Wednesday, August 25, 2010

2 Years Ago Today

Sometimes I like to look back at my photos and see what we were doing on the same day in years past. This time I found this picture. We had arrived that day to camp with the Stephens at San Elijo. I was still in my mama bear stage, but this trip forced me to relax a little. Kate was playing in the dirt the minute we got there and I bet that by the time the trip was over Kate or her cousin Ethan would put a cigarette butt in their mouth. Judging by the stick Kate has in her mouth on day one, you know who the lucky child and parents were.
Click here for a recap of that trip.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day Trippin

There is something so fun about exploring new places and our trip to Indiana Dunes did not disappoint. We went with some friends, the Curtis', that knew the way, which took the getting lost part out. First, we got to drive through a small portion of Gary, Indiana which is awesome if you love the Music Man and if you love old rundown places. Then, went to the beach and it was so scenic, who would have thought that there would be something like this here in the midwest. I am learning that every place has it's own kind of beauty and I like that. We also stopped at this retro McDonalds, it was like the only thing they changed was the menu. I hope to get back there soon so we can do some more extensive exploring.

Sam & Ryan

Some people have the portrait thing down, which side, which stance, which angle, which smile... Obviously I have not perfected that and I am aware.

Chasing birds.

Our little shark in the water.

Our other little fish. She is amazing and loves the water like her dad.

Will & Kate

And Baby Sammy, like always, was just happy to be there.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tees & Bags

Just in time for back to school. Some shirts that Ryan did for RVCA...
Found here

and here.

Ryan designed not only the logos on these bags, he also designed the bags.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Kate - 2 1/2 months

Sam - 2 months

The other day Lori (Ryan's mom) asked if we have compared pictures of these two lately. I was curious, so I pulled up two pictures that had similar poses and I did it once before here. I am so fascinated with the way genes work and I love looking at my children and seeing what traits they have from me or Ryan. It's really amazing.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Some Pics For Our Family Far Away

Not a lot to post but here are some pictures:

They love each other, but I think Kate thinks of Sam as a "frienemy" these days.

Sam puts his arm out like this alot, I think it's funny because Kate did it too.

Taking a ride on our Goodwill score.
This place has the best thrift stores.

Kate fell asleep one day and she looked so precious.
She did not get those luscious lips from me obviously.



The End