Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Recap

We started out in California.

Ended up in Chicago.

Added one more to our family.

We took a trip to the ER after a skateboarding in hard rain incident and ended up with six stitches, four chipped teeth and three cat-scans. This picture was taken days later (after it had healed somewhat) out of respect for the parties involved.

A little fish started swimming, as well as preschool and other big girl things.

And this one is ending out the year sitting up and is shaping up to be a spazz in training, courtesy of his sister.

There is good in life despite all of it's fun little set backs.

May you have a Happy New Year's!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Review

On Christmas Eve we went over to a friends house for dinner. Kate enjoyed chasing the older kids around with a foam sword, I don't know if they enjoyed it.

While there, we participated in a white elephant gift exchange and our gift totally back fired. Oh well.

We did our first official Nativity scene with just the Stephens kids. This looks like it will be a favorite for us each year.

Kate happily prepared some treats for Santa.

The best thing for me on Christmas morning was Kate running in to say Santa was here and that he ate all of the food.

We are not short on any drama in our house, so opening presents was a dramatic good time. It was filled with present hugging and oh thank you's from Kate and lots of squealing from Sam.

We also had our first White Christmas

and our first Christmas dinner with just us.

We missed being back home with everyone, but being on our own was an adventure.
Having kids around sure brings back that Christmas as a kid feeling. Its was so fun to watch them on Christmas day. Can't wait for next year. Um kind of.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Pics: The Outtakes

As crazy as it is, I get the feeling that I am really going to miss these years.

I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas and all of the awesomeness that goes with this great season.

Monday, December 20, 2010

One Magic Christmas

If you have not seen this movie, I suggest you hurry and watch it before the Christmas season is over. But let me warn you that there are alot of hard realities being taught in this movie. Well as much as a Disney movie can muster.

We thought that since Kate is 3 and a half she would be ready to learn about the harsh realities of Christmas. Her poor little brain had to process alot of sad situations, but I think it's good for her. It's funny, I watched this movie every year growing up and watching it as a parent was a whole new experience.

Anyways, just rent it and tell me what you think.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our Christmas email card.

We decided to go green this year for a number of reasons, with none of the reasons actually having to do with the planet.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What We Were Doing On This Day...

2 Years Ago

We were heading back to California after a trip to Utah and of course got stuck in traffic in Primm because there was icy/snowy conditions on the pass after Primm. It was not the funnest time with an 18 month old.
We should have taken this as a sign, a year and a half later we had some nice car trouble in the same stretch but heading the other way. Road trips can be so fun or can end up being a total bummer. But that's the chance you take I guess. The funny thing is that I always still want to go on them.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Winter Things


Gingerbread House or Graham Cracker House

This one started as a house but I think gradually turned into a church, then a temple.

Kate enjoyed just pouring candy all over her plate and eating frosting by the spoonfuls.
She was in candy heaven.

Monday, December 13, 2010

8 Month Faves

He doesn't mind hats. This one usually falls in front of his eyes when he is in the carseat. How he deals with it is he just falls asleep.

He is the proud owner of two teeth and two more are really close to arriving.

He loves baths and loves to power kick in the water.

He loves eating food and loves to try and grab the camera.

Not caught on camera: His love for holding and analyzing toys. His love of biter bars and his love of saying da-da.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Christmas Set Up

Complete with a new helper and a very eager helper this year.

What most of the bottom branches looked like.

She really wanted Ryan to hold her up so that she could put the star on, it didn't really work out. This girl watches too many movies.

This picture makes me wonder what list she will be on this year.

Monday, December 6, 2010


No one else (well besides someone closely related to her) can make me so crazy and love her so much all at the same time. Her personality is so intense and she has been busy since day one. She makes me laugh, she makes me tender and she is my little girl.
I wouldn't trade her for anything.