Friday, May 14, 2010

random thoughts

I am bored. sure, I have things I could be doing. I could clean up the house, do more laundry, make some scrapbook pages or cards, re-paint my toenails. or hey maybe even take a shower and get dressed for the day.
I just dont want to. but I dont know what I DO want to do either.

so last Saturday the Humane Society was in the mall doing a pet adoption drive sort of thing and we stopped by and immediately fell in love with a chihuahua named Brandi. Shes between 2-3 yrs old and tan and fat! She is currently in a foster home- the Humane Society saved her from being put to sleep 5 months ago and have been trying to get her adopted since then.. theres nothing wrong with her and shes a good dog, so they couldnt figure out why she hadnt been adopted yet. Neither could we.
Anyways, we loved on her and then filled ut the adoption paperwork and then waited to hear from them. so a couple days ago I find out that they are really calling my references and landlord and even the vet we used for Pepper! I dont know why, but I didnt really think they would make the calls. But, apparently we are good enough dog owners because we were approved to get her!! yay!
We arent going to bring her home though until the 25th or so because we are going to my brother Dales wedding next weekend and didnt want to have her here for a week and then leave her for a weekend and then get her again. too traumatizing for a newly adopted dog. The kids cant wait to get her and have already discussed a schedule for feeding and walking her. We'll see how long that lasts!
I cant wait to have someone else in the house with me all day. Its unreal how lonely a house feels without your dog.

Im addicted to facebook. I post there way too much. completely random things.

oh, my surgery was denied! so we are appealing now. ugh. I hope the appeal works. sigh.

I miss my friends in Germany. I have a couple friends here, but no one I talk to daily or hang out with or go to lunch with or whatever.. and Im lonely.

I took a stained glass class at the arts and crafts center a couple weeks ago. I was the only one in the class. I made a flower suncatcher. it wasnt as hard as I thought it would be.. but I did mess up a couple times. hopefully Ill go back sometime and try again. I guess I could go there during the daytime too. I just hate spending money on it. which is why i try not to go out during the day.. if i go anywhere, i spend some money. im trying to save money, not spend it.

I need to get my lesson ready for Relief Society on Sunday.. shouldnt be putting it off. Im getting a little more used to it though.. still scary but not as bad.

ok thats my rambling for now.. nothing major.. just little thoughts in my head. haha