Gingerbread Men
Yep, I'm still amazed someone got me a little Android tablet for a present. And, it works online AT the house! Apparently it's a starter model, n that's cool because it is still way smarter than me. I hate how the buttons change all the time, n on the first game I downloaded, I can't yet figure out how to get the guy to jump the first barrier. Duh!
I did figure out how to comment on blogs finally, n have watched many cute cat videos on Utube. Luckily the battery runs out after a few hours because it's been a big time waster while I don't know what I'm doing yet.
![Image by SnaggleTooth Dec 2016](
Around Xmas time I may have caught a bug going around, n got very lethargic not being very hungry n just wanting to sleep n sleep, which I didn't get to until my Day Off, because of course I still went to work.
Then I walked down to the supermarket. I made good time, found bargains, n found a short line. When looking for the store card for savings, I discovered my wallet I'd had at the previous store was missing. I searched n searched all pockets repeatedly n had to get out of line when I couldn't find it in time.
Then I went to the Customer Service desk n explained What was happening. I freaked out a bit thinking the little, old lady may have pick-pocketed me.
After a fast walk down there again, I described what I'd lost, n the manager picked it up off a crowded counter by a register. Intact - Yay! I hugged him. It had fallen instead of going into my pocket- The money was still there! I told him I owed him a very big favor.
I was so relieved the little old lady was innocent, n not to have to file a report or give a description. I trium-
phantly went back to the market, got back in line n paid for my stuff. What a relief!
Plus, my faith in the good of human beings was restored. When I'd thought I'd been robbed it was the worst feeling. Everyone there was very kind when I needed some one to listen n help. I learned that I shouldn't leave cash plus the bankcard in the same thing, either.
The original altered cut of the above square ones.
Which Gingerbread guy did I do?