Good morning! We have a new challenge for you over at the Pink Elephant today - a sketch - YAY! Sadly, though, this is my last challenge with the Pink Elephant! I just love all the ladies over there & I'm certainly going to miss them! Things have really taken off for me in a few areas of my life, and while I wish I had time for everything, I just don't.
Our sponsor this week at TPE is There She Goes Clear Stamps, always been a favorite of mine! (Unfortunately I don't get to use their stamps as often as I'd like!) This image is from Polka Dot Bloom.
Anyways, I also played along with CR84FN's cool palette... although my purple is darker in this pic. Over the weekend I had to send my Nikon DSLR out for repairs [sigh], so all I have until it comes back is a little Nikon Coolpix - it takes THE worst pics of my projects! So keep your fingers crossed that my "baby" will be back soon! Until then, I apologize in advance for the quality of my photos!