Thursday 15 August 2013

My august stitching

Here is my wip for this month lets see if I can finish it before the month is out and I have to start on my christmas stitching!!!!


Wednesday 14 August 2013

4th weigh in

This week has been a very big struggle for me to keep on the right path. I was hurt badly by my oldest sons girlfriend. After trying so hard with this girl for the past three years including her in everything we have done as a family welcoming her in to our home and hearts she decided to tell us that we were not good enough to be a part of her life and then to add insult to injury she went and posted a video to face book hidden from us all insinuating that I was a bad mother, which I am grateful to my son for putting her right, but its beside the point really.
I cant understand where the hate is coming from as we have been nothing but welcoming to her. Needless to say for the foreseeable future the door has been closed on this part of my life and if my boy would like to continue the relationship that is his call but I do no longer what to play any part in it.
I have managed to lose a lb bringing me down to 190lb but I can see that going back up after hitting the wine as I was so upset. But onwards and upwards I guess, lets see what happens next x

Wednesday 7 August 2013

3rd weigh in update

So here we go again, gee has it really been a week already??? Is that possible??? Oh well looks that way doesn't it. Ok I've been walking this week and I've been trying to cycle. yeah that's right trying hehehe I really don't cycle very well but I did give it a go :-)) So it was time for my weekly battle with the scale.....and I was 3 lbs down!!! woohooo that's 9 lbs in two weeks :-)) I seem to be doing ok at this, lets just see how next week goes xx

Wednesday 31 July 2013

second weigh in time!!

So here goes, I have to say yes, I was very nervous setting foot on the scale but at the same time I knew I had been working very hard to try get myself motivated to cook differently and exercise even though I must say I've been loving it all!!! As I am peri menopausal atm (yes i know I'm only 38 but all the tests at the drs have proved in over christmas last year) I also knew that this was going to be no easy thing especially when I am having those days where I just don't want to do a thing!!! But do you know its working!!! I have lost 6 lbs this week :-)) So I am now down to 195 lbs and counting!!!

Tuesday 30 July 2013

I know I said I wouldn't!!

But we did!!! Meet Jenson our new fur baby isn't he just soooo cute!!!!! It just hasn't been the same without a dog, I still miss Bud every single day and wish he was still with us he brought so much love into our lives, lets hope this little bundle will do the same xx

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Its time for a change

I have started getting lazy again, it is time to get my bum in gear and get back to the healthy eating and exercise so here goes, as of today i weight in at 201 lbs its now or never time to stop being so lazy!!!!! wish me luck, I will be doing zumba and ufc trainer I also have a new exercise machine, I will be back next week to weigh in wish me luck!!!!

Friday 19 July 2013

Happy 18th birthday Jake

Well today is the day you go from a boy to a man I hope you are ready for the big wide world Jake, I hope you understand that life is about to change and I really do hope all the decisions you make are the right ones for you and you will be very happy with them. Have a wonderful day xxx

Thursday 20 June 2013

My June stitchy update

With the heatwave we have been having here this summer I thought it was only fitting to have a summer finish!!!

Sunday 26 May 2013

Update on Sammy

Well I phoned the vets a lot yesterday he seems to be doing ok and I'm just thankful he made it through the night, He was still very shock up and sore and not eating very well I just feel so bad that I couldn't be with him but as he wasn't out of the woods yet he had to stay where he was. But when I phoned this morning I was allowed to go bring him home which was great but quite scary too as I knew I would have to drive on the motorway to go get him, but I wanted him so much I braved it and fetched him.

They think he may have a skull fracture and has bleeding on the brain but his jaw isn't broken as they first thought, only thing is that his eyes are very dilated and we will have to see how he goes he's not out of the woods yet and we aren't sure how his eye sight is working either. Lilly wasnt sure of him at all its like its not her Sammy so we will have to keep a close eye on them both  I am just so glad he is still with us and safe at home xx

Saturday 25 May 2013

I feel like my hearts been ripped out again

Tonight is a very sad night I cant believe what happened it was all so fast, Sammy had only been out for 10 minutes when there was a knock at our door asking if we had a little white and ginger kitten. I didn't recognised the lady that knocked so I just said yes why?? Oh she said I'm sorry but I think he's been hit by a car, my heart almost stopped no it cant be my Sammy... 

Leon and me followed her just around the corner from my house and there he was half laying in the road I very gently picked him up and he purred briefly. He was bleeding from his eye, nose and mouth I was so afraid he just didn't look like he was going to make it. I couldn't believe this was happening so soon to losing our dog it just wasn't fair!!! I got straight on the phone to my Dad who drove us up to the vets in Swansea and we had to leave without him. I cried all the way home with my jacket covered in his blood it was horrible to just have to leave him there. But he is in the best place and now the waiting begins.

Monday 8 April 2013

My stitchy update for April

 This month was a quick stitch, it was also a very easy decision to make after the start of the year I have had, I need to learn that I am too giving always there for everyone but when I need understanding it seems like that's just too much to ask. And what's worse was I really had no idea what was happening until my son told me I needed to step back from a situation and see what happened. I guess its easy to see what's happening to someone else that it is when its happening to you. It especially made my mind up the day before my birthday, lets just say we all know my track record with birthdays and what happened made this one no different.Never mind when every door closes a new one eventually opens xx

Saturday 30 March 2013

My march finish

Thought this one looked very pretty until I started working on it a few years ago dragged it out just to finish it this month because it has to be said even though I think the finish looks ok, I hated working on it.


Tuesday 19 March 2013

Happy 16th birthday!!!!

I just would like to wish my youngest baby a very happy birthday!!! It wont be long now and both my babies will have left school and be in college, where does all the time go?? We hope you have a wonderful day Leon xx

Saturday 23 February 2013

My February stitching.

Here are the two pieces I have managed to finish this month, it is just so nice to have the stitchy bug back!!!! 

Monday 7 January 2013

Well its been a very emotional few days, my tears haven't stopped the house is so quiet so empty and there has been a very big hole in my heart since we lost you baby. So we have decided to get a kitten well that was the plan to try and help me because I am just so lost with out any pets at all. We had plans to get a little ginger and white tom from a house where he could no longer stay, hes not a baby he is 5 months old and needs love just as much as I do. But then I get a call from my eldest son who has a little girl who is about the same age desperately needing a new home too so all of a sudden we have two!!! Here is Lilith and Samael, welcome to your new home guys xxx

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Good night my sweet baby xxx

Today a very bright candle has blown out, so with a very heavy heart I have had to let you go over to rainbow bridge where I hope you are young well and healthy again chasing bubbles and bees like you used to love so so much.


We will never forget you Bud you will always live on in our hearts forever. But we have had to take the hardest decision ever and let you go, this christmas has been a struggle for you and its got harder and harder watching the light in your eyes start to fade. You have been a strong boy you where 15 and a half now doing so very well for a dog of your age. Thank you so much for yesterday when you came to me and put your head on my hand and told me you where ready to go it was so sad but so lovely. 

I don't know how I am going to cope with out you to come home to. But I know you are in a better place.
One day we will meet again my baby please stay strong for me and I will try for you,  love you always and forever Mammy xxxxx

Sunday 26 August 2012

17 years today

I married my hubby, hard to believe how fast time goes it sneaks up on you before you know it!! I just wanted to wish my hubby a happy anniversary im looking forward to a child free evening ok they will still be here but in their bedrooms :-)) Happy anniversary babe xxx

Thursday 19 July 2012

Happy birthday Jakey!!!

I can hardly believe that my oldest will be a fully grown adult this time next year............ when he was born 17 years ago I really didnt know how long I would have my baby for the way he came into this world, 11 days late I was indused and then that took 2 days untill they finally put me on a drip and he was born with no crying and he was grey with no heart beat. They brought him around showed me quickly what he looked like and then he was gone upto the scbu and I was left with empty arms and a photo of you. The first few weeks of your life yopu were sicky and then they thought you had meningitas when you were two weeks old and I nearly lost you again but baby you were a fighter!! Two weeks before your first birthday you were in hospital again having an operation on your tounge which you managed to slice open in a zigzag falling over this again was an awful experience when they gassed you in my arms to make you sleep and you went limp in my arms. Up to the age of 5 you were in and out of hospital with sickness they just couldnt explain. When I look at you now I really cant believe how lucky I am that you are still here after all that you have been through. Youve made us so pround and we are so lucky to have you and your brother you are both wonderful children and we love you loadsxxxx HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE!!!!!!

Thursday 14 June 2012

What ive been working on while watching the footie :-)

I love the football thats no secret and its been great being able to watch two games everyday since last saturday :-)) I thought on monday it maybe a good idea to try and fit in a little stitching time while I enjoy it :-)) So I pulled out one of the charts hubby bought me for christmas and decided it looked easy enough to be able to concentrate on the game and the stitching at the same time hehe and it seems to be going well. I also started a new diet on monday so this helps take my mind off eating a little too which is great, I really need to lose some of the weight ive put on while not being asble to use my arm but im getting my life back on track slowly and trying to forget those that clearly forgot me after what they did. I also have been working on my fitness and I tried out UFC trainer on the ps3 move on tuesday morning and i have to say im still suffering today haha but oh well no pain no gain right :-))

Thursday 7 June 2012

My first finish of the year :-))

Here is my very first finish of the year I am so happy to finally be back stitching that I really dont care that it is june LOL Its a dragon dreams design called treasure them now and is done on sassys fabbies, it was slow and quite painful at times to complete but at last its finished!!!! Doubt very much though that I will complete my goal of 12 finishes in 12 months I guess I will have to start that again in January.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Stitchy update at very long last :-))

Here is an update of my stitching I have to say it has been a very very long 14 weeks with out lifting my needle I didnt ever think I would miss something quite so much but I really really have its just sooooo nice to be back doing something I love im never going to take advatage of being able bodied so much again. I have had a lovely morning baking chocolate cake with my youngest today he maybe 15 but its so nice we can still do these things together I guess it helps that its been pouring with rain since yesterday afternoon so hes home for a change :-)) I hope you all enjoy your weekend and bank holidays for all those here in the uk xxx

Sunday 27 May 2012

Had a busy week

This week I have been busy I have been working in my garden putting the pool up for the kids and stitching!!!!!!!!! yes thats right I said it STITCHING!!!!!! wooohooo at long long last I can stitch again :-)))) can you tell im a little excited!!! hehe oh its been so so long. Im slow and cant do it for as long as I want but its a start right??? Its been so warm here ive been out in the garden doing it. Weve also had a bbq this weekend and a night out with friends my life suddanly just seems to be getting back on track and im spending time with the people who have been there for me the last 14 weeks. I am back at the hospital tomorrow for my physio and yes I am still supposed to be wearing my cast each time I leave the house but we will see how much longer for not too long I really do hope!!! I promise I will get some photos of my dragon up this week, thankyou to all those who have listerned to me moaning the last few months I am trying to get back to normal :-))) Hope youve all had an amazing weekend I know I have im just so happy everythings falling back into place xxxxxxxxx

Friday 25 May 2012

20 years today

Donny and me became a couple its been a bumpy ride at times we have been through so many good times and some bad, but we are still together going strong I love you so much xxxx

Wednesday 23 May 2012

good luck!!!

Leon starts his gcses today and Jake his alevels tomorrow just want to wish my boys the best of luck!!!! xxxxx

Saturday 19 May 2012

Champions league final tonight!!!

You all know who i will be cheering for!!! Gonna party weither we win or lose whoooohooo i do love the footie!!! COME ON CHELSEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxx

Saturday 5 May 2012

FA cup party time!!!!

Today Chelsea and Liverpool are playing in the FA cup final as I am Chelsea and Donny is Liverpool we thought we might aswell have a party to celebrate well why not isnt it!!! As I can acually manage to cook a few things now as long as I take my time I have made up some spicy cheese and sausage rools and some vanilla and raspberry doughnuts and some peanut butter cookies boy have I missed baking!!! Im loving it!!!! Hope you all have a brilliant night I know we will we have Louise and her bf and his kids coming over after the footie, even though I am a little scared after my birthday party these are different people so im just looking foward to it :-)) xxxx COME ON CHELSEA!!!!!!

Friday 4 May 2012


had a slight break down tonight not hadling the who wrist situation to well the physio has been stepped up its so painful Ive even had to go into our neighbours to explain why im screaming yelling crying and laughing while im having it done. Its been going on for so many weeks I really did think I was a strong person but its pushed me so far so hard and learning that people you thought cared for you really dont give a damn it has all been to much :-(( Im going to be ok I guess everyone has to let it all out at some point tonight was thestart for me. I have to pick myself up now and get ready for tomorrow xxxx

Tuesday 17 April 2012

My first physio session

Well I wasnt looking foward to today after all I had been through with my ankle and I was right to be nervous!!! I have been given exercises to do and boy are they gonna hurt I will try my best though I would really like to get back to normal now, will see what happens when i go back :-))

Friday 13 April 2012

friday the 13th

And how wilol you be spending yours?? Im off to my friends daughters 15th birthday party wearing my plaster!!! Lol everyone stay safe xxx

Thursday 12 April 2012

Just a reminder

Im off today for my yearly booby check please ladies dont forget to keep an eye on yourselves and check regually xxxxxxx

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Another update

Today we were at the hospital again for both my arm and my hubbys eyes. My hubbys appointment went ok he has new meds and still all his old ones but the condition hasnt worsened whioch is a good thing but he has to have glasses with a special tinted lencse to see if that will help with his light sensativity the only draw back was that they cost almost �70!!!! I was nearly crying paying for them that had better work!!!! Lmao. My appointment wasnt great. I have been told I need physio here at the hospital I am allowed to take off my cast at home and when I go out I have to wear it at all times. They have given me permission to drive without my cast as it is my right wrist and I can just hole the wheel I dont need to use it to change gears but thats a scary thought to me as I know how painful it is without my cast so I think I will wait another week before I try to do that. I just have to wait for the appointment now and see what happens next. I miss my crafts so much I am so bored I have manages to just about hold a joypad and Ive been playing the ps3 a bit which does help the boredom but Im still struggling to do much else. Id be going crazy if I didnt have my friends to pop across to for a cuppa and a chat. And incase your wondering no I havent see the others at all.

Monday 26 March 2012

Another hospital visit

Ive been back to the hospital yet again, yes a very boring life I lead I know lol. They took off the plaster and my wrist still isnt healed :-(( I thought maybe because I was starting to be able to do a few things for myself I admit not that much but somethings it was getting better but apparantly not. I now have another cast this time though it can be removed for bathing the first week and boy does it need that!!!! But it has to be left on at all other times. And the second week it has to be removed at bed time and a few times during the daytime when I need to try to exercise it a little self physio I am so not looking foward to that it is just so painful I cant believe its taking so long to heal :-(( I do feel better im myself since stopping the painkillers but im still so useless Imiss everything I used to do, I haved stitched in weeks I havent been able to play any of my dance games on the ps3, zumba s gone out of the window. I cant cook or bake or anything.The laptop is a nono I just cant manage to hold it and type and doing it by the table is just uncomfy if I do it for to long. Nevermind they do say all good things come to those who wait I just dont like the waiting part. Back in two weeks.

Monday 19 March 2012

Happy birthday Leon!!!

I would like to wish my baby boy a very happy 15th birthday!!! You are just growing so so fast!!! This is the first time in ages I havent been able to bake you a cake or make you a card and im so sorry I promise I will make up for it next year. Me and Daddy hope you have a wonderful day xxxxx

Monday 5 March 2012

Two weeks later

I went to the hospital last monday the xray was good and Ive been back today thankfully they have taken off the temp plaster and replaced it with a new one, I really needed this as it was crumbling. The xrays are good my wrist was bent in such a shape when they took the older plaster off I dont think it will ever be the same again. The last two weeks of my life have been a blur, I cannot do anything for myself, every movement I make is aggony. The painkillers have made me sleepy or feeling spaced but I cannot sleep every movement just wakes me with the terrible shotting pain it gives me :-(( I feel so useless so down I hate it. Ive decided to give up the painkillers I really do not like what they are turning me into and I think its starting to scred my boys too. The people who caused the accident have been over to see one once I dont understand I thought we were friends, if I caused this accident I would of been there everyday checking if they were ok, asking if they needed anything. Iam so grateful for my friend who lives opposite she has been here everyday just calling to see how im doing if I need anything and my Dad has been wonderful. I am so grateful for all my husband is doing I have been useless in everything hes even been sleeping on the sofa to make sure he doesnt hurt me I feel so so bad. Im back at the hospital in three weeks lets hope time heels.

Monday 20 February 2012

I was sooo wrong.

I should of known better things always go wrong and this year was no exception to that rule. The woman that came to my party got very very drunk, so drunk that she fell asleep in my garden twice whilst going for a cigarette. We had to take her home and thats when things went very badly wrong. I wish I knew what happened but truth is I dont. All I remember was walking down the street then waking up in the road with a split lip and my head spinning, when I walked into my house and looked down at my wrist I knew it wasnt good. My husband took me to A&E where they told me it was deff broken and put my arm into a temp cast and return in the morning. I took Leon back to the hospital with me after having no sleep that night from the pain. When i got to the hospital they gave me morphine twice it did nothing at all for the pain :-(( they then sedated me and sent my son out of the room where three people twist my wrist back into plcae after removing the temp cast. They told me I would feel the pain but I wouldnt remember it, they were very wrong. They then kept me there for an hour after replacing the cast taking xrays and sending Leon back in then sent me home with very strong painkillers and told me to return again in the morning. When I got up to leave I couldnt feel my legs I felt like id been drinking all night!!! We got in the taxi and went home.

When we got home my friend Louise came to check on me after she had found out what had happened and also my dad came then the pain killers kicked in but I didnt really sleep. We went back to the hospital in the morning and there they told me i had fractured my wrist in 7 places and it was a very nasty break which if slipped out of place would require surgery to pin it back in place but the xray I had this morning showed that luckily so far it had stayed in place. I had to go to the dentist with Leon then walked to the drs for more painkillers before walking home whilst in so much pain. When I finally got home I had a visit from the husband of the people who had been over to my birthday who didnt really want to see how I was just to shout at me for ignoring my facebook because Id been in the hospital for the accident that he and his wife had caused. I was too shocked to say much just hurt and supprised by this actions. I couldnt really believe what I was hearing as I didnt blame anyone for what had happened but was in too much pain to care really. Im back at the hospital next week for another Xray.

Saturday 18 February 2012

party time!!!!

Tonight I am having an early birthday party :-)) as usually things tend to go horribly wrong around my birthday I really do hope Iam making the right choice deciding to invite our friends and thier four children over along with us four. I have cooked up a storm and I have the dancing singing games ready to go I am so so looking fowrad to partying the night asway!!! As my acually birthday is on tuesday I thought saturday seemed like a good idea.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Happy birthday Donny

Today is my hubbys birthday so I just wanted to wish him a happy birthday have a wonderful day Donny xxx

Tuesday 3 January 2012

New year greetings .

I hope everyones new year is off to a wonderful start, ours is going pretty good so far, our christmas was hectic but a whole lot of fun :-)) lots of parties and always seemed to have a housefull lol!! For the first time this christmas i had some stitchy gifts and i am so pleased with them it makes a big chamge for me and i was chuffed to bits :-)) I have added the charts to my to do pile all kitted up but i have to be honest i do have a whole lot to get through before i can even get started on these, I have never had a stand before so I am looking foward to giving it a try i am only ised to using my hoop so its all new!!! I had a few dancing games for xmas on the ps3 too and i am so looking foward to having a good go on them, get me up and moving and get some of this weight off lol at least i onkly put a few pounds on over xmas so its not too bad i guess. At least this year we havent been covered in snow either so its been a bit warmer which is great, I hope you are all enjoying the holidays xxx

Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy new year!!!

I hope you all enjoy your evening. We are having a street party shared between three houses tonight its gonna be hectic lol!!! Stay warm and stay safe xxxx

Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry christmas!!!

I would just like to send a warm christmas wish out to all my wonderful friends on here please have a happy and safe holidays. See you all in 2012!!!!

Friday 9 December 2011

My latest christmassy finishes :-))

I have acually been busy stitching this month, my hubby is insisting that its because ive run out of ps3 games to play lolz if thats the case I wont be stitching for a good while once I get my xmas pressies hehehe. But I at least made all my boys their xmas cards which I am very proud of :-)) Im just so so happy with the way they have turned out and I was so glad to hear that they were liked too. It gets difficault sometimes to work out what to make for others so i just decided to make what I liked because afterall I have to work on them and i have to look at them too haha. I have even dusted off the ones I have made and have had made for me the last few years and hung them up to as I thought why not its not like most people display christmassy stuff all year well with the exception of me and my dragon dreams santas dragon hanging in my hallway. Its so big and took me so long to do it I dont see why i shouldnt have it hanging on display all year round. I have been so busy running around trying to get christmas all sorted out and finally I am done with the presant buying and I have all my cards made written and ready to mail out. And I have been busy trying out new recipies too which has been a lot of fun and the boys have deffinatly enjoyed being taste testers :-))

Thursday 17 November 2011

Its almost here!!!

Well its almost that time of year again :-)) A time for fun filled by the spirit of the season. Its started a little earlier than usual at our home as we put up our decorations last friday night where as they would usually go up tomorrow night on our carnival night. This year as i am so on top of things and our christmas is almost nearly all wrapped up i decided we could have it brought into the house just a little earlier :-))) Ive been busy working on my christmas cards the last few days while snuggled up watching christmas movies and trying to get over the chest infection i have managed to pick up somewhere but luckily this one isnt too bad i am managing to cope with out taking any meds for it so far but it really does slow me down a bit. I am hoping to finish getting the rest of my decorations up today if the time allows that is lol being busy is hard work you know!!! How are you all getting on with your christmas stitching??? And how are you getting along with your shopping??? The shopping centers by me seem to be getting busier and busier as the weeks are flying by its crazy as it seems to just speed up so much the older you get lol.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Halloween treats!!!!

This week i have been very spoilt and feel very lucky :-)) I recieved my halloween sxchange parcel from Annabella on the smo board and i loved it very much its always the exchange i look foward to most every year. It always amazes me the very different things you recieve from different countries and how everyone celebrates these things in their own ways :-)) I always look foward to sending and recieving this exchange and this year is even more special as it will be the first one ive been home in three years i know i keep saying it but i cant help myself im just so excited!!!!!!! I would love to hear how you all celebrate your halloweens if you do because i do realise that not everyone is as crazy about these holidays as i am :-)))

I was also lucky enought to recived this wonderful package full of halloween charts from Lynda its fantastic!!!! you can never have too many halloween charts i think and most of these i had never even seen which is a real bonus. Thankyou both for helping make my halloween great this year :-))))))

Been making chrsitmas cards again :-))

Here they are for you all to see :-)))

Monday 17 October 2011

A new finish

Here is my lastest finish its from this years halloween sdition of the jcs magazine i thought it looked cute so i stitched it up :-) I used my fabbie and dmc and six strand sweets.

I have also been working on ths smo halloween sal heres my start also done on my fabbie :-) I have been using dmc so far but i did use krenick glow in the dark on the ghost too so it will come to life in the night time :-)Im looking foward to halloween this year it will be the first time in three years i will be home with all my family after Leon has finished with his kickboxing so we are going to be having a party over the weekend cant wait!!!!!!

Friday 30 September 2011

September Update.

September has been a difficault month filled with both happy and sad times but every new month that comes our way holds dofferent challenges for us all to deal with. Leon has gone back to school this month and started on his GCSES he was given all the subjects he choose which made him a very happy boy :-) i hope he keeps his head down in school this year and concentrates on hios work and not girls lol. We hope you do well this year babe.

Jake has started college and so far is loving being out of school and in a different place school was never easy for Jake and im hoping that he will thrive in a new enviroment and he makes new friends.

I had to come to terms this month with coming face to face with my mothers mother which i have not done in over 5 years as well had a falling out. My father called and told me that she had bee taken ill on holidays nad had had a brain anirsym. I was torn with what to do and how i should be feeling about it all after everything that had happened in the past but i did decide to go to the hospital and visit with her. I have since been to see her since she has been home and made sure both my boys have been to visit her too but if im honest im not sure what happens next, Everything has changed so much in my life im still really not sure what to do for the best with this situation at all.

We also lost a close family friend this month to brain cancer. Mike was only 51 and it has hit Leon very hard as he was quite close to him. Its the first funeral i have ever had to take my son too even though he has had a few people die in his life time at only 14 now im not sure he even totally understands exactly what death means apart from that person just dissapears from your life and you never see them again. But at least he is now prepared for the fact that noone is here for ever and death is a big part of life too.

I have to say i am a long way behind on my crafts and stitching i do have a finish but i cannot show you as it is for the smo halloween exchange once it arrives in the usa i will post i promise :-)) I have been busy trying to get the garden sorted before winter oh and i have decorated my room so i guess thats kept me real busy this month.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

August update

Well this has been a very fun filled month!! We have had day trips out weve been to Cardiff and tenby. Ive gotten to neet one of my stitchy friends too its the first time ive ever gone out to meet someone ive meet off the internet but im really glad i did because Hanna is great!!! here we are on the beach at tenby. Its just great getting to put a face next to a person whom you have been talking to for years via email i look foward to meeting more of my stitchy friends this way too :-)) Donny and I have also celebrated our 16 year wedding anniversary this month after being together for more of our lives than we have been apart its woth remebering just what a marriage means and how great it is to have a person in your life for so long I love you Donny xxx :-))). Our fur baby also turned 14 this month hes still going strong bless him!!! Even though he is on meds for his heart and anti=inflamitories for his athritas he still is a big part of our family and still fill of beans!!! sometimes i think he forgets just how old he is mind!!!! So happy birthday Bud!!!! Jake got his GCSE results this month too and we are just so so proud of him he got 5bs and 5cs enough to secure him his place in college and he will start his courses in september for maths and ict he was going to do physics to but has now changed his mind to do geography we hope he enjoys a new start and does just as well in his alevels. We are so proud of you Jake!!!