Saturday, November 29, 2008

After hours of intense negotiation,
we settled on this slightly blurry photo of Norman Bates.

Friday, November 28, 2008


There is talk of posting videos of goddamned CATS on my blog.
I may need to overthrow the management.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sophie and the Hegdehog

This is not quite the racy, provocative video that I promised everyone, but the poor production values should speak highly for its ranking as amateur.

Sophie and the Hedgehog from Sophie Brador on Vimeo.

While playing the video, Sophie appeared to hear me say to "get your hedgehog," so she did and honked it in unison with her video honking. A finer symphony of honks you have never heard. Too bad I didn't have a video of that.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

So longs Freda

I will miss you.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Need a Favour
and if you help me out,

I promise to post provocative video of Sophie Brador

This is one of Sophie's favourite bipeds

Isn't he adorable?!

His name is
Gabriel Bran Lopez.
He's smart as a whip and charming besides.

He is taking part in a CBC competition to become Canada's Next Great Prime Minister.
Whether you are Canadian, American, Australian, European, Asian, African, or Martian, please vote for him.

Gabriel is an amazing young man who has traveled all over the world doing volunteer work and helping to make a difference in people's lives. He is especially committed to youth issues and inspiring young people to affect social change.

The people with the highest ratings become finalists and have the opportunity to receive $50,000 and a paid internship at Magna International, The Dominion Institute and the Canada-US Fulbright program.

It's a really big deal.
Former Canadian Prime Minister's get the final say (ahem).

Please vote for Sophie's friend by going to this site:

You will need to register, but it's CBC, so not a big deal. To vote,
leave a comment with a five star rating.
Anything less than that doesn't count.

And ...

If you vote, I will post video of Sophie, post-Kronenburg, playing with her hedgehog.
Yes, that's bribery.

Please help Gabriel kick butt. For the record, he'd make a fantastic PM for any country. If he doesn't win this one, I may become his agent and contract him out to countries in need.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Is Sophie a Drunk?

Not yet, but you know what they say. Those French beers are gateway beverages. First a Kronenburg, then a fermented bison broth circa Monday afternoon.

After Sophie polished off this six pack (no Joe present, mind you), she participated in several video productions involving herself and a hedgehog that Asta NY gave her. Sophie hasn't been this crazy since the lobsters from Boston. Once she passes out for good, I'll upload the movies.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sophie's Homecoming

While I've been in NY, cavorting with the likes of these two

(Asta and the Furbrat)

and this one

(Okay, admittedly, this one was in a little show I saw called Celebrity Autobiography - very funny)

Sophie has been in the country cavorting with that one

(Yup, that's Pablo. His moms went away and he's been staying in the country too.)

(Photos taken at home, on my bed -- not in the country, since only Sophie gets to go to the country. Spoiled brat! )

She's coming home today.
I can't wait to see my dog!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Thing About Blogs
by Sophie Brador

See, the thing about blogs is, I can post whatever the hell I want and don't really have to care if someone else doesn't like it.

Last week, I did a pro-Obama/pro-Wally-in-the-White-House post and someone (who shall go unnamed, because I have no idea who this person is anyway) posted "Nobama" in the comments.

Now really, if you aren't on board with me politically, then why are you bothering? I decided that I really didn't want any negative vibes flooding my airwaves, so I deleted the comment. But being the curious blogger that I am, I also posted a comment on that person's blog asking if Nobama meant (s)he was a McCain supporter or independent or whatever else you Americans might do in an election.

Anyway, last night, I arrived home to a rather scolding new comment from that very person, saying something to the effect that if I was going to post political stuff on my blog, I have to give equal voice to all sides.


It's a blog honey!
This ain't the Washington Post and I don't have to give voice to anyone I don't want to.

More to the point, this is a DOG BLOG and it is all meant in good fun and good humour. If that's too much for you, please don't read my blog.

This has been a dogitical message from the next Prime Minister of Canada, Ms. Sophina la Brador.

Please direct negative responses to this post to:

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Okay, my American friends.
This is the Goal

A short-legged black dog named
Wally T. Corgador in the White House.
If that doesn't work, then we'll take Obama and some other rescue dog.

Bark for Barack
because among other things,
when he becomes President,
his kids are going to adopt a dog from a shelter.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Sophie Brador
Tour Guide

Les Rues et Ruelles de l' avenue Des Érables

This is the entry to the ruelle (back lane) behind her house.
There are lots of cats and sometimes, she plays fetch back here.
We can't wait for the winter, when it is piled high with snow -- No Cars Allowed!

When Sophie emerges from that very lane, she sees the image of Mme Bolduc painted on the side of this building, which is just around the corner from Sophie's house.

The place is called Ma-Am-M Bolduc, and they serve up lots of Québécois cuisine like tourtière and of course, poutine.

This dude was hanging around outside, probably hoping some cheese curds will fall his way.

This is the entry to another ruelle, just down the street.
This one leads to the location of Sophie's morning constitutional.

It is an empty lot hidden behind some houses in the back lane. The people who live around here have taken this spot over as a sort of local park.

They planted it with trees and perennials and provide a garbage can for dog doo-doo. The city seems to have forgotten about it, which is probably that best thing that could ever have happened, since the community does a great job of caring for it.

This is one of the triplexes that backs onto that tiny park. It's a very pretty spot.

Further down the street, on Marie-Anne, is the location of the best burgers you will ever have in Montreal. Whether you eat lamb, beef or tofu, Les Belles Soeurs is the best!

Just down from Les Belles Soeurs, across from the bigger little park, Sophie met these two kids.

Names escape me, so we'll just call them Eleanor and Wilbur.

Eleanor has two different coloured eyes, which makes her quite unique.

Wilbur was trying to be a bit fresh, but Sophie ignored his advances.

She was too interested in contemplating the space challenges of the Smart car, for a dog who refuses to sit upright in a moving vehicle.

Finally, Baldwin Park, the bigger little park -- or the smaller big park.

Entering this park from the opposite side, Sophie was quite disturbed to discover this sign. So far, we have not seen any upright cats.

But we did encounter this dude when leaving the park. He is the leader of the Bloc Quebecois and newly re-elected Member of Parliament for our riding.

I really like that yellow house and one of Sophie's buddies lives there. Well, he's her buddy as long as Sophie doesn't try to chase his kitty. When she does that, her buddy goes into protect-o-mode and gets very grumpy with Sophie.

This house is on Des Érables, right across the street.

This dog is Sophie Brador, and this has been a guided tour.

Note: This tour took place earlier in the Fall, before all the leaves fell off most of the trees.