Friday, February 4, 2011

99 ways...

When Nat was born, one of my friends here in the ward brought over a little outfit and a book called "99 ways to raise your childs self esteem." I found it the other day and thumbed thru it. I was happy to see that I have actually done some of the things in the book. So, go me!!! Super mom!!! But I also got a lot of great ideas of things that I can start doing.

Sometimes kids need something to look forward to. And really, don't we all enjoy looking forward to something? So the school district has what's called a late start every first Wednesday of the month. I'm not sure what they're doing, but school doesn't start until 10. So, every late start I take the kids to IHOP for some flap jacks. And that, is something that they look forward to. And this last Wednesday, some old ladies sat down across from us as our food was just being brought out. After syrup was poured and eggs were cut in Dal Pal size pieces, the kids dug in. And it's a pretty quiet breakfast. :) As we were getting ready to go, one of the ladies leaned over and said,"You have such well behaved children. How special they all are, and goodness so well behaved." Thank you nice lady. Yes they are special, AWESOME, children. Well behaved at times too. Kind of makes you feel good.

And the Dal is so great at waking up dry. Wakes up dry every morning. He had on his Cars undies today, and as we were walking down the driveway to get Nat off the Kindy bus he pointed to the cars on the road. "Cars, Cars" he kept saying. I walked a couple steps in front of him, turned around and saw that he had pulled his pants down to his ankles and was pointing to the cars on his undies. "Cars, me. Cars, me. No pee." I laughed and then realized the bus was rounding the corner. It was a substitute bus driver who probably took one look at Dallin and thought,"Now what kind of a situation have we got going on over here?" hardy har har.

And I have to remember this always. Last night I was getting Nat ready for bed. Out of the blue she says ," Mom, what will happen when I'm a mom and I go up to the hospital to have a baby?" I said," You'll have the sweetest, cutest, little baby in the whole world. And you'll love it to pieces. And then I'll come up to the hospital and hold it and kiss it's head." Nat smiles and says," You'll still be alive?" :) :) I say "Yep, I'll still be alive." She throws her arms around me and says, "Oh that's good." Yes my dear is good. And you're good, and good.