Friday, October 22, 2010

A Few Years Too Late

Can you believe they dismantled this beauty?

My unofficial goal for the family is to make sure to take trips to see things like this. I mean, it would be great to go to Europe and see all of the stuff there, but I think we will start off small and maybe work our way up. Plus, the quirky stuff that I want to see in America usually isn't around forever. The picture above was right in our back yard, they tried to sell it on ebay but there weren't any takers.
Such a shame.

If you are interested in finding off beat stuff like this, go here to and if you are going anywhere awesome invite us to come.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Scarecrow Festival

Some of the Scarecrows.

Click here for the winning scarecrows.

The town was cool and very hot for fall.

The rides were cool.

And going there with this crew was cool.

Please notice: the Twilight scarecrows and the Chuck Norris scarecrow that is possibly doing a round house kick to Darth Vader or Darth Vader is helping him stretch. Oh, and also the shout out to Grandpa Doug, I made sure she got the Interstate Battery car. It takes me back to my teen years. Also there were two empty cars on the roller coaster and Kate with out hesitation, gets in one with another girl. She did not get that from her mother.
Not pictured for the sake of Kate: Two ten feet tall scary pumpkin men walking around. It kind of makes a 3 foot tall child nervous, alot of explaining later that they weren't real.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fall Trike Rides

Ever since the weather has cooled down, this has replaced swimming and usually happens during the longest stretch of the day, around 4 or 5.

The first three were taken about three weeks ago, when some of the leaves were starting to change, but it was mostly still green.

The next bunch of pictures were taken yesterday. It's amazing how much the leaves can change in less than a month. Take note also that baby Sammy is now sitting like a big boy in his stroller.

I am starting to have mixed emotions about fall these days, it's beautiful but it also means that freezing weather is on it's way. I guess we need to get outside now and enjoy it before the hibernation starts.

Monday, October 4, 2010

1st Day of Preschool

She loves going to school.

She does have something in her mouth, it's a cough drop.
Probably not a good idea to send her to school with a cough drop, but it was mom's, she got it out of my purse.

She kept posing and I kept taking pictures. Each pose is 100% Kate.


Three years later.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Field Trip

Last weekend we went downtown to the Field Museum courtesy of Ryan's work. Family outings are always fun, the building was cool, the museum was cool, the food was free and the kids were good. For as long as kids can be good.

A new way to use a magnifying glass.

Trying out an ancient Egyptian bed.

The turtle costume really made Kate turn into a turtle, she even had a turtle voice that she used.