Thursday 19 July 2012

Happy birthday Jakey!!!

I can hardly believe that my oldest will be a fully grown adult this time next year............ when he was born 17 years ago I really didnt know how long I would have my baby for the way he came into this world, 11 days late I was indused and then that took 2 days untill they finally put me on a drip and he was born with no crying and he was grey with no heart beat. They brought him around showed me quickly what he looked like and then he was gone upto the scbu and I was left with empty arms and a photo of you. The first few weeks of your life yopu were sicky and then they thought you had meningitas when you were two weeks old and I nearly lost you again but baby you were a fighter!! Two weeks before your first birthday you were in hospital again having an operation on your tounge which you managed to slice open in a zigzag falling over this again was an awful experience when they gassed you in my arms to make you sleep and you went limp in my arms. Up to the age of 5 you were in and out of hospital with sickness they just couldnt explain. When I look at you now I really cant believe how lucky I am that you are still here after all that you have been through. Youve made us so pround and we are so lucky to have you and your brother you are both wonderful children and we love you loadsxxxx HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE!!!!!!