Sunday, September 26, 2010

What Do These Girls Have In Common?

Hairstyles that this girl needs mom to do desperately when ever it's time to do her hair.
And it's all or nothing.

Things that she needs to know:
1. I am not a hair dresser.
2. She is real, not a cartoon.

By the way, the go to look for Sundays (and the only one I can really do) is the Matilda look.

Family Band

We have added one more member since the last time I took pictures, but he does not need an instrument, he is happy just hitting his hand on the Bumbo.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Viking Ship

An 1893 replica of a Viking ship on display an hour from our house last weekend, we were so there. Images of it being in a lake and going inside of it were in my head and I think Kate's head too. As we drove up someone's residential road and saw a white canopy that looked like it might house something illegal, we almost turned around. Totally not what we expected, I mean even Kate asked where the water was. But we decided that a part of being a Stephens is all about weird situations and we just need to embrace and enjoy it. Needless to say, it was pretty awesome. Especially the story behind it, the actual ship was buried in Norway, it was a burial tomb. The guy that found it made a replica of it, sailed it from Norway to the US and through the Eerie canal and gave it as a gift for the world's fair. The group that houses it is trying to get enough funds to restore it, which explains the weird canopy in someone's backyard. We were actually really glad to have stumbled upon this gem.

Before we went in, wondering what to expect.

The only worker there dressed like a Viking.
You've got to love passionate people

The inside of the ship.
Let me say it again, this boat housed twelve men across the Atlantic.

Sam and Mom enjoying some history.

Viking Kate.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is Kate

This girl loves to be busy.
She is always thinking. (The picture of her on the tricycle is her parking her bike in the garage)
She loves to draw. We are working on keeping on the paper.
She can make her brother laugh easily.
She loves her babies.
If she was a candy she would be a Sour Patch Kid. She is so sweet and loving, but don't get in her way.

This is Sam

This guy is a chiller.
He smiles when his sister gets in trouble.
He loves to get attacked.
He is very appreciative.
He prefers to be a participant observer.
You can tell he is going to have a funny personality, I bet it will be similar to his big sister, but all his own.