Saturday 18 March 2017

Feeling spoilt!!!!!

Come home from work this evening to these, wow they are beautiful and I'm feeling so so spoilt!! Itching to start one now I've finished the boys even though I am well aware of how naughty that would be with the amount I already have on the go!!! Let's see how long I can hold off hehe xx

Friday 17 March 2017

All work and no play,

Friday night and yet another one I have to work tomorrow again :-( don't get me wrong I don't mind working some weekends but this every weekend seems unfair, going to be the same next weekend again. So there's not much time for letting my hair down too much or having much fun either!!! Seeing this cool idea I'd love to get some kool aid and give this a go shame they don't sell it over here!!!

Thursday 16 March 2017

First finish of the year!!!!!

I did it!!!! I actually have a finish to show off this year!!! Look at it I've managed to finish Dean and Sam, I'm quite proud of it as the greys really got so boring with all the confetti but I have managed to bring the boys to life :-) and I love it x

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Tired baby

So, I'm sat here this evening determined to finish my supernatural stitching tonight whilst watching a movie on Netflix, I look over at my company for the evening and look at the state of him!!!! I guess someone really enjoyed his walk earlier hehe so peaceful while he sleeps!!!!

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Busy busy

Feels like this should be hung all over my house atm I've just been so busy at work I've had no time for at home, day off today so time to do what I can to make up for it especially as I would normally be shopping with my Dad but he has an awful stomach bug that he is struggling with so let's get it done!!!!!

Monday 13 March 2017

We are going to Wembley!!!

Here's this evenings meal cooked by Jake and I it was delicious!!! Freshly made egg fried rice and sticky pork who say diets are boring!!! We cooked it after I walked home from work in the quite scary fog!!! But I got home without seeing any monsters :-)

Oh and did I mention!!! We won the footie we are off to Wembley!!! Too bad man utd lol xxx

Sunday 12 March 2017

No rest for the wicked!!!

Yes it's Sunday, no that didn't stop my Dad phoning early and stop us from our well deserved second lay in!!! Oh well  I guess he needed help and it's only us here to do it so we did :-) we were back in time for hubby to watch his football though and I picked up this can of rhubarb cider to try was very tasty too!!!!

Saturday 11 March 2017

Freedom on a Saturday!!!

It's Saturday and you know what?? I got a lay in!!!! Woohooo forgotten what that feels like!!! Hubby's off out tonight it's his cousins 21st birthday he's going with the boys from work so I'm going to sit this one out!!! However, as he hasn't been out in a long time it was clear he needed something to wear!!! Lol shopping with a man is worse than a woman but we did get there. I cooked a nice meal and off he went. But I have my own excitement!!! When we were out I had to buy new jeans as mine were falling down and these are awhile size smaller my smile from yesterday as gotten suffer :-) sooooo I've made a decision.....
Here is a dress I haven't worn in a long time, it's a very small size 14 designed by Caprice that cost £100 yes very expensive!!!  I'd really like to get into this by my wedding anniversary so I have 5 months...You think I can do it??!!

Friday 10 March 2017

Happy happy!!!!

Just had my weight in and I've actually broken into the 14 mark again, loading 11lbs this year. A very small thing a lot of people would say as I have so far to go but I'm just so happy I can't stop smiling something is obviously working somewhere!!!! 
Which obviously means I have to continue with my eating plan the best way that I can so I spent all afternoon in the kitchen cooking for tonight, two healthy curries and healthy onion bahjis yum yum all good for you!!!!!

Thursday 9 March 2017

Tired baby

Here my tired out baby last night, after his walk on Tuesday then his bath on Wednesday i think i wore him out!!! Today has been a lovely day first time this year I've actually been able to hang laundry out on the line, summers coming I can feel it :-) 

Wednesday 8 March 2017

No more excuses!!!!

Came home from work today and made two types of fishcakes with slimming world chips and salad. I've been too busy at work to look after myself. No more!!! Back to it and hard this time I want to be fitting back in my summer clothes and looking and feeling comfortable if I can. I make too many excuses sometimes which can be just lazy I need to kick myself up the bum!!!!

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Spring weather

Today was dry!!! Yes dry!!!! After all the rain we've had and I've actually got some time at home I decided to get both me and Jensen some fresh air :-) it's so nice to see spring starting to pop it's head up!!!
Look at the pussy willows I love these trees so beautiful and you can see the daffodils getting ready to open up where Jensen is walking. It was quite mild and we enjoyed our little stroll :-)

Monday 6 March 2017

My work mood for the day

Feels like I've been living in this place just have to get through today and Wednesday then I'm off until Monday!!!! Wooohoooo it feels like Christmas!!!!!

Sunday 5 March 2017


So managed to get through this all day shift means there's not much Sunday left to do much!!! But as I have a short late shift tomorrow I'm going to cook and have a few drinks to unwind!!! And dream of warmer weather and beach walks,!!! Happy Sunday xx

Saturday 4 March 2017

Sore tired and achy

So today​started off with a shift at 7am and 45 minutes out in the cold and dark collecting stray trollies, yes you read that right, at my age with my chest. Needless to say it didn't help with the heat in the shop later this afternoon I just couldn't catch my breath and struggled, really struggled and as usual no management even noticed. It was lucky for me that the supervisor who is my youngest age did notice as he's asthmatic himself and he took care of me. I'm think I'm just exhausted i cant wait until Tuesday. 
Here's my baby :-) grasping every opportunity he can to play with me, he's missing me so much and I'm missing him too!!!!

Friday 3 March 2017

I love this!!!!

I love this it made me giggle!!!! Oh I love supernatural so so much!!! Not much to write really it's just been work work work :-( going into yet another weekend with a 7am start Saturday and all day Sunday boring and dull atm

Thursday 2 March 2017

Weight loss update

Well as  I thought this month has been rubbish especially with my birthday thrown in and I gained a lb i guess it could of been worse but I'm quite disappointed in myself. 

Wednesday 1 March 2017

To all my Welsh friends all over the world!!!

I have made lamb crawl, Welsh cakes and I have daffodils in my living room!!! Hope you all enjoy St David's Day!!!!!

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Goodbye February

Second month of this year gone and still no stitchy finish in sight :-( I miss my stitchy time ATM but I'm just so so tired I must make a month of time set aside to finish some projects I really really must try!!!

Monday 27 February 2017

Sooooo tired!!!!

Wishing this was me right now!!!!! It's such an old photo but i love it he looks just so peaceful :-) been up since 4.30am dropped hubby at work then got myself there at 7am before we both finish at 2pm. These long days are murder it's still the middle of the night when you start well that's what it feels like at least!!! By the time i come home cook and clean I'm ready to crawl into bed i really really am can't wait for normality!!!  But I'm doing as much hours as hubby and Jake this week with everything else aswell please just wake me up a week tomorrow....Yawn..

Sunday 26 February 2017


Feeling a bit fed up today, had to work all weekend again. But I've decided as the weekend is the only time I get to spend time with my hubby enough is more than enough and I've handed in an opt out of Sunday so at least we will get at least one day together on a weekend. The shifts have been crazy gone from part time to full time for four weeks and three of them all involved the weekend it's just not what i
I signed up for. This week coming is the worse yet I'm exhausted just thinking about it. My poor fur babies are going to forget what I look like!!!!!

Saturday 25 February 2017


As much as i really have done this in the past, I'm beginning to wonder if smaller clothes are just there to mock me ATM I've had a terrible month as far as my diet as gone!! Oh well march is awhile new month I guess. But my hubby did make me smile earlier he grabbed a hold of me and gave me a cuddle as i turned to him and I said, but I haven't brushed my hair or done my make up yet and he just said youre beautiful aaawww almost 25 years and he still thinks I'm beautiful!!

Friday 24 February 2017

So so close

Oh I want it finished greys driving me crazy sooooo much confetti....Tiny bits getting done at a time....Working more than home...One day I will be rich and have more time, lol, no if I was rich I'd probably do even less!!! 

Thursday 23 February 2017

They arrived!!!!

I feel so spoilt!!! I've been wanting to watch Bridget Jones baby since they announced it!!! Really looking forward to it!!! I really needed a new bag and the watch is a fitness one to encourage me to get up off my bum more. The car was a complete surprise but an awesome one love love all!¡ I'm such a lucky girl!!!!

Wednesday 22 February 2017

As promised!!!

Meet my sorry your pressies are late gift!!! And I love my dishes so so much, always been fascinated with black Moors and these are my new babies for my kitchen. Please meet, Castiel, Crowley and Amara. Yeah the supernatural theme grows yet stronger in my home :-) I'm just so happy I'm bouncing!!! 

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Happy birthday to meeeee

Here my Jensen and me!!! Doesn't he look so pretty!!! Hehe he wasn't the only one who didn't escape my pretty tiara
Because here is my beautiful princess aswell, she wasn't too amused or impressed!!! Only didn't get Sammy because he was hiding upstairs!!!
Here's my pressure from my son Jake, yes I'm aware I'm 42 today but I love the Lego games!!! My hubby's pressie will be late because of Amazon but he bought me something awesome to make up for the weight which I will share with you all tomorrow!!!!

Monday 20 February 2017

Pretty pretty

I will be a princess for the day!!! So will everyone else!!!! Lol look at my pretty pretty cake :-) hehe

Sunday 19 February 2017

Still trying!!!

Still healthy eating, don't want to put too much weight on over my birthday!! Worked hard to get those 7lbs off last month just breaking even would be a miracle but it would be nice if I could at least try to squeeze in a bit of healthy mess!!! So here's this evens meal

Saturday 18 February 2017

5 years...

Five years ago today I had my wrist shattered into 7 pieces by people I thought would never hurt me, people I classed as my family. It wasn't the accident that hurt as much as the way I was treated afterwards. Saying that I was in agony had to have an operation to put my wrist back in place, it took three people and I was awake. Months of aging every slightest movement I made then the painful physiotherapy to get it somewhat right. I was in plaster for over 6 very long months.

It was hard to understand why my "friends" could just turn their backs on me and pretend it hadn't happened. I could never of acted in that way. I'd of been there all the time insuring they were OK. But no they made themselves the victims. He can't even look at me still to this day knowing the way he reacted to the situation. You know what?  Their loss not mine, I'm still me it was an accident, I'm not mad at that, just upset a d hurt by everything else. 

Lesson learned never made the same mistake again....Must choose my friends more wisely....Oh wait....Nope still haven't learned, got hurt yet again by another person in my very small street!!!! That's why I don't do "friends" anymore!!!!

Friday 17 February 2017

Another full weekend of work

Which means no stitching and no fun, and that's it for the next three weeks so much for fairness of shifts but I guess that's life!!! Here's yet another wip to share with you I have lots more too shame on my short attention span!!!