the neighborhood. All in all, a good day for local sports fans.
Washington Monthly has determined who the biggest liar is among U.S. Presidents of the past quarter-century, and it's no surprise. [link via CalPundit]

August 25, 2003

Fox has dropped its lawsuit against Al Franken [link via Hamster] As this case was brought in such obvious bad faith, here's hoping that Mr. Franken is not merely satisfied with the free publicity generated by Murdoch's minions, and continues to pursue the legal fees, costs and damages for malicious prosecution that he's entitiled to.
Boomshock has one of the first substantive interviews with dark horse candidate Georgy Russell. The big scoop: she didn't vote in the last election either. [link via Matt Welch at Hit & Run]

August 24, 2003

Over the years, I've kinda gotten to know two people who later became famous in the Toy Department of Life. One, as those of you visit my college football blog know, is my former law-school classmate Rick Neuheisel. Although we were mainly casual acquaintances, and didn't hang out together outside the Gould Law Center, my memories are uniformly positive. He was (and for all I know, still is) a funny, down-to-earth guy, as far away from being the stereotypical jock as a human can be. I hope he soaks U-Dub for whatever he can take.

The other athlete I knew, sort of, was Kevin Johnson. He either lived in, or palled around with/slept with someone who lived in, the same dorm unit as I, so I'd see him quite a bit. Back then, he was a talented freshman, but far from being a star; his big claim to fame was hitting a buzzer-beating jump shot to send our game with UCLA into overtime (CAL lost anyway). The closest I ever came to a substantive encounter with KJ came when I sat next to him at Kip's, one of the earliest sports bars I remember, watching an SC-UCLA basketball game one Friday night in 1985. Over the years, KJ has become a point of pride for UC graduates, a star athlete and mensch who was a legitimate student, who could quote Camus and go from baseline to baseline in four seconds, in contrast to the Bozeman Era mercenaries (Kidd, Murray, Abdul-Rahim) who had almost nothing to do with the academic side of the university.

This morning's LA Times has an interesting piece about KJ's attempt to transform his high school alma mater into a charter school run by something called the "St. HOPE Corp.". The article only hints at this, but his struggle to get this project off the ground represents everything that is wrong with the educational debate in this country.

The school, Sacramento High, has had declining test scores for years, due largely to what one audit described as a climate of low funding and administrative apathy. However, the honors section of the school has a good track record getting its students into college, and the school itself has a number of fine, experienced teachers. Wanting to incorporate that quality into the rest of the school, a number of parents led a petition drive to begin a charter school, and KJ's group won a narrow vote by the Board of Education over a proposal by the teacher's union (btw, this being California, the school board members who backed KJ are now the subjects of a recall drive).

What KJ's solution for this remains unclear. He proposes to divide the school into six charter schools, which would allow it to remain independent of administrative regulations binding to other schools. How this would be different from the way the school was run last year, or how it would be run by a more standard charter school proposal, is hard to say, except when the only idea that is being spit out is to reduce the due process rights of teachers, you know you're not dealing with someone with creative educational policies. One teacher was at first enthusiastic about the program, only to have a change-of-heart after one meeting ended with the good folks at St. HOPE leading a prayer hymn. Had KJ not had an outstanding career as a point guard, it is hard to see this project being taken seriously.

Johnson, who has no background in education, obviously has his heart in the right place, and his celebrity has attracted some deep pockets from the private sphere, including Bill Gates and the Walton Foundation, to help fund some of the more grandiose projects. It looks like he will have a shot at getting this project off the ground when schools open next week. But it is hard to see how this is any different from the vanity projects other athletes sponsor: Magic Johnson has his own theatres, TGIFridays, and 24 Hour gyms, all of which pay tribute to the glorious career of Magic; KJ has his own Starbucks and his charter school. In the long run, schools will only improve with a significant public investment, not just a hope and a prayer that philanthropy tied to a famous name will save the day.
Even I'm a bit skeptical of this poll, which shows Bustamante leading A.S. by 13 percentage points (the same poll had the recall succeeding by only 5 points). What it does indicate, however, is that the G.O.P. now has a real problem on its hands; the real story of this election isn't Ahnolt, it's the surprise showing of a heretofore obscure Latino politician, who seems to be on the verge of being the next governor of the fifth (or is it sixth) largest economy in the world. I can't imagine Karl Rove is too happy that the net result of his master plan is to replace a moderate governor with a liberal, especially one who will be an instant Vice Presidential candidate the moment he gets elected.[link via LA Observed, which gets a well-deserved write-up here]

August 23, 2003

Her campaign is going nowhere fast, but Arianna Huffington has a blog, where she eviscerates the idiotic column by former Dukakis campaign strategist Susan Estrich. That follows on the heels of Gray Davis' wife, whose blog has to be seen to be believed. No word if Ahnolt, or someone who can write, will set one up, although if the reliquary he has advising him is any indication, he might be hard-pressed to even identify what the internet is.
With the college football season starting today, that can mean only one thing: the return of Condredge's Acolytes, America's premier college sports blog. It's collaborative; anyone with an interest is invited to write. Go Bears !!

August 22, 2003

As a new poll shows Ahnolt with a slight lead over Cruz Bustamante, he will now have to confront a seething backlash brewing against him among Latino voters. In this piece, the long-time anchor of Univision news, Jorge Ramos, denounces A.S. in no uncertain terms. The money quote [translated into English by Jusiper]: "Arnold is teaching us the classic lesson of what any candidate should to lose the Hispanic vote. Being anti-immigrant in California, sadly, keeps earning votes. But there is nothing worse than when an immigrant forgets his past and turns his back on others like him. And Arnold's back sure is wide." [link via Snark Attack]

August 21, 2003

Early this year, for a couple of months, I had the honor of writing a couple of college basketball-related posts for Off-Wing Sports, Eric McErlain's terrific sports blog, and a once-a-day stop for yours truly. His post today on what makes a good sports bar is well worth the reading:
So what makes a good sports bar? It's a place you go to watch the game with like minded folks who are looking for the same thing. It's not a place where catching the score is an afterthought. It can have pool tables and arcade games, but they can't be the main attraction...Music is fine, as long as it's in the background, and not dominating the scene.

What else? How about some character? Some history -- and it helps if you're part of that history too. How about some identification with the neighborhood the bar resides in? And how about a crew of regulars, not an ever-shifting cast of twenty-somethings looking for the next hot spot.

And, apologies to my friends who have recently become parents, a sports bar is for adults only. Points off if your favorite place has a kid's menu.
It is a source of irritation that reviews of sports bars always focus on the number of big screen TV's, or the number of extra-curricular activities that go on that don't involve sports. When I go to a sports bar, I don't care about air hockey or pool tables, and I don't want to have the juke box going full blast when my team is playing; I just want to watch the damn games, hang out with my chums, and drink as much Sierra Nevada as I can afford. Anyways, if anyone from SoCal has any suggestions for what their favorite sports bar is, let me know; I intend to publish a similar post shortly.

And for any and all who care, here's Hunter S. Thompson's take on the joys of being a 'Niner fan.

August 20, 2003

It's a shame that some bloggers do not feel the need to practice the same sort of due diligence that lawyers are ethically required to do before taking on a case. Making a rare trip to Instapundit this morning, I came upon this little gem, to an article by one Austin Bay: "The usual "international human rights crowd" has been slow to condemn the current horrors perpetrated by Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe. During the Cold War, Amin escaped their condemnation because he was "anti-colonialist."

Hello !! Idi Amin was one of the most vilified people on the planet while he ruled Uganda. Many of the stories about his regime, while he was in power, eventually mentioned rumors of cannibalism and the like. If, like most of the rest of the human race, his reference to the "usual human rights crowd" includes Amnesty International, they were quite outspoken about the monster, just as they have been in the forefront of the denunciation of Robert Mugabe (see also here, here, and here).

August 19, 2003

Another terrorist slaughter in Iraq, this time targeted at the U.N. This is starting to get out of control...Bush needs to start taking the war on terrorism seriously.

August 18, 2003

I reckon this is a common enough phenomenum: I can criticize the people of my state for wanting a do-over on the last election, but when it comes to the lame, warmed-over put-downs of this third-rate poor man's Peggy Noonan wannabe, I get pissed. I'm beginning to think that, like football games on a sunny New Year's Day, backyard swimming pools, and freeways, the recall is one more California innovation for which the rest of the country envies us.

August 16, 2003

With Cruz Bustamante now the front-runner, according to the most reliable poll out there, the possibility that California will elect a more liberal politician to replace Gray Davis becomes a less-remote possibility (Ed.-it didn't happen). Of greater interest to the media will no doubt be the ethnic background of the lieutenant governor: if elected, Bustamante will be Calfornia's first Latino chief executive since pre-statehood.

How an obscure, hitherto undistinguished politician with a background that can justly be called questionable (in his youth, he belonged to a Mexican nationalist group comparable to the Black Panthers, and as recently as two years ago, he let slip the n-word during a speech) can suddenly be ahead of one of the most popular, well-known figures on the planet reflects one of the key political trends in the country, the rise of the Latino as a pivotal voting bloc in Sun Belt politics.

The story of California politics in the past decade has been about the aftermath of Proposition 187, the anti-illegal immigrant referendum which passed with almost 60% of the vote in 1994, carrying the G.O.P. to its strongest state-wide performance in a generation, even enabling the party to control one house of the state legislature for a term. Bustamante's lead is merely the latest sign of a trend that emerged after that election, in which the Democratic Party achieved a dominance hitherto unseen since the end of the Nineteenth Century, at the same time as the Republican Party controlled the national government.

Between 1898 and 1992, California was the largest state in the Union to consistently go Republican, both in Presidential elections and in the governor's mansion. No Republican won the Presidency without carrying California, while several Democrats (Wilson, JFK, and Carter) won office without winning the state. Before Gray Davis, only three Democrats (Culbert Olsen, for one term during the Depression, and the Browns, Pat and Jerry) were elected Governor during the 20th century. From 1950 to 1992, only three Democrats won Senate elections, and two of those served only one term. Besides LBJ, no Democratic presidiential nominee carried the state during that period.

The California Republican Party produced, among others, Hiram Johnson, Earl Warren, Richard Nixon, William K. Knowland, Ronald Reagan, George Deukmejian, and Pete Wilson, all of whom were national figures who either became President or were touted for the Presidency. During that same period, besides the Browns, California Democrats produced men who were either famous for being effective legislators and mayors, such as Jesse Unruh, the Burtons, George Moscone, Alan Cranston, Tom Bradley and Willie Brown, or politicians famous for having lost (ie. William McAdoo, Upton Sinclair, Jerry Voorhies, Helen Douglas, etc.). With the exception of McAdoo (infamous for having run as the candidate of the KKK for the 1924 Democratic nomination), Cranston, and Jerry Brown, none of them were considered Presidential material, and Cranston and Brown both bombed when they pursued their national aspirations. When Pete Wilson edged Diane Feinstein in the 1990 governor's election, and then routed Kathleen Brown in 1994, it was a continuation of a trend that existed for almost a century, of Republicans beating Democrats for statewide office.

Everything changed in the '94 election. Struggling to overcome a shaky economy, and, like President Bush, having to justify a tax increase he signed into law, Governor Wilson decided to exploit the political shockwaves that emerged from the popular meme of that year, the "angry white male". Anti-immigrant feelings had been stoked by politicians in California for generations; one of the more infamous "newsreels" used in the campaign against EPIC and Upton Sinclair in 1934 showed wave upon wave of Okies entering the state, intent on electing Sinclair to impose his new-fangled Russian-tested ideas about collectivism and the like. Seizing upon the issue of "illegal aliens", Wilson and the Republicans pushed Proposition 187, an initiative that promised to restrict all government benefits to those not legally in the country, from medical services to education. And so, the vivid memory voters of this state have of that election is a campaign commercial showing people sneaking accross the border, with a narrator remind us, "they keep coming...."

According to the LA Times, only 8% of the electorate in 1994 was of Latino ancestry, and those voters tended to split their votes between the parties, with Democrats receiving only a marginal edge. The Republicans won all but two statewide offices, most by large margins, captured the State Assembly for the first time in over 25 years, gained parity in Congressional races, and nearly pulled off a stunning upset in the Senate, where Diane Feinstein barely scraped by to defeat one of the weakest candidates in memory, Michael Huffington (helped, in large part, by the late revelation that the Huffingtons had employed an undocumented nanny for their children). Republican dominance in California seemed assured for the next generation.

And then, suddenly, it ended. Over the next few years, angry over the unsubtle subtext of anti-Latino bigotry behind Prop. 187, Latino voting registration shot up. In 1992, Bill Clinton had focused on California, making it the key swing state in his bid to defeat George Bush, and had visited the state frequently enough in his first term to make it seem like a second home. By 1996, the polls showed that he had such a large lead that he didn't even bother to campaign here against Bob Dole. For the first time in a generation, a Democrat was elected to Congress from the heart of Reagan Country, Orange County. A Latina. The Democrats retook control of the state legislature.

By 1998, the percentage of the Latino vote in California had nearly doubled from where it had been four years earlier, and the Democrats captured all but two statewide offices. Barbara Boxer, one of the most liberal politicians ever elected to the U.S. Senate, who had barely beaten a weak opponent in the year of Clinton's first election, easily beat back a moderate Republican opponent. Two years later, Diane Feinstein repeated the trick.

In 2000, George Bush, en route to his Supreme Court selection, vigorously contested California, while Al Gore ignored the state. It didn't matter. Gore won the state by 13 points, helping him carry the popular vote nationwide. The Latino share of the vote stayed at 13%, which meant that even more were voting in a higher-turnout election.

Which, of course, brings us to 2002, and to the GOP's 2003 Mulligan. For the first time in a century, the Democrats were able to sweep the statewide offices. They control both houses of the state legislature by large margins, and have almost a 2-1 edge in Congressional seats, a margin that was almost certainly self-limited by the need to play it safe during redistricting by preserving the seat formerly held by Gary Condit. Loretta Sanchez, the Latina Democrat who won in Orange County back in 1996, besting "B-1 Bob" Dornan, has had no problem winning reelection since then; Orange County, far from being a Republican stronghold, is now in play. And they did it with an electorate that was apathetic, that viewed the top of the ticket with undisguised contempt, in a big year for Republicans everywhere else.

Before the release of the Field Poll yesterday, it had become trendy to disparage the notion of Latino voters being a significant voting bloc in California. Why, as one blogger noted, their total voting share in the last election was only 10%, which is only 25% higher than it was in 1994. Keeping in mind the old saw about how correlation is not causation, let me point out that the Democratic Party was not sweeping statewide offices before Prop. 187, and its recent success is probably not a result of soccer moms. In fact, the decline in Latino turnout from 1998 to 2002 is a moderate one, especially when compared with the black turnout, which went from 13% to 4% in the last election.

Bill Simon aside, the Republicans who are getting trounced, the Matt Fongs, the William Campbells, are not fire-breathing extremists. Dan Lungren, who was beaten badly by Gray Davis in 1998, had previously won reelection to the second most powerful position in the state, Attorney General, which is usually a stepping-stone to the governor's mansion. In other states, men like that win.

But not California. And now, it is apparently Ahnolt's turn to confront those trends. The only issue that we know A.S. has taken a stand on is Prop. 187; he's for it. Already, he has become the recipient of flack because of his ties to Warren Buffet, who just yesterday called for the revision of Proposition 13, the initiative passed in 1978 to limit increases in property taxes. To many conservatives, it is tantamount to a Democratic Presidential candidate calling for a reexamination of the legal reasoning behind Roe v. Wade. But A.S. may find that he needs the support of an electorate frustrated by politics-as-usual, annoyed that certain issues can't be discussed because of political correctness, whether it be from the right or the left (among those denouncing Buffet's remarks yesterday was one Gray Davis, indicating that his opportunism shows no bounds).

It is still early enough in the campaign to question the reliability of polls. Even to a partisan liberal Democrat like myself, I was surprised Cruz was leading, and it wouldn't shock me if other polls showed S'w'n'gg'r in the lead. What the Field Poll does show is that A.S. has an uphill climb. Only a day ago, it seemed that the election was his to lose, and no one besides the political pros took Bustamante seriously. To overcome the edge Democrats have in this state, he will have to be conservative enough to allow principled ideologues like Tom McClintock and Bill Simon to leave the race, but liberal enough not to alienate the rest of the human race. And, most of all, he must overcome the legacy of Prop. 187.

UPDATE: Obviously, Schwarzenegger won the election, using his status as an immigrant with a somewhat shaky past to overcome the legacy of Prop. 187, even winning a plurality of Latino votes. Any indication that this presaged a return to competive balance between the two parties was discredited, though, by John Kerry's easy win in the state the following year, as well as yet another landslide win by Senator Boxer. In the 2004 election, Latinos made up a record 14% of the electorate. Last year, Schwarzenegger's efforts to pass a series of propositions in the spirit of Prop. 13 failed badly, and he now runs behind two otherwise unknown Democrats for reelection.

August 15, 2003

The first Field Poll of the recall campaign shows the invincible Ahnolt losing to the unknown Cruz Bustamante, 25% to 22%, with Gray Davis trailing badly in his bid to avoid being terminated (sorry).
Kevin Drum of CalPundit challenges a certain Dixiecrat blogger to comment on the more pervasive phenomenum of white "affirmative action", a system of unacknowledged biases that allow unqualified people to fail upwards due to the color of their skin (the example used is that of Robert Hanssen, the FBI agent who "advanced on the career ladder despite weak performance, poor management skills and awkward relations with colleagues," while still managing to spy for the Russians for twenty years.

Unfortunately, membership does have its privileges; real affirmative action is designed to expand participation in programs, jobs, and educational slots beyond the favored class, whilst white affirmative action is geared towards limiting the applicant pool. But both get used by their detractors as examples of the unqualified receiving undeserved benefits, which is indeed a sad commentary on race relations.
Bad Timing: The Washington Post editorialized yesterday about how so, so, superior we are to the Euros, who are having a hard time adjusting to this summer's manifestation of global warning because they don't rely on air conditioning !! And, of course, the Post's headline this morning, presented without further comment.
How did I miss this? Former Princeton basketball star Nathan Whitecloud Walton is among the 135 who are running for governor. Nate, whose father Bill played in the NBA for several years with the Los Angeles Clippers and other teams, told the L.A. Times "(t)hat people are seriously considering Arnold shows you how little they think of the system we have. I actually studied politics at one of the premier institutions in the country, which gives me more qualifications than somebody who was Mr. Olympia."

August 14, 2003

But no Lazlo Toth: the entire slate of candidates for the upcoming election, complete with phone numbers and e-mail addresses, and a listing of how they will look on the ballot (current estimate: six pages !!). And, of course, an article about why A.S.' campaign is doomed.

August 13, 2003

Am I not the only person concerned that Ahnolt's campaign is shaping up to be little more than a stand-in for Pete Wilson? If anything can rally the base behind Cruz Bustamante(or even Gray Davis), it's the prospect of having that racist behind the scenes, using his Austrian beard to wage more wedge issue attacks on Latinos and blacks. Anyways, the notion that S-n-g-r is an "outsider" really won't wash anymore: like Perot, when he plunges, he will fall hard.
Proving, as always, that she's five minutes behind the cultural zeitgeist, Maureen Dowd columnizes about blogs, or rather, the blogs of Presidential hopefuls.[link via TalkLeft]

August 12, 2003

As I predicted, the kids picked the good girl over the gorgeous one last night. Dad seemed heartbroken; Ms. Fichtner's refusal to allow him one last kiss was the only honest moment on the entire series. It is not surprising that this show came out at roughly the same time as Ahnolt's campaign to be governor and Bush's "Op Gun" flight; each represents a nadir for our culture, a rejection of the authentic in favor of the manufactured moment. Which isn't to say I'm not going to need my Christy Fix real soon.

August 11, 2003

A bunch of polls are now out, with the most recent, by NBC, showing that Ahnolt has a sizable lead over Cruz Bustamante. The article emphasizes the obvious horse race numbers, but ignores the really big story, which is that the unknown Cruz Bustamante has 18% of the vote. Sw'n'g'r is known by just about everybody, but already about half the public has decided that under no circumstances will they vote for him. Besides getting the hard-core partisan Democratic vote, the "deputy governour", as the BBC referred to him the other night, stands to gain a huge boost from Latino voters, many of whom might be drawn to the polls to vote both in favor of the recall and in favor of electing California's first Latino Governor in 150 years.
Reading between the lines here, one can surmise that Ms. Fichtner lost tonight, and/or that she is about the least self-conscious bitch-on-wheels in the country. According to an article in her hometown paper, the former beauty queen admitted that she saw Who Wants to Marry My Dad? as a possible way to jump-start her career as a TV hostess: "I didn't do it as a dating opportunity...I did it as a career opportunity."

She also had a few words to say about the woman she bested in the '86 U.S.A. pageant, Halle Berry:
"I wouldn't trade my life for hers...Obviously we took very different paths in our lives. There are things I could have pursued, but chose family over a career at the time. She has yet to have children."
Meow !!

August 10, 2003

For those of you wondering, Georgy Russell filed her papers for Governor of the more recurrent themes that defenders of the circus have used is that with all the celebrity candidates, this election will make politics "more exciting" for the average voter. B.F.D. When Hamilton and Burr faced each other in a duel, it certainly was "exciting" politics, but I fail to see how that benefitted the public. The trick is for people to feel that politics is more relevant to their lives, not for politics to be more entertaining to the Fourth Estate.
Just saw my nephew for the first time. It is an unbelievable feeling to hold a days-old infant. His potential is limitless.

UPDATE: Charlie, and his Uncle Smythe.

August 09, 2003

Classic move !! I just drove about 60 miles north on the 5 before I realized I forgot my wallet.
I'm off to the Bay Area to visit my nephew, and hopefully hook up with friends and bloggers. Does anyone have any appropriate suggestions for the speech I'm supposed to be making at the bris on Monday?

August 08, 2003

The first sign of a potentially disturbing trend in the Kobe Bryant case: whites are more likely than blacks to presume the Laker star guilty. The Harper Lee, black-man-accused-of-rape-by-blond-girl aspect to this trial is the great unmentioned undercurrent, just as it was in the early days of the O.J. case. BTW, it's been almost a month; when is celebrity ambulance-chaser Dominick Dunne going to see some face time?

August 07, 2003

Apparently, NaziPundit gets a little bit of help ensuring her books make the best-seller list [link via TalkLeft].
Nephew Blog !!!

Charles Henry Ruderman

I know this is going against the grain here, but Ahnolt's entry into the race probably helps Davis more than it hurts. Riordan had strong cross-over appeal with Democrats, he would have beaten Davis had he been nominated last year, and his presence on the ballot would have salved the anxieties of liberals who were concerned with this recall being another in a string (after Florida, Colorado, and Texas) of right-wing coup attempts. In all likelihood, the announcement on the Tonight Show means that the former L.A. mayor will sit this one out (does that mean the L.A. Examiner will post something again?).

Political campaigns are popularity contests, but they are not just popularity contests. Schwarzenegger has more credibility among political reporters and pundits than he does with the average voters, many of whom still think of him as a self-parodying bodybuilder. Celebrity candidates have a very spotty track record (remember Governor Janet Reno? Senator Geraldine Ferraro? Governor Steve Largent?), and as sycophantic as most of the journalists and pundits who cover politics are, they will seem like Sonny Liston compared with the adulatory coverage Schwarzenegger has received from entertainment "journalists". Moreover, the freakshow aspect of this election will be accentuated by his candidacy; after all, why should he be taken more seriously than Gary Coleman or Dennis Rodman? The more people who see the replacement election as a joke, the more likely it is the recall will lose in two months.

But more importantly, he will not be the only candidate on the replacement ballot (assuming, of course, that the State Supreme Court allows the election to go forward; the law is kind of vague on that issue [ed-never mind !). While Davis simply has to beat one opponent, himself, Schwarzenegger must convince the public both to recall Davis and vote for him. In doing that, he will have to face other opponents besides Davis who will be motivated to knock him out. For all the talk about Davis' use of "puke politics", it is the other candidates in this race that will have to go negative to have any chance to stand above the crowd, while Davis is the only one whose stature in the race improves if he stays positive, and focuses the negativity on the process itself.

August 06, 2003

The BBC is reporting that Ahnolt is running for governor, where he will have a fight for his life against...Arnold !! Arianna announced today, while the steady and sober Senator Feinstein has decided to take a pass. Come to think of it, for all the grief she's gotten for selling campaign thongs, Georgy Russell is more qualified, and is more thoughtful, than most of the "serious" candidates in the freakshow.
The latest gambit from the GOP on the issue of judicial nominations is to accuse the Democrats of acting out of "anti-Catholic" prejudice. The idea, as I understand it, is to say that because William Pryor, et al., oppose abortion rights, and purportedly base said opposition on the teachings of the Catholic Church, anyone who opposes their nomination is doing so out of religious bigotry.

The logic of that attack is ridiculous, as Joshua Marshall points out here; by that logic, the right is basically stating that Catholics can avoid being held accountable for anti-abortion opinions, but that non-Catholics, or those who wish to restrict abortion rights for reasons not connected to religious principles, are out of luck. For other reasons, though, I hope the far right keeps up the attack. It shows that these wack-jobs have as little understanding of mainstream Roman Catholicism in the U.S. as they do of every other non-white, non-male, non-straight and/or non-Baptist in the country.

The typical American Catholic does not belong to Opus Dei, and does not believe that Cardinal Ratzinger speaks for him. We not only support abortion rights, in numbers greater than non-Catholics, but most of us think that priestly celibacy, the male priesthood, the bans on contraception and divorce, and the reliance on clerics to dictate the tenets of our faith are historical relics. Many of us support gay marriage. And just so you don't think it all goes in one ideological direction, quite a few "cafeteria Catholics" support the death penalty, and backed the war in Iraq, in defiance of the teaching of the Holy Mother Church. In short, we think for ourselves.

So if Senator Santorum wants to follow this strategy, BRING 'EM ON. Lord knows, the Democrats are going to need every Catholic vote they can get next year.

August 05, 2003

Having received no contributions, utterly betrayed by the lethargy of my supporters, and preoccupied with the pressures and time-constraints of unclehood, I have decided, after close consultation with family and friend, to withdraw from the recall election currently scheduled for October 7. In the meantime, those of you who want to ensure that our message will be heard should feel free to back the candidacies of Neal Pollack, Georgy Russell, and Brian Flemming, who has electrified the state by promising to resign should he prove victorious. Or perhaps the sobering candidacies of Larry Flynt and/or Arianna Huffington, for those of you inspired by the notion of having the state led by former Politically Incorrect regulars. Or better yet, you.

August 04, 2003

As of one hour ago, I became an uncle for the first time. Congrats to my baby sister Cat, bro-in-law Dan, and to Charles, for getting a crack at making the world a better place. Wherever you are, Dad, you finally have a grandkid !!

August 03, 2003

Blogger Charles Kuffner had an opportunity recently to appear on a FoxNews panel, where he would have had a chance to dis the President on taking a month-long vacation/photo op at his "ranch". He is one of the few bloggers who actually has a job, though, so he didn't get the message until it was too late. Even so, he is unsure he would have taken the gig, and thereby add to the drone of the media whores and junior orwells who pass themselves off as TV pundits.

Just so there's no confusion, I have no such trepidation. If need be, I will go on any news or cable show at one hour's notice and spout whatever opinion is needed to get face time. Even the O'Reilly Factor.

I can only imagine what his 341(a) meeting will be like. Not surprisingly, Tyson going double toothpicks represents a trend that is all too common among athletes and entertainers. They make an enormous amount of money early in their adulthood, mistakenly think it will last forever, and surround themselves with people who are well-versed in spending other people's wealth. Life, however, has a funny way of outlasting the earning potential of even the most athletically (or creatively) gifted.

August 01, 2003

What's French for "Orenthal"?: This is one of those stories that would be covered much differently if it had happened here [link via, which also makes reference to the fact that Paris Paris in Vegas has just re-raised the tricolore several months after the recent unpleasantness].
Pot, meet kettle: Christopher Hitchens, whose idea of a joke is to refer to the Dixie Chicks as fat whores, and who has spent the past year sycophantically parroting the Administration's positions on Iraq, pens an obituary ripping Bob Hope for not being funny and for doing stand-up at Que Sanh. At least Hope never glorified David Irving....

July 31, 2003

This morning's Los Angeles Times notes that over the last six games, the Los Angeles Dodgers have been outscored by the Los Angeles Galaxy, 9-5.

UPDATE: The Times overlooked (and I forgot ) that the Galaxy played three games recently in the World Peace Cup, where they scored once and were shut out twice. As the Dodgers have scored four runs since I originally posted this, over the last nine games, the Galaxy lead the Dodgers by only one goal, 10-9.

July 30, 2003

This is really journalism at its worst. This evening, ESPN's website flashed a headline, "Case Against Kobe". The article states that "sources close to the prosecution" (who, of course, are nameless) have revealed that prosecutors plan to introduce evidence that the women sustained injuries during the encounter that would indicate that the encounter wasn't consensual, and that Kobe Bryant made "inconsistent" statements to the police.

Well, duh !! I think we already knew that the woman in question had some physical injuries, and even an innocent person who spends more than 10 minutes being interrogated by the police is going to make some inconistent statements, particularly about sex. At the very least, I had already assumed that they would be able to show those two points; to win, one would anticipate that they had a couple of eyewitnesses inside the room, or a recording of some kind. Unless the physical evidence in question is a knife wound, neither point goes to the question of whether she was raped, or had a consensual encounter with a much larger man (which I will assume is the defense position).

If that's the best "evidence against Kobe" the prosecution's office could anonymously leak, they should pull up their tents and go home.

July 29, 2003

What to do, what to do. Alias is in reruns, 24 has disappeared, and The Shield and The Sopranos will be on whenever. It's the slow time of year for sports, and both of the local baseball teams are falling out of contention. Oh well, only six days til the next episode of Who Wants to Marry My Dad?

Up until now, I've successfully avoided Reality TV, in all of its manifestations. I saw the final episode of Joe Millionaire, and most of the last episode of Survivor 2, but that's it. It's not that I'm a snob or anything, but I'm just not into middle-brow culture. If something's not good enough to bear repeated viewing, the way I could when I had seven different HBO channels during the first season of Six Feet Under, I don't bother.

Who Wants to Marry My Dad? is something different, a reality show without a smidgen of reality to it. The basic premise is that the children of this affluent resident of Glendale, California, have to judge a group of women, hand-picked by the producers, who are candidates to be their future step-mom. Each week, they eliminate one woman, usually after a series of highly personal questions are asked while she is hooked up to a lie detector. At the end, presumably, one woman will be left, and she and the dad will get married and go on a honeymoon.

In short, it's a car wreck waiting to happen. One of the women last night confirmed under polygraphic examination that she had fallen in love with Dad, who was forced to admit to his children that he felt nothing for her. Perhaps to avoid having the poor lass do something extreme, the children decided to keep her, and dump another hapless contestant, who was made to disappear by 80's-era magicians Penn and Teller. Almost everything about the show is cheesy and cringe-inducing, from the slow-mo reaction shots of the kids as they watch the polygraph examinations, to the voyeuristic scenes of them watching Dad make out with one of the ladies on a TV monitor.

But that's not the real reason I watch. Christy Fichtner is. Ms. Fichtner, in case you don't know, was the 1986 Miss U.S.A. winner, a contest particularly famous for its runner-up, a certain Miss Ohio named Halle Berry. According to this site, she is the most beautiful first runner-up in Miss Universe history, and may arguably be the most gorgeous Miss U.S.A. winner ever. Divorced for over five years, with three sons, competing against assorted thirty- and forty-somethings in this idiotic contest, she dominates the same way Randy Johnson would against a high school team. Ms. Berry deserved to lose then, and she would lose again now.

As I understand, though, she is not the favorite to win. That would be in keeping with her shock loss in the 1986 Miss Universe pageant, when she went in heavily favored, only to lose to Miss Venezuela, a result that still rankles objective observers of beauty pageants in the same way that Roy Jones Jr.'s loss in the 1988 Summer Olympics does to boxing fans. In fact, as the controversy over Miss Universe 2003 indicates, boxing is the most appropriate sports analogy to the world of beauty pageants: regional biases abound, and knowing who the promoters are will give a pretty good indication of who is most likely to win.

Whether her attitude rubbed people the wrong way back then may be a subject of speculation (she would hardly be the first contestant to fly to and from the pageant in her family's private jet, and at least she didn't spook one of her rivals by telling her how "fat and ugly" she looked in a swimsuit), but she is definitely having problems getting her potential step-daughters, who have made ominous complaints that she doesn't love their dad, she's just wants to win, yadda yadda yadda (that was after she dove into the family pool in a very elegant bikini to start their first date), to warm to her.

Christy Fichtner

Any way, her potential step-sons seem to like her. She has made the final three, and with two episodes to go (assuming that there isn't a "best-of" episode before the finale), America will hold its collective breath to see if she can finally win one. After that, I think I'll kiss off reality TV for good.

UPDATE: She made the Finals !!
California is not the only state where the Republicans are trying to get a Mulligan. Charles Kuffner's blog has been providing encyclopedic coverage of the Texas redistricting scam, and the rebellious Democrats in the minority who have now sought asylum in the free state of New Mexico. If for nothing else, Tom DeLay should be thanked for having revitalized the Texas Democratic Party.

Michael "Terrorism Trumps Everything" Totten has changed his address, so please adjust...I might be joining him soon (not on his obsession with the Middle East, but on his move to Moveable Type), so if someone can tell me whether you can post photos within your posts there, it would be greatly appreciated.

July 28, 2003

Enterprising investment bankers might be keen on this: the Pentagon is establishing a "commodities market", where savvy investors can bet on when the next big terrorist event is going to take place, including whether/when King Abdullah of Jordan or Yasser Arafat gets capped...sort of like a Dead Pool for Young Republicans. Interesting, this program is under the supervision of one John Poindexter, a figure of some notoriety from the Reagan Administration.

And as you might expect, some bleeding heart Senate Democrats are up in arms about this, trying to thwart the next stage of capitalism from developing. [link via Talking Points Memo] Figures....

UPDATE: The bleeding hearts won...the Pentagon has decided that trading futures in suicide bombings wasn't such a good idea after all.
How is Dick Riordan supposed to beat this? If I decide not to run, I'm endorsing Georgy !!
Things to cross off my to-do list: attending a Manchester United soccer game. As sports go, soccer is especially fun to watch when it is well-played, and even though yesterday's game was just an "exhibition", it was clear from the start of the second half that this wasn't the M.L.S. The crowd of just under 60,000 was split down the middle; for all the talk about the Beatles-of-sports World Tour, Los Angeles is a hot bed for Mexican soccer teams, particularly Club America, to the chagrin of xenophobes like Jim Rome. If Chivas were to play its home games at the Coliseum, they would out-draw the Raiders.

July 27, 2003

Perhaps the clearest sign that the whole nation is now laughing at us is MoDo's column this morning. Dowd, who is always about ten seconds behind the cultural zeitgeist, pans the effort, portraying it as another example of how money (in this case, Darrell Issa's) has debased politics. [link via California Insider]

No mention of my candidacy, but she does allude to the Governor's wife, Sharon Davis, who, unlike her husband, is eligible to run in this election. If his Grayness were truly machiavellian, he would run his better half in that election, where she might actually win (unlike her husband, she wouldn't need to get a majority of the vote). If the people then support the recall, she would become governor, creating a situation not unlike Alabama in the late-60's, when Lurleen Wallace was elected to replace her husband, who was term-limited out of office, with the express intention that her husband would still run the state.
Voters of Orange County, Unite: Blogger Digby points out that the recall provision so beloved by the far right in this country actually originated in revolutionary France (!) in 1870, and was supported by none other than Karl Marx. As I was saying...SMYTHE FOR GOVERNOR