Fast Forward to 2022

 Assalamualaikum & hi.βœ‹πŸ˜Š

Who knew we'll be living in pandemic. Who would've thought that we have to wear mask all the time outside. Like people don't simply go visit houses or have gathering nowadays for fear of being infected or affecting our loved ones with Covid. Only after vaccination we brave the social gathering. For two years we celebrated Eid at home with our small family. Doing video calls all day long to wish everyone Raya & to continue the tradition.

For the first time in my life I learned how to cook rendang ayam nogori for Eid celebration. I tried cooking ketupat as well last Raya, but that didn't turn up good. πŸ˜… Baked simple kuih Raya with my kids like Cornflake Madu & Choc Chip Cookies to add to our shop bought cookies. We still can go out a person per household though to buy necessity and stuff. So my husband went out to buy grocery and kuih raya and lemang by himself while me and kids stayed at home. Now after almost 100% of Malaysia population had vaccinated, we can safely resume to our normal (new normal) life with mask still on. Our country is still not declaring the endemic state, though, because of the new Covid variant - Delta & Omicron and God knows what other variant there is. If the endemic has been declared, (maybe) we can remove the mask & social distancing regulations that have been imposed in public places. 

Enough of that. 😁  Actually, for those who don't know or don't follow me on my Instagram, I gave birth to our only son October 2019 just before the pandemic hit worldwide. His name is Ali Luqman and he looks like husband 60%, me 20% and all three of his sister combine together πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ We feel complete with three girls & a boy. Alhamdulillah.

It's already February 2022. 2021 was still very hazy to me as we stayed at home (movement control order) most of the time. Our kids physically went to school for only a few weeks before we decided to let the kids study remotely from home as the case spiked last year. Our boy grew up so much inside the house and we currently and slowly introduce the world to him by bringing the kids to places we deemed safe from crowd and potentially from the virus. Our first is 11, this year. Second one is in standard 2, my third is already in kindergarten, 5 years old. Poor Khadija (our third child) to not be able to go to kindy much sooner. It's okay. She still has 2 years to learn in kindy before entering primary school. 

Our little family on our 11th anniversary & Sofia's 10th birthday

So how are you? I missed blogging but really not sure whether I should continue blogging or not. Maybe I should. But the reality of digital world nowadays is so scary to me. People make things viral so easily. So I really not sure whether I should open this blog publicly again or not. I learned the hard way before because of few pics from my blog got stolen and being published in inappropriate pages. That was the main reason I shut this blog from public, apart from unable to manage the blog with the kids and house chores. 

Well, Blogger looks so much different now. Some of my links are not working and my layout....owh my lost in translation. πŸ˜† Revamped my blog for this post, and might work something later to make this blog appetizing enough for my readers (gotta compete with the new wave of instafamous and blog famous now heh). This seasoned blogger need to re-teach myself how to use this platform again. πŸ˜‚

So that's all for now. I can't continue writing with my kids reading out loud word by word I write here. πŸ˜… Got to go now. Bye!


Liyana SCR


Ummu Iman Amsyar said…
Yana's back! woohoo..and now +4