Friday, December 28, 2012

Davis Family Christmas Party

I warn you, there may be a few pictures.  I find that when things are at my house I take a lot of pictures.  When they are not at my house I forget my camera and have no pictures.

My sister Machelle took care of all the activities and all I had to do is plan food.  I think I had the easy part.

We started off with a game of pin the nose on the snowman.  They actually created the whole snowman blindfolded.  Not to bad.

The kids made an ornament out of ping pong balls.  I actually remember these as a kid.  I don't remember making them, but remember them hanging on the tree.

The kids are at a perfect age for a talent show. They love to show off what they can do.  The whole idea started when my Dad asked if Bailey would play a duet with him.  A few other kids wanted to be a part of it too.  It was cute. 

Austin and Anna singing a few songs they learned at school.

 Porter playing Silent Night.

 Tyler playing Jolly Old Saint Nicholas.

 Wyatt playing O Come All Ye Faithful.

 Bailey and Grandpa playing Silent Night.

 Porter and Wyatt singing Winter Star.

We split the family up into 2 teams and played a game of pictionary.  We have a few artists in the family and they became the team captains.  It would not be fair if they were on the same team, right?  I only took pictures of the kids up there, but the all the adults participated too.

You can't have a Davis Christmas party without a little singing.  Grandpa on the guitar and various kids on the microphone.  I believe the favorite was Santa Claus is coming to town.


We put on Polar Express while others played a few games.  I think Jason got the best seat.

Fun times.  We missed Weston and Rosalyn's families.  Hope we can catch them another year.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

One of these things is not like the other

At a quick glance these 2 bottles look like they would be similar.  I have been using both of them on my hands for at least a week now.  My hands have been extra dry for some reason.  My knuckles even started cracking and they never do that.  I would lather them up with lotion 4-5 times a day with no relief.  Today, as my Mom lathered up her hands with the one on the left, she read the bottle closer and said "Do you always use shampoo as lotion?"  Seriously!!?  I have been putting shampoo on my hands 4-5 times a day without rinsing them?  No wonder it was a little sticky.  Oh, goodness.

I am still trying to figure out how this happened.  I don't usually buy Suave shampoo, and I know the shampoo isn't near the lotion in the store. Maybe my eyesight is going.

So the question of the day is......does your lotion lather up, or create bubbles when applying?  Maybe you too are using shampoo for lotion. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas happenings

We have been busy with Christmas around here.  Last year we spent our whole December in bedrooms due to the construction in our house.  This year we have been excited to actually pull out Christmas decorations and spread out a bit.

Bailey had his orchestra concert Thursday night.  They did pretty well.  Luckily we got there early.  It was packed.

Porter sang at the city lighting at the park Friday night.  All my 1st graders have participated in this over the years.  One year it was snowing, another year it was raining, but this year wasn't so bad.  Santa showed up on the fire truck at the end and we enjoyed donuts and hot chocolate.  I'm pretty sure Santa was the real thing.  He sure looked it.

 I have been busy wrapping empty boxes this week.....yes you read that right.  Why empty boxes?  The Relief Society is over the Christmas party tonight and we are decorating the gym with many wrapped gifts.  I had them all stacked nicely in a corner ready to take them to the church, but my kids are having way too much fun with them.  I know you can't see it, but Porter is buried under all the gifts in the middle.  It's just too fun being a kid.

Every year I have bought those chocolate advent calendars at the grocery store.  My kids loved them and I have childhood memories of them too.  I saw them at Macey's one day and I thought I would pick those up a little closer to Dec. 1st.  When I went back to get them they were gone.  I couldn't find them anywhere.  That is when I ran into a blog that had used stockings for and advent calendar.  It was super cute and handmade.  I knew I didn't have time to hand make the stockings, but could improvise.  Love the Dollar Store!!  Yes I started a week late, but better late than never.  I stuffed my stockings with treats and a scripture.  I just hung it up and recognize it needs garland on the top and maybe lights, but it is a start.  I still plan on making the stockings, but that gives me a year to find old sweaters to use for them.

Friday, November 30, 2012


It happens maybe a few times a year that all the Davis family is together.

We have officially outgrown my Mom's house and had to have Thanksgiving out in the garage.  Not to worry though.  My Dad's garage is much cleaner and warmer than mine.  It also didn't hurt that the weather was beautiful.  The kids were able to play outside a lot.  With 21 kids and 15 adults there, it was a blessing that they were able to head outside.

My Dad welcomed everyone there and offered the prayer on the food.  It's crazy to think that we once were a small family of 8.  He talked of how it was a great thing to have us all in one place.  I think he even choked up a bit.  Family truly is a blessing.

While the food was cooking the guys went out for some shooting.  Us girls joked that we were going to let the guys clean up while we tried our hand at shooting.  I'm pretty sure that wouldn't have worked out very well.  Not sure they could have watched the kids and cleaned up at the same time......oh yeah, and I would have probably shot someone on accident. (I'm not much of a good shot)

Some of the other activities were taking family pictures, making sugar cookies and playing volleyball and basketball at the church.  Yes, we did cram all of this in one day.

Another good Thanksgiving!  Until next year.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Family Pictures

Our last Steen family picture was taken 8 years I know why.  We have definitely grown in number and adults included.  It actually was a beautiful day.  The  kids had so much fun in the leaves. I'm surprised we didn't have more crazy hair and dirty clothes.

 We all grabbed a bite to eat after.  That poor waiter didn't know what had just walked in the door.

Monday, November 19, 2012


I know you are starting to wonder if this family room is ever clean.   This picture was taken just after the trunk or treat.  Shortly after they emptied their buckets and went back out to a few neighborhoods.  That whole floor was covered in the end.  I'm sure it will last a year or so......most likely a week.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Shane has been working on a picture for a boss of his.  I love to watch the boys as they watch him.  Porter asks a million questions and wants to be just like his Dad.

Porter would get frustrated that he couldn't do it perfectly.  That kid is going to kill me with his perfection.