Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's waaaaayy better than moms cooking...

We were out running some errands last night and we decided to stop at Wendy's for a hamburger. It was nice to go there instead of McDonalds for a change. The kids kept looking for the playland until the french fries came and then they settled down. I watched my sweet princess down 5 chicken nuggets half a bag of fries and then inform me that she was still hungry.
Mason ate a cheeseburger and the other half of the fries and then asked Nat," Are you gonna eat your chicken nuggets or do you need me to help you?" She didn't need help. After they wolfed down there food, I got them EACH another hamburger. Gone in a matter of seconds. Why don't they do this at home? Seriously dinner at our house lasts FOREVER! Stalling, and pouting and " I don't like that" even though it's a new thing to try. Maybe the trick is to fry everything in oil and then see how that works. :) Oh well. At least last night they ate like kings.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh my little Dilly

Oh my sweet little Dilly Dally! How I wish you would stop growing so fast! We are slowly creeping up on 9 months! And every day I love you more and more.
I was putting Dallin down for a nap the other day and I could hear the other two whispering and tiptoing around the house. When I walked out into the kitchen, Mason said," Mom come here and let's do the treasure hunt that I made." He had taken 5 pieces of paper and had written, by himself, clues for the treasure. He looked at the first paper. "Look by the door." Spelled Dour
Then he and Nat ran to the front door where he had placed a mint on the floor. He picked it up and said ,"Ahhh look Nat a treasure!!" Then we walked back into the kitchen for the next clue. These were the clues: bed, t.v., teble (table), cher (chair). At each location was a little mint that he had placed there. And after each clue we always came back to the kitchen for the next one. :)
And he was so excited! I was so proud of him for doing it all by himself. When Tyler came home he did it for him too. The exact same way. What a smarty pants.
I can't blog without a little story from my girl. As she was sitting in the tub she was singing If your happy and you know it. She did the regulars, clap hands, stomp feet, click your tongue. Then she said," If your happy and you know it, grab Cinderella by the feet, pull her under the water, and swirl her around.." She repeats herself and grabs Cinderella by the feet and pulls her under the water and swirls her around. Then she lifts her out and says," What? Do you need a time out for not listening? O.k. then you sit right here until you can listen!" She plunks her down in the corner of the tub and then after a few minutes says," Are you ready to listen yet? No? O.k. back down you go." I am laughing my head off at this point. Luckily Cinderella decided to listen after a few minutes and got some love and kisses. Wheww! I'm glad she decided to make the right choice! :) :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My list

For Enrichment Tuesday night, I had to teach a class on journals and why it's important to keep them. It went pretty well and I gave out some other ideas to do in case you are not a journal keeper. One of them in to make a list of things that you like and dislike. So I am taking my own advice and posting for your reading pleasure, 25 things that I like and dislike.

1. Getting in the tub
2. pie- namely, cherry, banana creme, and fresh strawberry
3. WICKED!!! love it x100
4. my piano
5. Sitting by Tyler
6. holding kids hands
7. Natalie singing
8. Sitting in front of the fire
9. Smores
10. Seeing family
11. Playing games
12. Watching kids play with no fighting
13. Judy Garland
14. Mannheim Steamroller Christmas
15. Money in my wallet
16. Hearing the heater come on
18. Knowing what's for dinner
19. getting a pedicure
20. Going to the movies
21. Baking- cookies, pie, cake, bread, anything
22. Making people laugh
23. Cuddling with Dallin
24. Hotels
25. Taking the kids to Disneyland- o.k. we haven't done that yet, but I know they will love it! Who wouldn't? It's the happiest place on earth!

1. Cold feet
2. Finding clothes in the dryer
3. Sink full of dishes soaking in cold water
4. Kids fighting
5. whining
6. My lack of patience
7. Kobe Bryant
8. Snakes
9. Wind
10. Sick kids
11. Kidney stones- seriously, they are evil!
12. Hot food that's cold
13. Camping- not really fond of sleeping in a bag where I smell like smoke
14. Peas
15. Mouth guard chewers- you know who you are, Dirk Nowitzki, LeBron James, athletes in general
16. Cars that speed past me like they're in this huge hurry and now they're in front of me. Where's the fire?
17. Winter
18. Well, what can I say? I'm stumped. Oh sure I know that there are way more things that I dislike, but off hand I can't think of any more right now. That means I'm a pretty positive person right?! :) Haha

I would challenge you all to make a list. It's neat.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

When I grow up...

This is what I overhear the other day as the kids are playing 'Library' in Nat's room.

Mason-" What do you want to be when you grow up Nat?"

Nat-" I want to be a mom that picks strawberries and then puts the stem on."

Mason- "Maybe we can pick strawberries at the fruit place when it gets warm outside. Guess what I want to be Nat? I want to be a person that dumps coal on people's houses so that no one will be cold and everyone will stay warm. And I get to drive the big dump truck."

Don't you just love kids? I love mine so much!! I especially loved last night when they started playing duck, duck, goose and Mason tapped Dallin on the head and said "Goose! You have to chase me now Dallin." And Dallin of course just sitting there with his bink in sideways chewing up and down on it. Ahh good times!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lake ZoBell

Every year when the rain starts, our backyard floods. But to have our own ducks?? Yes look closely, and you will see two mallard ducks swimming in our pond. The kids got pretty excited and grabbed some bread. Ahhh there's nothing like feeding the wildlife in your own backyard. We need more bread but it was fun to see them throw it to them. For those of you wondering what the big red thing is up on the fence, it's the top of a plastic sandbox. It works as a stop for the zip line so the kids don't crash into the fence.