Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Easter was spent with the Stephens. It was a beautiful day and Kate got all the candy her parents could ever want. We had a wonderful Easter dinner and then we headed over to my parents house for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Hanging out with family is always a good time and being able to spend time with both families is always a plus. I saw these headbands at Target in the dollar section and had to get both. I have to take advantage of that stuff before she says no.

Easter Morning

Ethan and Kate with their Easter baskets

Headband number 2 and don't worry, Kate did not eat that Peep

Mom, Dad and Baby

Kate hating the grass in her Easter dress

Mom and Kate looking for Easter eggs

The Easter Egg Hunt Crew


Beach Day!

Dad and Baby

Kate loved reading this book with Aunt Heidi

Mom showing Kate the shells she collected. Hopefully one day Kate will love this pastime.

Baby Ethan

The boys played Bocce


Monday, March 17, 2008

Charis Pics

One of Kate's baby shower gifts was a portrait at Charis from our friends Jon and Sam. We took the pictures about a month ago and this is how they turned out. We love them! We chose the second one to enlarge. Jon was inspired by an old 19th century photo when he created this series. The finished product will be in an oval frame. I think we will do this for all of our kids, it would be cool to put them in the hallway all together, when we finally get a house. If you want more info click here to go to the Charis website.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


If you have recently seen a commercial on T.V. and laughed out loud, chances are it was done by a group of super radicals called Wieden + Kennedy. Some personal favs are the Career Builder.com and Old Spice ads.
Last weekend Ryan was flown out to Portland, Oregon along with 40 other dumbfounded dudes and dudettes to meet with these guys and talk about their work and how cool it would be to collaborate on different ideas of how to make the kids think it's cool to use deodorant again.
So will Ryan soon be casting himself in ultra-macho personal hygene advertisements?
Only time will tell.....

Monday, March 10, 2008

Springtime Ring-a-ling Dingtime

I love spring. I love the green and all of the blossoms. It reminds me of living in Utah when spring was so anticipated and it was a good sign when you would see all of the Daffodils and Tulips starting to bloom.

A Collaborative Effort

My mother in law Lori just finished putting this blanket together and I am so excited! It turned out beautiful! I did the needlework along with the help of my sister Jennifer while I was pregnant. I finally got it together and gave everything to Lori and I am so happy with the outcome! Thank you Lori and Jennifer!