Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A New Cousin

My sister Heidi gave birth to a beautiful baby boy last week and Kate and I were able to go and see him. They named him
Kel Gray and he is adorable. We had so much fun hanging out with family and Kate loved having all of the babies and some of her big cousins around. Thanks for letting us bombard you, we had a good time.

The youngest grandkids, minus Kel.

Trysden & Kate

All of the kids loved Grandma. I don't know how she balanced her time between them all.

Wes & Trysden in their Superman pajamas.

Jennifer found Kate trying to put on the Superman pajamas, so she let Kate give them a whirl.

Kate loved cousin Brayden. And Uncle Jamie too.

But, she especially loved baby Kel.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Crazy Kate

Kate is really into pens and drawing on paper and herself. When she drew this on her face, it looked like a stage mic and we had to leave it and just giggle at her.

Typical hair for Kate.

She loves to sit in the cupboards.

Talking on the phone, preferably with a baby and a purse on her shoulder.

I don't know what caption to put here.

Other things not caught on camera, she loves to put raisins in her ears and throw away utensils.

Monday, February 16, 2009


For our anniversary we thought it would be fun to go snowboarding. The last time I went snowboarding was when I was in high school and I hated it. This time was actually fun, we got half day passes and just took it easy on the beginning slopes. It was a fun way to spend our anniversary.

Making it look easy.
Luckily Ryan was able to get plenty of action shots of me.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snow Day

A couple of weeks ago I thought that Kate and I needed to get out and enjoy the snow. I noticed there was a park close by and I really wanted to take some pictures of the snow. Snow can actually be really beautiful. We got to the park and Kate immediately tripped and caught herself with her hands but her hands landed in the snow. From then on she was miserable. She went straight to the swings (her favorite thing at the park) and quickly found out that swinging in the snow isn't all that fun. We were there about five minutes before I started to worry that she might have hypothermia. Oh well so much for a snow day.