Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Another Girl

It's starting to look like yogurt weather again!

rough, PS

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Face Bag...and some other stuff

This week, during a KFP coffee run, this caught my eye:

Except it was not drawn. I can't use picture of actual children off the internet (I'm not that mean), but yes...it was a handbag with a photo of children on it. And not a particularly cute photo, either. It was one of those 80's-ish posed photos with children that looked like they just came out of the corn.

I don't know if they were her children, but I hope so. If they weren't her children that would somehow, miraculously, make it even creepier. 

After I pointed it out to Aaron, he suggested that they start putting pictures of children on other clothing items--"Like those Juicy sweatpants. Except instead of the word 'juicy', there's a picture of kids" 
In other not-so-exciting news, I finally caved and got a tumblr:

I wasn't quite sure if I wanted one, but everyone kept saying how effective it is at sharing stuff/art...might as well! I always have random doodles that I feel aren't worth posting here, and I figure I can throw them up there. I still prefer blogger for stories/finished art, but I guess tumblr can be a true art-dump :)

gif I made for my 'first post'


Monday, March 12, 2012


Ever since I got a smart phone, I've become increasingly obsessed with playing around with apps...and the latest addiction is DrawSomething (sorry Words chums, you're going to feel a little neglected. I'm definitely still playing, though!)

Fortunately, almost all of my friends are also obsessed with this game. Phone Pictionary, how could you not love it?!

Of course, playing with everyone can get a little overwhelming. There's only so much time in a day, after all...

"Augh! I need to catch up on all my games"

"If you don't hurry you'll get nudged."

"What happens when you get nudged, anyway?"


 Actually I think the game just sends a text. Too bad.

Sooo yes, if you like drawing and becoming a social hermit and being on bandwagons, you should play this game. It's pretty awesome and funny. Here are some of my favorite friend-drawings so far--the ones that I remembered to screencap, anyway:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good start to my morning

...let's see how the rest of my day goes....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pigeon Toed

Pigeon-toed me is way less sexy than Pie-girl...as you will see

Okay, so I mentioned in the last post that I drew Pie-Girl pigeon toed because I was pigeon toed...and for some reason after that I felt compelled to make some silly little gifs of me being pigeon-y:
Photobucket Photobucket

huzzah for crude animations! 
yeah that foot totally slides around in that first one

I promise next post will be something of some substance. Probably zoo drawings.

PS. I tried using Photoshop's animation timeline to make these but it's so DARN FRUSTRATING (booo, hiss!). So if you're lazy like me, this is my new favorite gif-making site...just upload and time :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Girls and Pie

I was supposed to draw a "sexy girl" for Valentine's, a grand tradition initiated by my friends Kyle and Beth (you can see Beth's way-sexier girl here!). I didn't get to finish yesterday, so I thought I'd post it up today.

She kind of more cute than sexy, though I hope I made it more sexy with pie. What's with the pie trend going on these days? Whatever started it, I'm not complaining (obviously, since I've had Republic of Pie three times in the past three weeks)!

Also, she is pigeon-toed, because I am pigeon-toed :(

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

I spotted this in downtown Burbank during my lunch break today. 

They were inseparable, even as they crossed the street.

 Romance is in the air!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Catinental Drift

A while ago I was having a rough couple weeks, just feeling kind of sad and mopey. And just in my hour of need, Chaos started sleeping on my bed! It was a pleasant surprise, since he usually slept in Megan's room...but totally welcome, because there's nothing quite so comforting like a little cat bundle sleeping with you.

At first I would get into bed very carefully because I didn't want to disturb him or chase him away.

But then I started to notice...a gradual cat-shifting...

And I'm pretty sure that one day...

 We might have to hash things out when that happens. But he'll probably win. He's really cute.

 and here's a picture of Chaos, looking very pleased with himself.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

a couple of paintings!

I did a couple of pieces for the Pencil Mileage Club's student/alumni gallery. The show opens tomorrow night at CSU Fullerton, everyone is welcome! :)

I always thought some of the collective names for animal groups were rather odd and cute, so I decided to take them literally. I'm sure this has been done before, but it was fun for little paintings.

both are watercolor...i need to practice more :(

in frames

sketch and color exploration

See you there! (traffic permitting...D:)
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