Friday, April 27, 2007

Time flies...

Yesterday I was having a nice and happy conversation with someone very important (to me).. One thing led to another and I discovered that 'time' takes its own time to weave our lives.
Not that I did'nt know that time waits for none and all that jazz..but still it felt as if things had not changed in the past few years but they eventually had.

I felt I was the same, but there are changes for the better that I know now...perhaps changes for the worse that I am not prepared for. All in all something has made life different , more exciting and it is definitely the passage of time.

Sometimes i just close my eyes and think of every single person whom I know or I have known in life, closely or remotely...and I try to decipher as to what importance those people hold in my heart.
I feel every human being (or animal) you meet leaves an impression on you and there is always something that one learns...

Walking down memory lane, I see myself talking to an aged man (my father's senior)..Vijay Uncle asks me( a 6 year old)-"So beta what do you want to be when you grow up??" and I say without flinching- an astronaut!!
Someone must have asked me the same question years later..and this time I said engineer!
Finally, time has brought me to a point where i can safely say a lawyer!!!

I recall filling up autograph diaries, slam books et all... and when the question came-"What do you think of love?" I once wrote -L-loss O-of V-valuable E-energy!!
Time has taught me that loving never makes one lose anything at all, it is something so beautiful that it shapes our lives in a way that one never feels alone in the world.

I've already mentioned him in one of my previous posts...yeah! Jojo...this friend of mine is almost ten years younger to me,yet has taught me a lot! I and my parents taught him to shake hands(read paws), jump over dicey cattle catchers on the road, bark at strangers and wait for 'the command' to eat food(khaaoww)!
He has taught me to believe in friendship, love, and eyes...
'Eyes'..well when there are no words spoken eyes do a lot of talking! Jojo has many moods and every mood is pictured in his eyes...My father says Jojo has taught him the meaning of 'a warm handshake'...A handshake which is true to the core.

I wish I could I could pour all thoughts in a jiffy but not now...its not possible.
Thats because I'm reminded of my Family law lecturer's words- "If you students do not read the chapter of muslim law along with the section 125 of the CrPC, and don't mention the landmark cases in the exam....You must die!!!!!"
This reminds me of the eleven schools I changed in my entire school life, and the teachers I mimicked, admired, loved, hated...also it reminds me that my semester exams are really near, I should be reading my law books!!

A few years down the line, God alone knows what sort of life I'll be leading, and how things turn out to be...only time will tell, so let it cast its spell...

Saturday, April 21, 2007


मैंने एक नया , निराला , निष्पक्ष -निर्माण देखा,
यह ब्लोग, जो अब तक अंग्रेजी से वाकिफ़ था , उसने अपनी देश भाषा का चेहरा देखा।

" कुछ तोह लिखो...!!" यह मन मेरा मुझसे कहे है ,
अब तक लोगों ने अंगेजी में सहा...अब हिंदी में सहेंगे।

दिल कि आशा को, यूं मैंने सत्य होता पाया॥
जादू कि तरह अंग्रेजी को हिंदी के रंग में ढलता पाया ...

मैं यहाँ कंप्यूटर के सामने अपनी आंखों को tikaye रखी हूँ ,
पर झारोखे से barkha कि बूंदों को baraste देख रहीं हूँ ।

उस खुले आकाश कि उन्चयिओं को nanhi बूँदें , छू रहीं हैं ,
मुझे अपना sathi banaane का वादा kar रहीं हैं...

panchien udd के आज़ादी को जान rahen हैं,
kaley badalon के samaksh अपनी udaan pehchan रहे हैं...

कुछ दो या चार shabd हैं जो यह कंप्यूटर भी नही समझ paataa।
सोच mein हूँ कि इतने सुन्दर shabd भी नहीं जानता?।

तोह fir चलते हैं ,
क्या hinglish में कविता का काम?

मगर धन्यवाद उनका जिन्होंने दिया is ब्लोग post को अंजाम ।


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Home away from home...

Tears that failed to cease, feet that did'nt feel like crossing the crease,
Tears of goodbye were they, feet of a new girl in hostel were they...

Blurred , tearful vision, yet I waved to them,
stared at the stranded road, until I don't remember when...

How could I cry like a lost kid at school?
But, not many people were there to call me a fool...

A day passed, and so did a night,
And there were others, similar to me and my plight...

Some handshakes, a couple of looks exchanged,
A few ignores, but no glares...

It all began in the summer of 2005,
The time unforgettable-hostel life!

The room so quintessentially qualified,
for two students to live and study side by side...

But, friendships built were not by studies,
by jokes cracked that made roommates, buddies...

From girls -two to four, and four to nine,
we found ourselves mingled, in life's pantomime...

Nights of gossips and unchained chatter,
days however gruelling, did not matter...

Wakeful hours,in the sleepy night,
smothering hugs after every tiff or fight...

Rushing to go out ; out to treat,
treat not just tummies, but eyes on happening streets;)

Three mega times,came our way,
'exams' that the name?

In the rote of daily living, we're living a whole lifetime,
Just a few moments more, and into the world alone we'll strive...

Like school life, this phase far from the river banks of life ;will row...
But,its gifted me a "home away from home..."

Sunday, April 15, 2007


"I wish to keep it, PLEASE!! let me...
I shall be a responsible girl, I assure you; you'll see..."

And with these words of appeasement ,
I wondered if my father would nod to believe me...

There it was-the final nod,
and the world of an eleven year old, was all glee...

A new home , which it was not acquainted to,
Half a dozen hands to stroke and feed it too.

It blinked around gathering itself,
rolled over the carpet, to my amazement!

"What should I name him...this tiny puppy of mine?"
This little one- dark coat, soft paws, a tint of brown over its glinty eyes...

"perdy? No its a he!
Rambo? oh seems too violent to me!"

Something just struck and it was thought...
'Jojo' I named him, keeping it simple and short.

Over the years, Jojo grew up,
with me and my family as a part of us...

Friendly in times of felicity,
Fierce when in front of foe...

Faithful like no one else could ever be,
was and is my Jojo...

These lines I write, Jojo you cannot read,
yet I know.. all I feel...

I pine for the walks with you,
the little games we played all through...

The times when I dolled you up,
when you tore the curtains and Mum's rage would'nt stop!

Sitting here, miles away...
I reminiscence the good old days.

I wish you godspeed and a long life,
And thank you for being an unconditional friend till date...

Highest High

What do you fear? Overcome It. Says everyone, untill it's time to do it. I laughed it off and said I fear heights, He too giggled and go...