Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Little Buddies

Ryan's sister Hillary, her husband Brandon and their son Ethan came to visit. Kate and Ethan had a great time. Ethan wanted to go outside the whole time, so they spent most of time playing at the windows by the doors.

I wanted a cute picture of Kate like Ethan's and this is all I got.

I had this great idea to bring the snow indoors, they loved it until the snow started to fly and then I didn't love it.

In a trance watching Backyardigans.


We are taking advantage of all of the indoor activities we can do. The other weekend we went to the dinosaur museum. Kate loved mostly running around but she did take time out to growl and say ni-night to each dinosaur.


Also a bummer, having to wear double glasses. Not the coolest thing.


As much as I have enjoyed the snow, I think having the chance to live by friends and family that we haven't lived by in a long time has been my favorite thing so far.

Kate has this Disney Princess book that my aunt gave her that plays a variety of songs that Kate loves to dance to. There is one song that has the lines: "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold." As I typed that I really felt like some of my siblings that quote songs, but I guess it's genetic. Anyway, seeing old friends has really made me grateful for friendships. Nothing is better then having an effortless conversation with a friend and leaving feeling like there was so much more you could have talked about.

Below are some pictures of some friends. And yes, I am aware that I am not in any pictures, but I think it's better that way.

Kate and Liam looking at the fishies.
(His mom is my good friend Frannie)

Kate, Mae & Will
(Cousins & friends)

Ryan & Sam
(Collaborators & friends)

Kate & Ethan
(Cousins & friends)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Since We've Moved...

There has been alot of this:

Some of this:

And if she'll let me, a little of this:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Wrap Up

We visited Santa. Take note of Santa's legs.

Kate was an angel in the nativity.

The Nativity Scene. Noah stole the show as baby Jesus this year.

Kate loved Grandpa's accordion.

Kate and baby Noah.

A highlight was jumping on the air mattress with Wes.

Kate and cousin Ethan.