Sunday 19 July 2009

Happy birthday Jake

Well its hard to believe that Jake is 14 all ready where does all the time go? its mad lol
It doesnt seem that long ago that he was sleeping in my arms and now he is almost all grown up doesnt it just fly by.I spent the morning in the car boot sale again raising money for Leon and his team mates im doing that every sunday morning now right up until we go. Then i spoke to Jake when he woke and Leon came down to the car boot sale to meet me and we went into town after. When we got back Jake was given his pressies and then i was out again with Leon to his kick boxing class. Whe we got back we all had some cake and then the boys dissapeared upsatirs on thier computers. We had an Indian take away which was lovely before we settled down and played guitar hero and sing star for the evening which was a lot of fun!!!

Saturday 18 July 2009

Our sponsored walk

I was so happy when we got up this morning we were looking at a beautiful warm sunny day for our walk to help with the fund raising for the junior welsh kickboxing team Leon and I had managed to do really quite well with the sponsoring and we are very grateful to all those who supported us along the way :-) we still have a very long way to go before we reach the traget we are hoping for but every little helps and we still have a lot of events we are planning to do up to october.We had quite a good turnout and with the samber band with us for a while it was all very livly. Even the littlest ones managed to walk the whole eight miles which was a lot for little feet especially with all the hills they had to walk up too we are all proud of each and everyone who took part and grateful to all those who supported us along the way.

Sunday 5 July 2009


Thats how this blog should be feeling at the momment and its all my fault!! I have been so so busy this last few weeks i havent even had enough time to sit here and tink let alone type to let you all know how im doing. Well this is what ive been up to i seem to have thrown myself in at the deep end again lol the holidays. I have had a very busy weekend yesterday i was out all afternoon fundraising with Leon for the funds we need for the junior welsh kick boxing team who will be traveling to Dublin in november for the world championships as Leon is a double welsh champion it is improtant i think for me to support him in every way possible to try to get all the children there for as little cost as possible we are woring hard on looking for sponsers and i have managed to get myself into the secretery/fund raising spokesperson and all i wanted to do was help a little!! lol i will never learn to be the quiet mum i dont think!!! this morning i was with one of the coaches really early doing a car boot sale to raise yet more funds so i have decided there is another way i can help out i have decided that i will be running a raffle on my cross stitch board where the tickets will cost £1 and the winner will recieve a £15 gift voucher for my online hand dyed fabric shop the more i raise the more chance i have of helping out i do have photos of Leon with his gold medals on my multiply and facebook if anyone who hasnt seen would like to take a look. If anyone is interested in taking part in the draw just email me and i will add you to my board and give you the link.

I have also been very busy in the house and garden even though it has beev very hot and humid here i have cut down trees sorted through weeds built 3 new beds and taken the old ones down to be recycled we all needed the new beds and boy do they make a real differance they are amazing the boys have had midi sleepers and the love the new looks just the decorating to do in the rooms now but i will have to finish downstairs first as at the moment both the kitchen and bathroom are still only half done but very slowly we are beging to take shape my goal is to try and get it completed by christmas but i do understand with everything that goes on here it may not be possible but i will be keeping my fingers crossed!!!

I would also like to wish all my us friends a very happy 4th july weekend i do hope you are all having a wonderful holiday with your loved ones.

Well im off now to work on my halloween fairy who has been very badly neglected this week due to the meetings and fund raising and of course taking care of my boys and my hubby who had a better visit to the specialist this week it wasnt good news but then again it wasnt bad either thankfully.
Hugs Kay xx