Sunday, May 22, 2011

I am SO not techno savvy....

Wanted to add this:

to my sidebar.

Tried several times, but blogger kept telling me there were "illegal characters".


What does that even mean?

I just wanted to be able to feed some virtual fish now and then.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Love me some Natalie Dee!!!!


I'm babysitting tomorrow night.

Why, yes.
I have no life so I AM available to babysit on Saturday nights.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm back....

....and with short hair!!!

Decided to take the plunge yesterday and go short again.

The shortest my hair has been in years.

I decided to just do it...'cuz you's just hair...and if I decide I don't like it~it'll grow.

In other less shallow news: my estranged husband decided a few weeks ago to file a motion to dismiss the complaint for divorce.

While this was and is a big relief for me in many ways~most of them financial....I know that we WILL get divorced eventually. Probably sometime summer '12.

I have to say that the past couple of months have been some of the most stressful in my life. I still cry almost everyday. I'm still scared. I have lost a lot of my self-confidence (yes, I'm still a smart-ass and have some confidence, but not like I used to)....and regardless of that picture and the fact that I look a little sassy in it~I've lost a lot of my self-esteem. I've lost faith in people...well...really just men....I still trust my women friends (no offense any of you guy readers out there who haven't screwed me over) .

I've been having health issues, which I'm sure are related to the tremendous stress I've been under.



I've gained weight.

Not only is my hair the shortest it's been in a long time, I'm also the heaviest I've been in years.

As you can see, I haven't done anything about going private.

I'm considering totally changing my blog: new title, new look, new name (I KNOW y'all will miss calling me "Pissy").

I've been blogging here for five years now.

I think it's time for a change.

And I have to give credit to Devon for suggesting I do make a total change.

I'm too frazzled these days to come up with any good ideas on my own.

So....that's what's been happening with me.

What's new with y'all?

Monday, April 18, 2011

My sports bra is sticking to me.

Am currently on an endorphin high. This post is gonna ramble. Just thought I should warn y'all in case you want to stop reading now.

Just finished a round-trip walk to what i think will become my new gym home. You know how people talk about their "church home"? Yeah, this is like that. Only it's a gym. So maybe not. Never mind. was about a 45 minute walk ...not counting the newly poured asphalt I stepped in and the two traffic lights I had to stop for. I walked part of the trail
that goes all the way to Stone Mountain park. My part of the route goes by Agnes Scott College and some cute little restaurants and houses. It's nicely paved and very wide. I'm kinda embarrassed that I've lived this close to that trail for almost 2 years and have never walked it before. Oh, well. Bygones. I'll be walking it a couple of times a week from now on.

About this gym: I'm only in the 3rd day of my free one week trial, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna join. It's a medium sized gym, close to my house (obviously), decent monthly membership fee, VERY clean, good array of equipment, not a meat-market type of atmosphere AT ALL. (All though that kind of thing can be entertaining. As a spectator. I'm too old to be a participant.) Because it's a neighborhood seems to never be crowded. Like because it's in the neighborhood, people sort of pop in at anytime. It has a good variety of classes....a nice little cardio theater, a separate room for Spin and a small room for more zen-type yoga classes. (I took a yoga class yesterday afternoon. Liked it.)


Jane Fonda used to be a member.

THAT Jane Fonda.

I feel like that's a good endorsement.

So, yeah.

That's my big news (the gym....not the Jane Fonda thing).

What's going on with y'all?

*side bar*

I am currently eating a snack of reduced fat Cheez-its and baby carrots. I'm pretty sure I've never eaten this combination before.

Michelle Obama is on 'The View'. Everyone always talks about her arms and how awesome they are. Yes, her arms ARE awesome. However, I'm pretty sure she can thank genetics for that. She doesn't strike me as a big 'work-out-kinda-gal'. What do y'all think?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter time at the Casita

I've always had a deep, deep love for Easter.

Probably because it leads up to my most favorite holiday of the year:
(but that's a whole other post)

here are some pictures that I've taken in the past couple of weeks
leading up to the big day

Gorgeous white dogwood tree
at the pocket park near my house.

This is Reginald.
I found him at a little shop near Pastries A Go-Go.

I wasn't going to buy any Easter decorations this year, but

I couldn't resist that ruffle at his neck.

I mean really.....


he's sparkly!!

What's not to love?!?!?


I made a quick trip to Kudzu with Kelly and Austin and found
these awesome cardboard eggs:

(I already had the little bird salt and pepper shakers.)

They were priced at only $3 dollars each
which I thought was a lot of bang for the buck.

'cuz they're pretty big



Kelly and Austin surprised me with this little canvas
from Z Gallerie:

Don't 'cha love it?

I do!!!

It looks SO perfect in my little downstairs living room.

Thanks again, Kel!!!

Have y'all done any Spring/Easter decorating?

p.s. Sorry for the poor picture quality of Reginald's photos. I took those at night and just couldn't get the lighting right. He's much more handsome than he appears. The photos don't do him justice. :(

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Some (mostly) pink pictures

I've taken these over the past few weeks. The flowering trees and bushes are so beautiful. Spring if my favorite season; second only to Fall. :)

This is one of the pretties bouquets I've seen in a long time.

Just look at those flowers!!!!

I found this canvas at Kudzu Antiques a few weeks ago.
She's (of course she's a "she"...she's PINK!)
hanging on the wall of my little downstairs living room.
I've named her "Bossy", after the restaurant
where my grandmother worked when I was a little girl.
It was in Sequin, Texas and was called "Ole Bossy".
They had THE best ice cream! :)

Bossy hangs right next to this new-ish daybed from West Elm.
I'm loving all the bright pillows that I've collected since I've lived here
and how well they go with the Anthropologie
bedspread I got on sale last year. :)

This was last Sunday on my landlord's deck.
They had a HUGE (over 200 people) birthday party.
(this was during set-up)
I didn't take many pictures because there was a professional photographer
there and I'd have felt silly with my little camera.
I took these with my phone.
That's my little house in the background. :)

I lent some of my vases and decorative items
to Laura for the party.
This is one of my little Crate and Barrel vases
with Camellias in it. :)

This is a little street around the corner from my house.
Gracie and I walk under this bower of pink flowering trees everyday.
Those beds were filled with tulips.
I thanked the owner for planting so many for us to enjoy. :)

I adore being a Nanny.
One of the perks is doing crafts like this.
Personally I think I could wear these chunky bead necklaces out
and no one would know that a 3 year old and I made them.
Well...maybe they would.... ;-)

We like to do sidewalk chalk art.
I know my "skills" are
rudimentary at best.
But the children enjoy it.
....and participate: see those "suns"? :)

Now for some more of the best parts of my job:
we go for nature walks.

Here at this small nature preserve right behind their little subdivision.
It's absolutely beautiful.
My pictures don't do it justice.

I mean....really....look at that.....

...and here's the non-pink:
lovely white flowering tree in a yard that borders
the nature preserve.

Happy Sunday!!!!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Thought for the Day

I think we can all relate to this.

Happy Friday!

Hope all of you have a fabulous weekend!

I'm going to spend all day Saturday with Devon and Dane
so I KNOW my weekend will be a wonderful!!!!
