Ammon's dad takes the train from Seattle a couple times a year to visit his brood in Cali. We love his visits. He is so much fun to have at our house. This year, he came for Thanksgiving. So did Stina, Aaron and Annika. Add our family, Luke & Marlo's family, and Jessica, and that makes for almost one half of the Dorny clan in one place!
I have so much to be thankful for in 2009.
I am thankful for little hands. As I sat at the Thanksgiving table, with all of the noise, laughter and sippy cups, my mind went back about six years ago to a camping trip with Luke and Marlo. Marlo and I were hiking and talking about starting our families. Who knew that years later, thousands of dollars, a couple of losses, hospitalizations, bed rest, and many, many tears we would have five healthy, beautiful kids between our two families. Stina has traveled the same path with us to get her family, which will hopefully expand soon, and my heart is full of thanks.
I am thankful for our good health. The girls have had some colds and each had pneumonia last spring, but overall, we have weathered the daycare germs pretty well. No H1N1 at our house either. And other than a bad lunch last week, I haven't been sick once this year thanks to my powerhouse immune system :)
I am thankful for adrenaline. Ammon and I have been fortunate (or crazy) enough to do several races this year. I am thankful that my post-10-pound-baby-body has rebounded (somewhat) and that Ammon and I are able to train and race together. One of my favorite "date nights" was a run up to Old Town, dinner, and the bookstore, then a run home --- about eight miles round trip. I am thankful that Ammon has recovered from his bike accident, and thankful that he survived the waves at the LA triathlon.
I am thankful for our jobs. Especially my new job that allows me to spend more time with the girls. The days we have together are priceless. And I welcome my three work days to exercise my mind, fight the good fight, and to have lunch with friends and window shop on Lake at my leisure.
I am thankful for our families. I am so grateful that we are able to travel to Utah and Seattle so that our kids know their grandparents and cousins. I am grateful that our families have been able to come to California to visit us. We've had some fun visits including the Dorny Family Reunion, two visits from Opa, Bedstemor coming to meet the twins, my family coming for the Pasadena triathlon, my family coming for the girls birthday, the deer hunt in Utah, Labor Day in Fillmore, and other fun visits.
Lastly, I am thankful for coconut m&ms, car dvd players, date nights, Magic Eraser, ladybugs, Trader Joes, the Arroyo, running partners, sisters, sister-in-laws, my Fillmore BFFs, Flat Out bread, my Alexi Murdoch cd, our soldiers in Iraq, a set bedtime, Tivo, good neighbors, Kiss Me mascara, my mom's laugh, my dad's work ethic that he passed on, spinach and cranberry salad, my blackberry, and for the quiet 30 minutes I occasionally get to update my blog.
So here are some pics of our Thanksgiving 2009.