Saturday, February 19, 2011

Like a...

A new job is on the horizon.

Which means a new place.

It's funny, I cried on the airplane a year ago almost to the day and on the train today I again felt like crying as I passed city after city. I fight things really hard and then I end up really loving them.

This move will be good for us in so many ways. I know that it's part of the greater plan to get us back to where we want to be, that there is a method to the madness, but it's hard.

On a more upbeat note: we are becoming pros at packing, we had everything out of the house in a half an hour and by the hour mark we were all loaded up. Pretty impressive. Oh, and it also helps to have alot of guys helping. We were pretty lucky to end up in the ward that we did, some really great people...

And we're pretty lucky to cross paths with cool people throughout our journey in general.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Purple Rose of Cairo

Ryan checked this movie out the other day, and it was great.
Woody Allen did it again.
If you haven't seen it, it is another movie I suggest you check out.
We have been checking out alot of movies from the library lately.
Their free and no late fees.

Monday, February 7, 2011

10 Month Faves

Loves pushing himself, rolling or army crawling around the house.

The proud owner of 5 teeth. Which he likes to click together.

Usually finds his way under the couch.

Loves his sister. She can get him to laugh so hard.

Is liking big kid food.

He likes to analyze things, I would say he is an old soul. He really gets it.

He absolutely loves his dad and loves to get attacked by these two.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snowed In

What our living room window looked like after a night of snow and hard wind. Before living here this was something I had only seen airbrushed on a grocery store or Mexican restaurant window during the holidays.

The poor Honda covered in snow.

Sammy loving the snow and getting his picture taken.

Our porch. It was amazing to see the wind blow the snow around. There were some areas that were so deep and other areas that had barely any snow.

We were literally snowed in until around noon, that's when the maintenance guys finally cleared our sidewalks.

Kate and I went outside to get some fresh air and survey the damage, while we were out we ran into our friends the Curtis'. Kate was so happy to see Will.

They enjoyed climbing a big mound of snow. Notice the truck on the right side of the picture, that's how high the mound was.

So beautiful and so cold.

Kate took some rides on Will's sled. One by herself, (After)

and one with Jeremy, Will's dad, papa bear style. She is such a daredevil.

Blizzard 2011 luckily wasn't too bad for us. There were cities that were hit way harder, so we have no complaints. It was fun to watch the snow and wind at night along with the lightning. (Lightning, Who would have thought?)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

9 Years

I love this boy, he knows it and I'm sure the people that know me know it.
I have been smitten with him for quite sometime.

I thought that I would maybe do something different and talk about our wedding party on our anniversary. Not only were they some of our friends and family, they each had some part in our story.
Let's begin...

From left to right.
Heidi- Ryan's sister. She was my first real introduction to the Doug & Lori Stephens family and I thought she was the coolest girl around. Coming from a good family was always on top of my dating material list and Heidi was cool, so her whole family was cool. Which made me want to get to know that boy even more.

Hillary- Ryan's sister. At the beginning stages she was the kid sister (I think she was in Elementary/Middle school at the time). She was always around enjoying being a participant observer. At the later part of our relationship she was a great person to talk to, I just remember long conversations about life and love, among other things. She was another one that made me love that family more and more.

Eliza- My best friend. Temecula took her away for most of our courtship but she was in the "group" of our first group date. Not knowing then, she asked if I wanted to live with her and some other girls, that year ended up being the last year of my single life. I had a blast and she was with me, with every missionary letter and every sticker that was put on my countdown chart.

Jennifer- My sister. What can I say, she was the one that witnessed all of my relationship ups and downs. At first I thought Ryan liked her after a hiking trip that a group of us went on. But it turns out that he was just showing off for his cousin. Long story short. She did my hair and make up for most of the dances that I went to with him and she also did my hair and make up on my wedding day. She was protective when she needed to be and supportive when I needed her to be.

Matt- Ryan's cousin. I owe Ryan even looking in my direction to this guy. Once Ryan was on my radar, I can remember constantly asking Matt what Ryan thought of me, where I was on his cuteness scale and other annoying questions. He orchestrated alot of group hang outs in the beginning to help us (both not aggressive people in the dating scene) get to know each other.

Josh- Brother-in-law. We first met Josh on a double date with my sister, it was their first date. Josh and Ryan hit it off from the beginning and Josh told Ryan that he would make sure I waited to persue any relationship until Ryan got home from his mission. We got engaged the night of Josh's birthday party. If you need a refresher, see here. Along with Jennifer, he was our biggest supporter when things were off and he was always there to help out our cause.

Adam- Ryan's mission buddy. There was the famous 40 days, I was nervous about Ryan coming home from his mission because one letter had talk of marriage. So I stopped writing him. In Ryan's darkest hour of despair I think on a rainy night, while driving with Adam he threw all of his pictures of me in his wallet out the window. The next day Adam returned to the site of where the pictures were thrown and gathered them all up and returned them to Ryan. I think he knew once he calmed down he would be sorry he threw them out. He restored hope to Ryan and totally knew how to handle Ryan in his dramatic moments.

If you read this long post all the way through, way to go! Thanks for hanging in there.
Now go and celebrate Groundhog Day!