Monday 30 August 2010

Charlies quilt

Rose asked me and the girls on my board to make a quilt for her nephew as he is ill and being the type of girls we are of course how could we say no :-) This is my design i made it myself as Charlie loves karaoke I have to be honest i havent designed much myself but hey i liked it lol

Louise Sarah and Barb also stitched a square along with Rose of course and Charlie was lucky enough to have both sides filled up.
And here he is all cwtched up in it. We are all so glad you liked it Charlie!!! Stay strong xxxx

Thursday 26 August 2010

Happy Anniversary Donny

Wow time flies i really cant believe we have been married for 15 years today and that we have been together almost 19 years its the longest i have ever held anyone this close to me . You were the first person i really let into my heart im always so unsure of people and most of the time i get hurt when i do let people in. Im not saying its all been a bed of roses everyone has difficault times but ours seem to be when other people are involoved more than anything else but we have proved so many people wrong and we are still together and i just want you to know how much i love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx