Sunday, October 23, 2011

finally a post

It has been so crazy at our home that it's hard to find some alone time, i guess it's a good thing that im not on the computer everyday. Where do i start...

Jacob started preschool in August and LOVES it! He has grown so much in the last 2 months. Jacob is talking up a storm, it's fun to have little conversations with him. Jacob has made so many friends at school, it's really nice because all the kids in his class are in our ward. He LOVES his teacher Mrs. Carter she is the sweetest lady ever, he loves to give her a hug in the morning, he is such a sweet boy.
Jacob is also loving being a big brother. He loves his little Ethan every much. He is a great help when it comes to getting the baby a new diaper and bottle. I love how these two boys are total brothers.

Ethan, i love love love this kid, he is mama's handsome man, and big time mama's boy. I'm truly blessed to have such a sweet little man in my life. This little one is all smiles, seriously he always has a smile on his face. He has so much of jacob in him but totally has his own look. I love it.
Heavenly father yet again has blessed me with another good baby, the only time he cries is when he is hungry. Ethan is growing like a weed and i wish it could stop, but im loving all of the things he is doing. Just the other day he rolled over and is now eating some rice cereal for breakfast, he loves it.
Etan is a totally cuddle bug he loves to be held and cuddled. Im enjoying every minute cause i know how fast they grow up. I'm loving my boys and im loving how blessed we truly are.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

photos by Kim

We are in canada and LOVING it. My friend took some pictures of the boys and i LOVE how they turned out i can't post all of them but here are some that are 8x12 or bigger worthy:)
p.s there are more on my FB page

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Baby Story

ok way over due... Ethan's birth story

Wednesday June 15, had my last dr appt that day went in and got checked i was about a 1 1/2 cm dilated and not effaced at all. We were scheduled for our induction on the 16th so dr asked us to come in that Wednesday night to start up on my gel so my cervix can start thinning out.
Wednesday night checked in hospital and about 8:00 got hocked up to my IV. Nurse told me that this should not start labor and that we could get some sleep. Pretty much the whole night i was contracting but they weren't intense.
7am Thursday June 16th My dr came in and checked me and i was 2 cm deliated and 75 effaced she went ahead and broke my water and started my potocein.
9am i was at 5, contractions were very intense and i asked for my epidural, i was hoping to go all natural but face it, holy cow i felt my body was ripping in half.
11am i was at an 8 and by 1:30 i was at a 10. I didn't start to push till about 2pm. This is when it gets though about an hr into pushing i got this strong felling that this little babe was not coming out that his position was wrong, we were all hoping that he would of came already, i pushed for another hr and at this point im getting very discouraged my dr came in and checked me out to see what the heck was taking forever. She then told us that the baby was coming out side wase.( great, another baby coming out differently) by this time she didn't want me to use my epidural she wanted me to feel how i was pushing. So we pushed again and she tried to get the baby to move back into position... not fun! It hurt like hell. After an hour of this i heard the words i was hoping not to hear, "C SECTION" i just balled i felt defeated and disappointed in myself that i couldn't push my baby out. I was so glad to have my mom there she held me and told me it was going to be ok. We had to wait another hr because the OR rooms were being used.
By 6pm they got us ready, Stephen was given his OR clothes and at this point it hit me, we were going through this i prayed so hard that everything would be ok. I was so scared that i was going to feel something. Stephen and i said a little prayer before we were wheeled to the OR room. At this point i was shaking like crazy and couldn't stop it was so weird, i told the anesthesiologist i could still feel my legs she told me that to stop panicking that everything was going well. She was so nice Stephen and her talked to me for awhile till i realized they all ready started the C SECTION
7:06pm i heard my little babe cry it was the cutest cry ever and i started s to cry Ethan Joaquin was finally here. I looked over to Stephen and we both cried.

After an hour in the recovery room they wheeled me up to my room, at this point i still have not seen him. finally after getting me in my bed which was the worst thing ever because by now i can feel everything i felt like someone kicked the living crap out of me over and over again, they brought Ethan in he looked just like Jacob, i swear it was his twin. Jacob was at the hospital till Ethan was born and heard he got to see his baby brother in the nursery heard he was calling for his baby and telling him he was his bog brother. My dad showed me pictures of Jacob meeting Ethan, very cute.
During the night ethan was sounding a little congested so they took him to the nursery so they can keep an eye on him and so we can get some rest. The next morning the pedo came in and told us that Ethan wasnt doing so well, that they were concern about how he was acting and found out that my group b test was negative so they wanted him to be on antibiotics for at least 4 days. I was trying to keep it in but i just lost it, i never cried so hard in my life knowing that something could be wrong with our baby and our baby had to be in the NICU. The hard part for me was knowing that his test could come back positive meaning weeks in the NICU. They also told us that they were concern because during the labor i did get a fever of 102 and were worried that he could get sick.
It was the hardest 5 days of my life, not only i was in so much pain could barely walk but seeing out little baby hocked up to machines was so sad. Stephen kept telling me that it could be worse which was true cause we saw other babies in there that had been there for months. It was a struggle for the both of us but every 2 hr that ethan need to eat was worth it. I love hold my little one, it was hard nursing him with all the wires but it was a blessing to have him in my arms.
On Monday his NICU dr came and talked to us and told us his test were negative...yay! and he was off his IV's but they wanted him one more day just to keep an eye on him. Tuesday Dr examed him and let us know that he was 100% healthy and gave us the ok to bring him home.

I can't believe that this little one is a month old already. I love this kid! He is just a doll and i cant get enough of him. He is truly a wonderful blessing and so glad that he is a part of our lives!

Ethan Joaguin
June 16th 2011, 7:06pm, 7lbs 13oz, 21 1/4 inches

Happy one month Ethan!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

how many days???

7 more days till baby E is here!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Thoughts and feelings

First off holy cow i have 3 weeks left till i become a mommy of 2. My feelings have been all over the place. This pregnancy has taken a major toll on me this time around hopefully the next one is way easier.
I have been loving my pregnancy till now... i want this little one out!!! I didn't feel like this with Jacob till i was ready to pop. I swear each day gets harder and harder to move around or do anything, maybe because im way bigger with this one or because i have a 2 year old that wants my attention every second of the day and who has stop taking naps since January. All i have to say is we are almost there.
Lately i have been feeling very anxious for this little one to come i keep having these prefect dreams of me holding him and just loving on this little one. Somedays i wake up crying because my dreams are about to come true in the next few weeks. Pregnancy is so long i wish it was half as long. Stephen is extremely excited and can't wait for his 2nd son to arrive he loves on my tummy everyday. He is such a good daddy to jacob and i know he will be the same with this little guy.
Jacob has been starting to get more interested in my huge belly and thinks it's funny that mama's shirts arent fitting anymore. He sometimes looks at me and says eww. (Thanks jakey poo for that). Jacob is so sweet he loves to help rub lotion on my tummy and afterwards kisses my tummy and says "all done baby" He loves his little brother and im waiting to see what he will do when they meet for the first time. I think he has grasp the concept that there is a baby coming, which i was nervous that he didnt really get it but he totally does.
3 weeks and counting, all i have to say is i hope the end of this pregnancy goes well and im praying that my labor goes a hell of a lot smoother.
Im so blessed that heavenly father has given me such a wonderful blessing to be a mom to these boys. I love them with all my heart, they are my life and i treasure every moment.

SO READY TO BE DONE!!! 36 weeks

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

update and jacob's special surprise

It's been a little crazy here in the Moore household, Stephen has been working like crazy which i thank him for, and Jacob and I well we get enjoy each others company all day which is nice
This pregnancy has been way different, this little boy is active ALL DAY I MEAN ALL DAY. i remember Jacob being active but he was more mellow this one is just everywhere and will not stop. I have to say i love the feeling of a little person growing inside you but holy cow lets just chill out for a minute. He is a STRONG kicker, he kicks so hard that my body jumps. We have a little game that he an i play, i can now pin point where his little foot or arm etc is and i will place my hand in that same spot and put a bet pressure and he will kick my hand off. Stephen tried to play the game the other night but i think it's just a mama thing. I love this little babe so much already i have had a couple dreams of him and i wake up just wanting it to be June already so i can just hug and kiss this sweet little boy.
We still don't have a name for him but our list is growing. I really want to find him a name so Jacob can start saying it instead of just baby.
I went to the doctors the other day and he is measure a week and a half a head which really doesn't mean anything but he had a nice strong heart beat. I go in for my glouse test in a couple weeks then i will be going every 2 weeks i cant believe we are there already. It's getting more exciting we are now registered for the hospital and we are taking our hospital tour in April. yay!
Jacob has been a sweet heart though the whole pregnancy he loves to rub lotion on my belly and gets mad if i already did it with out him. He loves to kiss the baby and has felt the baby kick but i don't think he really knows what the heck that is. Jacob and i have gone shopping for this little man and Jacob picked out some cute onesies for him i have to say Jacob has good taste or it might be that the onesies had little frogs on it, who knows.
24 weeks pregnant

I just had to put this picure of jacob, I LOVE this kid

This week past weekend we took Jacob up to globe to spend the day with Thomas the train. We just want to spoiled Jacob and let it be his day. As we were looking for the place Jacob helped us out and spotted the train and got really excited and i think he knew what was coming cause all week we talked about it with him.
When we got there Jacob was dragging Stephen down the street there was Thomas stuff everywhere. Our train ride didn't leave for another hour so we checked out all the different Thomas stations they had. He loved the coloring station and playing with the different train stamps, he is a big fan of stamps.
It was finally time to broad, he was really excited when Thomas pulled up, but jacob and I both got motion sickness so i was really wanting the 20 min train ride to end.
We got to take pictures with Thomas after wards and i think Jacob will be remembering this day for a long time.
We had such a fun day and it was worth it! Hope Thomas comes back soon:)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Baby Boy #2

yes, we are having another little boy! We are so thrilled and glad to know that this little boy is 100% healthy. We love our little prince already and can't wait to finally meet him.
This time around we do not have a name picked out, so i guess we just have to see what he looks like and go from there.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

100% boy

today Jacob and I had a picnic with our good friends at the park. And lets just say every time we go there he seems to find away to do whatever he wants. Oh he sure did he was playing with the water fountain and MUD... i don't think he has EVER been this dirty, but hey boys will be boys and my little one is totally 100% boy. check out these pictures!

pregnancy update

i feel this time around i have not been on top of things for example updating this pregnancy and the blog, so here it is...
Last week i had an ob appointment thinking i was going in for a regular check up but my dr wanted to do a mini ultrasound to see how things are going. I was pretty excited cause i wanted to see baby and boy does this little one look different from the last time i saw it. Baby has grown and was everywhere got to see little hands and feet, arms and legs. Baby was active but totally SHY, baby had it's legs crossed the entire time so sadly we did not get to find out:( We have our big sono appointment coming up on the 28th of this month we are hoping these next few weeks fly by, Stephen and i are dying to find out. In other news i have already felt little kicks time to time and how i have missed this wonderful feeling, i have to say it's the best feeling ever.
I have had major back pain and i know it's just going to get worse, we have gotten the pregnancy pillow down from the closet and im only 18 weeks. I didn't have to use this baby with Jacob till i was about 30 weeks but i have to say this pillow works wonders.
Anyways join in next time to hear if we are having a boy or girl!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

wedding bells are ringing

congrats to one of my baby brothers he has POPPED the question. yay we are so excited! Congrats to Nathan and Camilla!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Babies

Dearest Jacob
i love you more and more each day, you are so special and i just love you. You bring such a wonderful spirit to our home and i thank heavenly father each day for sending you to us.
I love how you wake me each morning with a "Hi" in your cute little voice and how the first thing you do is give me a big warm hug that melts my heart. I love your kisses even when you have a full mouth of food.haha
i enjoy our days together and i love how i get to be home with you and watch you grow to such a sweet little boy. A sweet little boy that sometimes pushes my buttons but you have taught me to be patient and i thank you for that.
I love sitting in the morning and cuddling up to you while watching your silly little cartoons but every show is worth it.
Jacob, i wish you can stay little forever but i know that will never happen, but i will treasure our moments FOREVER!

Dear Little peanut
oh how i loved hearing the sound of your little heart!...

yes we are expecting baby#2 mid June. We are very excited to have another little one in our family. We feel very blessed and looking forward to a healthy pregnancy.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

My sweet Pinocchio

Jacob LOVED halloween this year, he enjoyed going around and getting candy and saying "treat" at every house

He had way more candy but of course he wanted to eat his candy everytime he went to a house.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

ama y ampa come to visit

During conference week my parents came all the way from Calgary Canada for a visit. We loved having them here and we had so much fun. They were only here for four days but it was worth it we enjoyed their company very much. plus we got spoiled like always:)we miss them like crazy and we'll be seeing them in Christmas.
here are some highlights of there visit with us

jacob and ampa loving on each other

we went up by flagstaff one day and hit the outlet malls there but we got cought in a big rain storm here are some pictures of jacob playing in the rain.

jacob loves his ama and any chance he gets he hugs the crap out of her, i love them together

jacob and ampa went swimming, they were crazy that water was freezing