Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Solar ovens and such

Jared rocked the sun oven project at school last Friday!  He was so worried about it.  He said he was going to get an "epic fail."  After three so-so attempts over the last couple of weeks at cooking his marshmallow in under 30 minutes, he ran out of sunlight for testing before his big project was due.  As a last minute ditch effort (that he didn't even test), we threw in one final key element that ended up making all of the difference!  A lid to a miniture roasting pan (he was allowed to use items that he found around the house)!  Black and metal--perfect for absorbing heat!  And the handle was perfect for tilting the marshmallow just right to get maximum sun exposure!  A++++++  My boy came home filling all proud of himself and like the superstar of the day!  I was so thrilled for him!

Jared did a demo for me when when he got home from school :-)

Got an email today stating that registration is open for EFY next Summer.  Hanna is already super duper excited!  She wants to go to Arizona to be with Emma, one of her besties.  Did I mention she's excited!?!

Hanna's efy group from Cedar City this last Summer.

theme poster for efy 2012

Hanna didn't have school on monday this week, so we made up for all the time we didn't have together while the boys were at the annual shoot-out a couple of weeks ago (Hanna had band stuff every night while they were gone!).  I taught Hanna how to can peaches and then we went to the fabric store to get fabric for her Young Woman in Excellence project.  She is going to make a duvet cover and decorate her room.  She picked out some very fun fabric!  I can't wait to see the finished product!  I love home improvement projects!  Pictures to come!

Owen, John (cousin) and Josh (cousin) at the shoot-out

Hanna in the percussion pit on parent's day

Hanna first attempt at canning! 

The fabric Hanna chose with a teal blue contrast.

I am still provided with a Cub Scout fix once in a while! Yesterday, I got to help the boys with carpentry projects. The wolves made Birdhouses and the Bears made toolboxes. I got gorilla glue all over my hands, but thankfully managed to keep my fingers safe from hammers! The boys were all so proud of their projects.
Yesterday, I also went on a hike to the "Y" with the youth.  We had daylight on our way up, but it was completely dark by the time we got down.  The twinkling city is so pretty in the dark from the mountain!  I really enjoyed it, even though I was dreading it all day--I thought we would have the full heat of the sun and that I would poop out!  I guess I'm not in such bad shape (nevermind that I was in the slow group!).

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Eleven years ago today

Eleven years ago today, I got the call. It was a call I was expecting. My dad had passed away.

My tears were full of relief for the end of suffering. Full of sorrow for my mother's loss of her husband. Full of my own selfish sorrows that I would never see him again. Full of gratitude for my testimony of our Heavenly Father's plan of happiness.

We had gone to Oklahoma for my brother Alen's wedding in April of 2000. When we got home, my mom called to tell me that they had gotten the test results back -- it was Metastatic Melanoma Skin cancer.

I saw my dad for the last time in July of that year. My family came to Utah for an emergency family reunion. He was going downhill fast. He was in a wheelchair and had an oxygen tank. Not easy to see him like that--he was only 51. I was able to do one last wonderful thing with him while he was here. I had the priveledge of taking him to the Stadium of Fire to see one of his all time favs perform--Alabama! I loved watching him sing along to the songs he knew so well. I remember running down the street back to the car to get him out of the smoke from the fireworks. We had a great night! He was smiling and happy. I think he might have even forgotten about the pain he was in for a little bit.

My handsome dad when he was young.

Before he left, I asked him on the video recorder what he wanted his grandkids to know. Do you know what he said? Three simple words filled with emotion. "the gospel's true." Thanks for your legacy of faith, daddy! I love you and miss you so much! But, I know it's true, too! So, it's not really goodbye, but till we meet again!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ready for Halloween!

Costumes are ordered. I am off the hook!
Originally, Jared wanted to be a banana for Halloween. A BANANA!?! Today, I told him that I need to know FOR SURE what he wants to be because I need to get sewing! We have been looking through the Costume Express magazine and online for ideas for weeks now. I came accross the glowing stick man costume and knew Jared would love it! He did! Happy day! Actually, Owen wants to be a glowing stick man, too! So, I ordered them and now I have two less costumes to sew! When Hanna gets home from band, I'm hoping she has decided what she wants to be.

I have always loved sewing the kids costumes. They always turn out so cute! They always get a ton of compliments and feel really special. And, I save a ton of money! Last year, Jared was Mario and Owen was Luigi. I didn't even use a pattern and I made them for about $10 each! Gloves, hats and all! (I found the hats in the clearance section at walmart for 50 cents each!) Hanna was a hippi. All that I made for her was a vest, a peace necklace and a head band thing. And since I didn't post last year, here you go!

I am going to have a pretty awesome costume this year, too! Generally, I throw something together last minute before we head out for the evenings festivities. I am always too busy helping the kids with their costumes and such. But this year, I inherited a super cool shawl and some jewelry from Spencer's grandma when she passed away. The other day I found the perfect skirt at DI to go with it. I am going to be a gypsi type witchy woman! I think it will turn out cool! Pictures to come!

Spencer just got home, I need to help him with Pack meeting prep and pull something together for dinner. Um, maybe I should have started that sooner... But guess what I did get done today! I bottle some peaches! Yum!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The blog slacker is back!

I have been gone for awhile! I can't believe I actually remembered my password!

I don't have time to post anything wonderful right now, I just thought I'd check in and see if I even had a blog anymore. It's time to get dinner going...

When I get back on here (hopefully in the near future), I plan on changing out my retro green background. I plan to post fun and exciting pictures of our goings on. I plan to have lots of clever things to say. Ambitious, I know.

We'll see how it goes! You know I have so much time on my hands these days! hahaha

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Christmas newsletter

I was so bad, I didn't do Christmas cards last year. Something had to give for me to stay balanced and that was it... I felt guilty for a little bit, but realized that it was okay for me to take a break from doing cards for one year. Here is the newsletter I'm putting in my cards this year...

Merry Christmas 2009!

Warmest holiday greetings! I need to get caught up on two years this time… the last couple of years have sure been full, challenging and eventful! Through the good and the bad, we are truly grateful for these times of growth and development in our faith and family relationships. Here is our update in a nutshell…

Spencer has been wearing many hats. Not only is he serving in the Sunday School Presidency (often teaching a last minute lesson), but he has also been heavily involved in Cub Scouts. Spencer has been a Cub Committee Member, Webelos Assistant, and Scoutmaster—simultaneously! It has been quite a load at times, but Jared especially appreciates and enjoys his hard work and selfless service! Spencer has also been devouring books about our Founding Fathers and the Constitution--he is a lover of FREEDOM!

Tamra has tried lots of new things over the last two years! Home-schooling, canning, putting our house on the market--twice! (…only to be thwarted by bad timing and a tumbling economy! We want to get land so we can have chickens, maybe other animals and a big canning garden!) Tamra had to give up the at-home abstracting job last Fall (due to a lack of reliable income…), and finally got a “real” part-time job at in Feb. of this year. She loves her new job, but still wishes that working outside of the home was not needed. Tamra is also a Cub Scout Den Leader for the Wolfs and the Bears.

Hanna is 12, blossoming into a young woman--and we hate it! We love watching our kids grow and develop into their own independent selves, but miss them being little… Hanna is enjoying Junior High, continues to excel in piano under her Grandma’s tutelage, and loves being in Young Woman’s at church. She also loves to read, be with her friends and do anything creative. She worked hard for several months this Summer and finally had enough money to buy her own ipod!

Jared is 10, and thriving at Freedom Academy Charter School. We decided together that he would go into Fourth grade this school year. It has turned out to be a great decision for him and his confidence is soaring! He is doing awesome, getting A’s and B’s in most subjects! We are so proud of him! Jared’s favorite things are: Scouts, being outside (and everything that implies…), playing with friends and weapons. The highlights of the year for him were going on the shoot-out and our family trip to Moab.

Owen is 7, also at Freedom Academy and doing very well. Owen’s health has made drastic improvements over the last year thanks to his proactive dad finding natural solutions for his reactive airway problem. He has thickened up quite a bit and now loves playing outside! Owen also loves to build things with magnetics and legos, play video games, and play with our dog, Candy! He is looking forward to being baptized in April and being a Cub Scout!

We hope that this letter finds you well this holiday season! We are so grateful for the blessing of family and friendship that we share with you! We are especially thankful this Christmas for our savior, Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice! Merry Christmas!

All our love,
Spencer, Tamra, Hanna, Jared and Owen Ockey

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wishing I were there...

Hanna is at the Temple for the first time doing babptisms for the dead. I remember my first temple trip! I lived in Florida at the time and the Atlanta, GA temple was the closest one. We stopped off at St. Augustine beach on the way up and most of us got severe sunburns. I remember the friction of those polyester jumpsuits on my tender back, and yet I felt so joyful and willing to suffer through to do the work for those who have gone on before. OH, how I wish I were there with her right now! She got her recommend shortly after she turned 12 and I have been wanting to take her since then. But, with my insane work schedule, I find myself staying in bed until 10:00 Saturday mornings most of the time... so sad.

Well, we will keep trying! I am so happy for her and can't wait for her to come home to tell me about it!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Have I ever mentioned it?

Have I ever mentioned just how much I love Spencer!!!!
Just in case you didn't know... I think he's the best thing since sliced bread! And he's cute and strong to boot!

Have I mentioned just how much I love being a mom and having three great kids!?! Well, now you know! I have three special reasons to smile every day!!

I'm pretty lucky, don't ya think!

*We had our pictures taken by one of my favorite people's sister a couple of weeks ago. It has been a couple years since we have had our pictures taken (all together!)... by a real photographer, that is. You can check out her website to see the other great work that she does...