Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Gavin LOVED the cranberry salad. It kept him very entertained while Richard and I ate!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


My family has so many traditions that I love. One of those is going to cut down our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. We always drive along the ridge between the ocean and the bay for a beautiful scenic drive.

Then we stop at a funky little breakfast joint called Alice's that we just love. This year when we went to get our tree we had major spider incident. I was going through some of the trails to look at a tree and I almost ran into an enormous spider. I made a big deal out of it and my brother and I oogled (thats not really a word) over the HUGE nasty spider. My poor niece freaked out! My sister finally got her to settle down and just then she looked over and next to her was another enormous spider. That was the end of her! We did all finally recover, got two great trees and took some fun family photos on the back of my dad's truck. It was another great Thanksgiving with great leftovers and fun traditions!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Old Stuff

I finally got some pictures from Aeryn's birthday in October and wanted to share my favorites!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007


I have been working towards being excepted into the education program at UVSC. I had my interview two weeks ago and yesterday I got my letter of acceptance!! I'm so excited! I was thinking if I didn't get in that I would probably stop going to school. So I guess I am sticking around. I'm hoping to graduate with my teaching credentials in April of 2009. Sounds far away, huh? I'll get there!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Gavin's Firsts

I thought I should update on Gavin's new skills. Gavin will be one at the end of the month. So far he has had his first mouth full of sand ...

Taken his first steps (3 steps), it takes lots of coaxing to get him to try and he won't do it often.

He's said his first words ... Mama (1st, yeah!), Dada and baba (bottle).

We just switched him from formula to whole milk and it is bothering his tummy a little. Today he was really cranky so I heated up a dish towel and put it in his jammies to help his tummy. He was standing with the towel in his clothes and he looked like Santa. He kept patting his tummy and giggling. I wish he was in red.

He also loves to wave at everyone, especially when they are not looking at him. He also loves to clap. We were watching dancing with the stars and he heard the audience start clapping so he started too.

And now my report in on weight loss ... Good week, I dropped another 2 pounds bringing my total to 7 pounds lost! I'm feeling a little discouraged this week though. I'm sad that I'll never get to eat whatever I want, but I guess no one really does :)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Dang Candy!

I am working so hard to loose wait and the stupid bowl of leftover candy has been stairing at me all day. I would give it away but it's got a couple full size candy bars in it and I just can't part with them!


Whenever Richard gets an idea for a costume he always makes it look great. Three years ago he spent the whole month growing out his beard and hair to be wolverine. He looked awesome!

This year he decided to be a geeky dentist. He looked so good! We passed out candy and tooth brushes. We told all the kids if they didn't brush they would have teeth like his. It scared a lot of the kids! I think they probably brushed that night.

Gavin looked so cute in his pirate costume! I wore my tinkerbell costume from high school and Gavin and I went as Captain Hook and Tinkerbell. I have to get this kind of stuff in before he knows how to protest :)

Aren't we cute ...