Thursday 29 May 2008

Another rainy day

Yes another day of the kids half term and yet another wet one yuck wont this weather ever let up and let us have a summer??? im feeling a lot better today even though i dont look it or sound it lol ive manged to get some stitching done while i sat and watch enchanted the boys started watching it with me but got bored and went upstairs Donnys feeling rough so he snoozed while i sat and watched i must admit even though i liked it it is a girlie film
I did spend time with Leon earlier me and him made a jelly and some rice krispie cakes he also came back down after tea and we made some welsh cakes didnt see Jake he was too busy on msn i guess hes getting too big to want to bake cakes lol they are upstairs now watching the England v Usa footie friendly on tv we are flicking back and fore to see the score im waiting for reaper to start at 9pm its getting to dark to carry on stitching and i dont want to put the light on and hurt Donnys eyes as they are real bad with this cold hes managed to get from me

Tuesday 27 May 2008

Bank holiday weekend

Well as usual it was more like winter than the lead upto summer this weekend which was a bad thing for Jake as he was camping with the cadets to help out at the city of Swansea show he came home tonight and said how cold wet and windy the whole thing had been they were back early as there had been a few incidents due to the weather and the whole thing had been closed early.
Me and Leon had spend last evening watching dvds upstairs as hubby was watching the ufc event on bravo and although i like to watch sports i find this a little hard going so we watched Sweeny Tod and then boogey man i had seen boogey man Leon hadnt and he jumped a few times but slept all night lol i quite enjoyed Sweeny Todd i havent seen a musical for a while and the horror aspect was brill!!
I managed to get my galexy dragon finished this afternoon and i am hoping to get a frame and get pictures taken once i go out to pick one up i have struggled all week with hay fever and now i managed to have gotten a cold on top so havent been too good the last few days but i do feel better tonight good job with the kids being home from school this week on half term.

Friday 16 May 2008

Its friday!!!!!!

In about 12 hours time my baby will be home from france and i can wait to see him
im so glad that this week has gone quickly i bumbed into leons friends gran in tescos weds night and she told me that sam had called her house just before she had come out and they were all doing fine i am so relieved that leon had the sence not to call i was so worried if he did that he would realise how far from home he was and get upset and i didnt want anything to ruin his holidays i just hope hes made it through the week without getting a migraine the poor soul realy suffers when he gets one he is sick and blacks out its rather upsetting to see him through the whole thing but he is under a neurologist and they are monitoring the whole situation. they are leaving the chateux at 1pm to get the ferry and are excpected back in llanelli around 10ish tonight jake is going to cadetsbut ive said he can then wait up to see this brother i know he has realy been missing him even though he is a boy and wont admit it lol!!
Well i did manage to get some stitching done on my fire dragon yesterday ut im afraid my head just wasnt init i think i frogged more stitches than were lsft when i decided to put it down as army wives was coming on anyway and i am getting into that i am also enjoying moonlight its kinda sort like angel and i used to love that.
Well i guess id better get shifting i have lots to do today which includes a whole pile of ironing before i have a load more with leons stuff and id like to get some more done on my dragon i need to get at least 1 of my wips completed as i have another 6 things lined up at least that id like done this year and it will help take my mind off leon travling thats always the worse part as far as im concerened

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Busy morning

Ive been realy busy this morning cutting down all my hedges in the front garden before the rain is due in on thursday my arms are sore and my hands are dry and achy ill be glad when someone invents an electrical hedge cutter thats easier to use lol.
Ive also given the dog a bath lets just say he wasnt too amused at that lol.
Jake was back in school today so my ears have had a bit of a break for his chatting but then again he is due home very soon and i guess it will start all over again!!!! its not his fault and i dont mind i think i will go sit out the back with him and try and get some stitching done this afternoon if hes playing his gameboy ill be safe as he is always quiet then:-) I did think about pulling the pool out for him yesterday but i guess it wouldnt be much fun on his own and now we qre due bad weather all weekend there doesnt seem much point anyway.
Leon is on a trip around Paris today and they are going up to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower and they are taking a boat trip so im hoping he will have lots of photos to show us all on friday night.
Prev: in 24hrs

Sunday 11 May 2008

In 24 hours

leon my youngest son will be arriving at france we are up at 4am as he is l;eaving at 5am
i can still hardly believe he will be so far away from me he has only just turned 11 and he will have traveled further than i have ever traveled!!! i havent realy thought about the fact for 5 days my baby will be in a whole different country from me so im pushing it to the back of my mind for now i will be a nervous reck tomorrow as the journey is taking 12hrs and i wont even know when they have got there as no phones are allowed but to be honest i am so glad that i wont get the chance to speak to him as that may make us both feel bad he is in the garden with jake gloating as his teram has just won the premiership this year and it didnt help that he beat mine lol oh well im off now to play singstar on the ps3 with they hell i have to beat him at something lol