Wednesday 26 August 2009

Happy anniversary

i would like to wish my wonderful husband a fantastic day today we have been through so much and i am amazed to think it has been 14 years we have been married we have been together for over half my life and i love him so much i really dont think i could imagine it with out him. So heres to you babe may we have many many more to go xxxxx

Sunday 16 August 2009

Pembrey car show.

Today we went with Rachel Lyndon and thier family who are Leons girllfriend Emilys parents to the Pembrey car show the weather was wet windy and cold but the boys seemed to enjoy the cars where i prefered the fair lol. It was nice to have a day out but to be honest this weather really isnt much of a fun way to spend thier summer break its like last year all over agin. The pool has just sat in the garden for most of the summer lonely and unused as it just hasnt been hot at all.

I have so neglected everything lately i havent picked up a needle in months i am never going to get my fairy finished my halloween this year. My decorating has been neglected i feel like everything around me is just kickboxing these days but i guess it will calm down when we come home from Dublin.I have found a new friend in Emilys mum though and it has been great getting to know her this last few weeks and she has been dragging me out much more than i am used to lol thats nice too!!!

Saturday 15 August 2009

Party in Penyfan park

Today we were at Party in Penyfan park running a bake sale for the kickboxing team doing fund raising again!! Yes sometimes this does seem never ending but we are trying so so hard to get the kids over to the world championships for free but it is taking a lot of work. We did quite well even though it was raining on and off all day and it was quite cold at times but we struggled through :-). We were there just after 9am and stayed right up untill 7pm and did make over £127.00 which was fantastic and goes toward the fund so it was all worthwhile.

While we were there Leon and his girl firend Emily decided they would go backing for Emilys sister Aimee in the Penyfans got talent contest here is the result lol yes my Leon is the one in the purple dress and blonde wig sit back have a giggle and enjoy!!!!

Tuesday 11 August 2009

The welsh kick boxing team on the BBC

A few weeks ago i wrote to BBC Wales to ask if they could do a spot on the programme to help with fund raising and Sian Lloyd got in touch and they came down to interview the children here it is enjoy!!!!

Friday 7 August 2009

Busy busy busy

I am still having problems finding time to fit everything i need to be into my days at the momment and with the boys being home for the summer holidays that isnt helping but at the same time it is lovely to have them home when i get to see them that is!!! I have been so so busy trying to get things done to help with Leons team to try and get as much funds in to help the children go to the world championships for as little cost as possible it has been truely time consuming but i have made 5 minutes for myself to come on here while i can as i will be starting kick boxing with Leon this afternoon to try help me along with my weight loss which hasnt been doing too well i have to admit i seem to be getting smaller but its just not showing on the scales which is a little frustrating i have to admit!! I am dreading it mind lol!!!

We went bag packing at our local Tesco last saturday morning for four hours and after a few hours spend counting up the money i am thrilled to be able to announce that we managed to bring in £600.06 which is fantastic!! a great big thankyou goes out to all those who tryed to help support our cause!!! We have made a new website HERE and if you go to events and then past events you will be able to see Leon on the slide show who has now dyed his hair red lol mind you thats an improvement on the purple he had the week before!!!

On Sunday after helping out at the car boot we were at a demenstartion for a charity event to try and help a local boy with a disability to get equipment so he can stay at a local comprehensive school HERE is the video that was taken of Tennassee,Lauren and Leon. Then of course we had kickboxing class after that!!

Wr are also going to be on BBC Wales tonight they are coming down to record us on tuesday afternoon and then we will be shown on the news hopefully that evening i will let you all know as soon as we return on tueday aftrnoon thats going to be exciting as they will be interviewing Leon we are looking foward to watching that!!

I also have my car going for its mot on monday so please keep your fingers crossed for me!! mind you if it fails i suppose ill get fitter quicker having to then walk more lol