
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Back into the Workroom again...

"Getting Back into the Swing"
I'm finally getting back into my workroom and trying to sew.  I've taken the last couple of months off to go to Australia and also to deal with a death in my immediate family.  Grief is extremely crippling but work is also good therapy.
This month on the PFATT Marketplace I have so new pieces, old designs but new pieces.  It was good to go back to creating old friends since my brain is still a bit foggy with grief.  I have always found making mice comforting so this month I have some Valentine Mice to offer.  
Sweet Adeline is one of my favorites, probably because of the fabric, fell in love with it when I saw it.  The "twins" as I like to call them, make a great shelf sitter because they
are the perfect size and the bucket is so cute.
Spring is on everyone's mind right about now so I had to create a few bunnies.  These were a popular design last year so I thought it would be a nice to bring them back.  Each one is holding a special egg they have been working on.  They are great and funny Easter additions. 
This has been good for me to get back into
the workroom and in time, maybe I will learn
to laugh like I use too.  I truly miss David, and will always keep him close to my heart.
Enjoy PFATT everyone, we have some outstanding artists and they have outdone themselves this month!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

YES....Those Dreams Do Come True!

                                "We're Here!"

Anyone that knows me knows that I am blubbering like a complete and total buffoon as I write this.  The hardest part of parenting for Dan and I has been raising three, extremely, diverse and talented kids.  Each had wanderlust in their veins and an incredible uniqueness that has often left Dan and I alone during the holidays and to not have the convenience of extended family close by or to

watch our grand children grow-up.  As difficult as it is I wouldn't change a thing.  Our kids are amazing, each one!  They are good, caring and intelligent individuals with a heart full of empathy, compassion and love with a desire to make our world a better place for one and all.  They have NEVER seen color, religion or lifestyles as an obstacle to becoming friends or family....they are better people than their parents and that is, in itself the greatest gift
any child can give a parent because it makes you realize you did good!   

This is the first time in 11 years I have seen our grandkids...Abby is almost 13, Rohan 11 and Eli turned 10 today.  Australia is their home and what a home it is.  These three are beautiful, thoughtful and loving little souls and not to mention talented.  We were gifted with a concert from our granddaughter last night that just made Dan and weep with joy.  She has just been signed to a radio station down here that will be promoting her throughout Australia as the new and upcoming star.  This is HUGE!  We couldn't be
prouder...she is one of the most humble souls I have ever known, extremely well grounded and mature beyond her years.  

I have been afraid of flying for many years and with my health being so bad it made it almost impossible.  Since our move to Wa. life has become incredible....I have a new outlook re:
priorities and that includes people.  Family is first and then everything else.  I once thought "Soft in the Head" was more important than just about anything but now i find it's just my job and life is my bliss instead of the other way around.  This mind-set has also helped me become an even better artist.  The day I received my passport was the beginning to many new and exciting adventures for this old lady!  Flying is still tough but I love the idea of new and exciting countries and experiences....no wonder our
kids became world travelers!

To be here with my family is the BEST birthday and Christmas gift I could ever receive.  I've already seen the Sydney Opera House which is beyond description and gave me chills to see it!   I get to see the Harbor Bridge light up on New Years in person and not on television.  I get to see how the Aussies do Christmas, considering it is smack dab in the middle of summer here LOL   WE GET TO BE WITH OUR GRANDKIDS!

Today we celebrate Eli's birthday, yesterday was mine, looks like cake and some shopping today after school...Dan and I couldn't be happier!  Thank you one and all for your love, support and encouragement!  We really are truly BLESSED!!!!!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Dreams Do Come True!

"Dreams Do Come True"
Well, the day is almost here, we're leaving for Australia.  A couple of years ago I was moving back to my childhood surroundings and thinking that if I could just get around without this chair or walker  life would be complete....I think the "Powers that Be" had other ideas.  Not only is the chair and walker gone but my life, our lives (Dan and I) have become so blessed!  I thought when I left Ghoultide and the East coast art world that it was time to say "good-bye" to "Soft in the Head" but the complete opposite has
happened, business is better than I ever imagined and the support, love and friendship I have found here out west just takes my breath away!  Now we're going to Australia!  I get to spend Christmas with my son, his wife and our three adorable grandkids.  We've
never met the youngest, Eli, in person and haven't seen Abby and Rohan since Abby was 2 and Rohan a baby.   Everytime we talk about our trip both Dan and I get a wee bit teary....Family is so important and with ours it is everything.  We raised our kids to be free spirits but never dreamed that would include living all over the world.  This Christmas is Australia, next year China? 
Dan has decided we are going to start traveling more and more
since now I can walk.  We have plans for Ireland, China and a cruise to Alaska for starters.  I love having a passport, now I want to fill it with stamps!  We're hoping to see our other grandkids, Jude, Ethan and Grayson, this spring.  We've spent many Christmas' with them and now that everyone has decided to "grow" it's very important to make the time to see each other, besides I really miss my daughter and our shopping excursions and watching her master the kitchen (I hate to cook).  I keep telling myself that they will always be little and cuddly but life has other plans as they are beginning to be taller than their mom!   
Christmastime truly brings out that special bond with family even more....I blame Santa LOL that's why I married him cause then it makes it Christmastime all the time!  Dan really loves being Santa and our grandkids love that he looks like Santa LOL   How did I get so lucky to have this man in my life?
"Soft in the Head" has closed its shoppe till I get back in January.  I
can't believe how successful it has been.  Thank you to all the wonderful followers/collectors for believing in my work and making "Soft in the Head" part of your Christmas!  This was my best year to date!    I was blessed with so many new collectors and even some live right here in Washington.  One I met many years ago at Ghoultide and now she is practically a neighbor LOL. 
Life really is a funny thing and if we just dive into it with a happy
and kind heart it will show you some amazing things.  I feel reborn
once I let go of the toxic people in my life and all the "cut-throat" behavior that seems to reside in the art world.  I made it...I made it on my own without ever using someone else to open doors for me and I
am a richer person because of it.  Karma is my friend!  
We want to wish all of you a VERY Merry Christmas and an incredible 2018.  Be kind to one another even if it hurts LOL  Let's all embrace this gift called life and spread its happiness with a smile!  Peace out!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Christmas Has Come Early....

"Christmas is Early Here"
As I look around my workroom I have to chuckle, it's Christmas and Christmas has
come early for this ol' Softee!  Anyone that knows me knows I'm a last minute kind of person, one that works better under stress.  I didn't want to miss out having a "Christmas blog sale" this year because of our trip to Australia happening at the end of
the month, just needed to change it up a bit.  I was very happy with the feedback from my followers re: whether to do a sale of just sew and upload to my shoppe, the sewing and uploading has worked much better for me.
  My shoppe: www.softeessellingshop.blogspot.com  
  has been so nice to have and keeps track of my inventory,
paypal buttons make it even easier for someone to shop too.  Wish I had thought of this sooner.  There is only one downside to having my own shoppe, the shipping.  Prices are so much higher now not to mention how much I dislike boxing up stuff, I even dislike gift wrapping.
By having my shoppe the selling as I make it helps quite a bit with the packing and shipping, it's all spaced out and not to over-whelming!  Besides I really enjoy taking my time with each piece.  I find myself
getting attached and not wanting to part with certain characters LOL.  The mice are what everyone seems to be wanting and I have those in abundance around the workroom.  It's always fun to see where my imagination will lead me when I start creating one of these funny little rodents.  So far it has been a wonderful road.  
Be sure to check out my shoppe: www.softeessellingshop.blogspot.com

Friday, October 27, 2017

A New Christmas!

"Thinking About Red and Green"
Today I begin the magical ride into the world of Christmas after a VERY successful year in the world of Halloween!  I just packed up my Halloween fabric stash and spent yesterday unpacking and organizing my Christmas fabric.  Odds and ends have been ordered to get me into the winter state of mind.

With Dan and I preparing for our trip to Australia I
have decided NOT to have a blog sale like I do every year but instead I will sell as I finish pieces.  I know this will be tough for all my followers/collectors that depend on my online event every year but since we will be leaving November 28th this will be a better fit for my schedule.   I will promote my pieces on Facebook and here on my blog but everything will be listed in my "Shoppe" www.softeessellingshop.blogspot.com

I have snowmen on the mind and LOTS of mice
which seem to be one of my collectors favorite.  This year I will be stepping back into my primitive world with some Olde Tyme Santa's and a few funny PODD Santa's.  The PODD Santa's have always been a hit and I actually have a few PODD collectors that would be extremely disappointed not to
add to their collection.  I'm trying to come up with something new and different this year and maybe even try a PODD angel and snowman, we'll see where the Christmas spirit sends me this year.  
I truly hope that not to many of you are disappointed about me not having my annual Christmas show but I must admit we are a bit
over-whelmed with this trip to Australia, excited to finally hug our grandkids and spend time in our son's world.  We will get 6 exciting weeks "down under"......this is a dream come true.   Dan and I will actually be having Christmas in the middle of summer there....Christmas on the beach!  Now this is a first!  Christmas is going to be a GREAT New Experience this year!  

Saturday, October 7, 2017

"Soft in the Head Annual Fall Sale"

The shows are completed, the sewing machine is quiet and it is now time for my "Annual Fall Sale".  The sale will begin October 8th at 5pm Pacific time and 8pm Eastern time.  It will
continue till every "softee" has found a home.  This year my show was very successful so my inventory is smaller than usual so I will be adding to it throughout this next week.  As a special thank you to all my wonderful collectors I will be offering "free" shipping within the continental U.S.  For those collectors of mine that live in Canada, Hawaii,
Alaska and England I will send you a separate paypal invoice for shipping, with an appreciative discount of course. 
The sale will be in my "Shoppe" so be sure to click over to www.softeessellingshop.blogspot.com
Everything is "one of a kind" so orders will not be taken, sorry. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

"We're on the Road"

"Chaos and Creativity"
It's here!  Showtime!  I remember many years back Dan and I use to hit the show season with a vengeance and do anywhere from 10-30 shows a year.  Now, we are down to just one show..."A Bewitching Feté" in Pleasanton, Ca.   This is the first year for this show but what makes it so incredibly special is the amazing line-up of artists that will be there and not to mention it is in the quaint rustic town of Pleasanton.  I'm beyond thrilled that I have been asked and included to be a part of this and will
be debuting some new and different work for "Soft in the Head".  I use to work myself silly building inventory but this year I went with a much slower pace.  Having Dan get so ill, of course, helped with that but nonetheless I did more of what I enjoy doing than what I think I should be doing.   
A few years ago I acquired this antique wooden doll mannequin.  It sat on my worktable gathering cinnamon dust and Lord knows
what else when I decided I needed to add a head, then a wire skirt and a couple of tacked on wings and before I knew it I had this amazing raven witch!  I had no idea what I was doing at the time but I sure loved what was  taking shape.  I put her up for sale and she went to a brand new collector, I was hooked!  I've done clay ravens for years but this was different, I pushed myself to try different and different
worked!  I will have new and different at my upcoming show, I hope it will be well received.   I've never been one to surf the internet for ideas and I can't even tell you the last time I was on Pinterest. 
I strive to be different and I think
I've really done it this year.  I'm still hooked on orange and black as you can see by the picture above but those colors will always symbolize Halloween to me and besides I love them!  Working with vintage and antique odds and ends is something I
will never change.  I love using silver (real silver) vintage and tarnished goblets, old sugar bowls and creamers and a rusty clock or two.  This year the pin keeps are  big in my inventory and some little casket sewing kits.

I'll still have my all time favorites

at the show, like my "Softwick" witches, the sleeping mice and my clocks.....I never come home with a clock!  All in all I think this will be a wonderful trip and show.  The best part is seeing old friends and collectors and making new friends and collectors....So we're off, wish us luck and if you're in the area of Pleasanton, CA Sept 22-23 PLEASE stop by
and say hello! to Dan and I, we would love it!


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Change is TOUGH!

"Times, They Are Changing"
Most of us never care much for change cause as we get older we get set in our ways and comfortable, change just mucks it up.   After moving to Washington state  I thought that, just  maybe, we were finished with any other BIG changes and I could learn to be bored LOL.....not so lucky.  The change that is affecting us now is not a good one and is taking all of my time to learn to live with it.  Illness does this, it comes unexpectedly and then begins taking all your time which changes everything and making plans becomes impossible.
One of the biggest changes, for now, is that I will not be able to teach my Fall class for "Artful Gathering".  This was not an easy decision since I love teaching and have had such a great experience doing it.  Cristina Galliher, owner of "Artful Gathering" has been such a guiding spirit in my life which makes not doing
this class even more heart wrenching BUT I will be back next summer for the new season of "Artful Gathering".  For now I will continue to play in my small vegetable garden gathering my Roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green beans, zucchini squash and snap peas.  Nothing makes my spirit sing like growing
my own food.  My tomatoes are show worthy and so yummy.  The cherry tomatoes rarely make it back into the house as I stuff
them in my pocket and munch on them the whole time I'm outside watering.   

I've also gotten into the picking the wild black berries that seem to be "everywhere".  I think Dan is getting tired of blackberry cobbler, blackberry pie, blackberry jam and blackberry muffins...but in my defense "blackberries are REALLY good"!
"Soft in the Head" is still planning on being in Pleasanton, California Sept. 22 and 23 for "A Bewitching Feté"....my inventory will be low but I have some of the best work I have ever done ready for this show.  After viewing the line-up of artists
that will be there, many I have only admired through magazines and seeing their work in stores, I'm getting very excited.  

I'm not on Facebook/Instagram very often anymore and I'm missing birthdays, anniversaries, special times in the lives of my online
friends, please forgive me and know I will return one day, soon I hope.   I think of everyone of you often but for now I'm needed here.  I will drop a blog post once a week and continue to bore everyone with pictures of the cutest cat in the world, our Sammy.....
Take care one and ALL!   
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