Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Guess Who?!

It's someone we haven't seen in a while, but you can't mistake that dot!

It's Cha Cha!!!!

Cha Cha's owner has just left for Rome to write plays for six months.
Not feeling confident in her Italian, Cha Cha decided to stay in Montreal, but we probably won't get a chance to see her.

We will miss Cha Cha and her mom.

Have a great time in Italy, Diane.
Write well.
See you and Cha Cha this summer!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sophie was once an in demand singer,
performing at top venues across the globe.

Today, she leads a simpler life, singing as a past-time on the days when the wind blows too cold to actually enjoy the frigid temperatures.

Here she is singing Blackbird, in honour of Joe
(not Biden or the plumber)
and his new bird feeder.


Blackbird singing in the dead of night
take these broken wings and learn to fly

This is another Canadian Sarah McLachlan singing it. She's okay. Not as good as Sophie though. Too bad we only have stills from Sophie's performance.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sophie Goes for a Walk

The ending is intentionally ambiguous.
Critics have had a mixed response.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sophie Goes for a Walk, Part 3

In this episode, it becomes evident why the beast rarely listens to me. Maybe because I rarely stop talking to her?

to be continued ......
Sophie Goes for a Walk, Part 2

Things start to get really exciting in this episode
(if you missed Part 1, scroll down)

to be continued .....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sophie Goes for a Walk, Part 1

to be continued ......

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Last weekend, while I was doing this,

(also known as snow dancing)

Sophie was doing this.

Yelling at Tricky,

Charlot, and a new buddy named,

well, Buddy.

I don't think he likes his name, but he sure liked Sophie and even snuggled with her at night.

Despite some concern on Sophie's part,
she was cool with that.

It helped that he's adorable.

All of these photos are very poorly lit and composed, but none quite so poorly as this one of poor Tricky. This is really and truly his face. See his one green eye ball?

By the way, for those who are confused, yes, this is Charlot and Tricky, our former neighbours.
When Sophie and I moved out of the loft, they also moved, to the country. But Chris still drives in and walks Sophie everyday. She walks other dogs too, but she loves Sophie best of all. Right Chris? :-)

Monday, January 05, 2009

Technical Difficulties sort-of resolved,
and so, with no further fussing about, I present ...

Pink Sophie

Sunday, January 04, 2009

We are Experiencing
Technical Difficulties
Please Stand By