Saturday 22 October 2011

Halloween treats!!!!

This week i have been very spoilt and feel very lucky :-)) I recieved my halloween sxchange parcel from Annabella on the smo board and i loved it very much its always the exchange i look foward to most every year. It always amazes me the very different things you recieve from different countries and how everyone celebrates these things in their own ways :-)) I always look foward to sending and recieving this exchange and this year is even more special as it will be the first one ive been home in three years i know i keep saying it but i cant help myself im just so excited!!!!!!! I would love to hear how you all celebrate your halloweens if you do because i do realise that not everyone is as crazy about these holidays as i am :-)))

I was also lucky enought to recived this wonderful package full of halloween charts from Lynda its fantastic!!!! you can never have too many halloween charts i think and most of these i had never even seen which is a real bonus. Thankyou both for helping make my halloween great this year :-))))))

Been making chrsitmas cards again :-))

Here they are for you all to see :-)))

Monday 17 October 2011

A new finish

Here is my lastest finish its from this years halloween sdition of the jcs magazine i thought it looked cute so i stitched it up :-) I used my fabbie and dmc and six strand sweets.

I have also been working on ths smo halloween sal heres my start also done on my fabbie :-) I have been using dmc so far but i did use krenick glow in the dark on the ghost too so it will come to life in the night time :-)Im looking foward to halloween this year it will be the first time in three years i will be home with all my family after Leon has finished with his kickboxing so we are going to be having a party over the weekend cant wait!!!!!!