So I have once again been slacking on the blogging!! Sorry;) I realized that I haven't even blogged about my pregnancy yet, other than Spencer announcing we were pregnant!! What a slacker I know!! I am 16 weeks pregnant with a little boy!! We are super excited to have another sweet little spirit come into our home!! Our Dr. (Dr. Gorski) told us at 11 weeks it looked like it was a boy but she didn't want to say for sure yet!! Well we went in two weeks later and after looking at the baby she said "Yep its a boy for sure" We were so excited!! Spencer has been thinking of boy names daily!! I went in for my surgery(my cervical cerclage) on March 31 and I am feeling really good. This cerclage has been a little more scary than the ones I had with the girls though. After my surgery they had to send me home with a prescriptions of Terbutaline for the contractions which I didn't have with the girls. This medicine makes your heart race and can get up to 120, so I have had to get used to it!! The Friday after my surgery I was having contractions on and off I had these horrible headaches so I called the Dr. and they told me I needed to make sure I was taking the medicine every 6 hours no matter what and to take 800mg. of Motrin. I have been feeling much better since then. I haven't had any hard contractions since then. I went into the Dr. on Monday so they could check me and they said my uterus was one big contraction so she wanted me to stay on the medicine, She said that if it doesn't keep working and I keep having contractions then they will have to have me on a Terbutaline pump which is a constant flow of the medicine, but the medicine is working so we are very grateful for that!! Abby came my first week of surgery and my mom came this week and Abby will be back tomorrow. We are soooo thankful for our moms and all that they have done for us!! They are both probably soo sore from holding Sariah!! Did I mention that Sunni weighed her last week and she weighed 32lb.s? She was clothed but still!! And little Sammi only weighed 26lb.s fully clothed!! We loved having them both here taking such wonderful care of us!! We love our moms!! This is the first day since my mom has left and I am missing her smiling face like crazy!! I cant wait until our next visit!! We are excited to see Abby tomorrow and to enjoy more time with her too!! We love you both so much!!! I almost forgot a friend of mine Dawn is a photographer she owns Sabraw Photography here in town and takes awesome pictures, She has offered to take my pregnancy pictures for my entire pregnancy!! I am so excited!! It will be fun to have pictures of my tummy as it grows!!
14 weeks along!!