Monday, August 29, 2011

August or Just Another Day In Paradise

It has been hot, not 100 degrees hot but hot enough for me to not want to take my kids out more than I have to. So that means lots of indoor time. Here is the rest of our August for you.

Fort building has become a daily, tri-daily thing at our house.
I guarantee that you will never see the same fort twice.

When Kate is not building forts for herself she is building homes for her toys.
This girl needs preschool to start.

Motorcycle rides with dad.
Although there are pictures, mom doesn't fully back this activity. It never goes out of the neighborhood though and the kids love it.

More forts. A smaller scale.

A one time cookie baking.

Kate loves to arrange her toys and I love to see what she comes up with.
They were getting ready to take a picture.

In the middle of the month it was "Bring your kid to work day." Kate was so excited and Ryan loved combining work and kids.

Kate had her dance recital and got a trophy. She was so stoked.
Notice the flare that she had to put on her t-shirt.

A blurry photo of the little dancer, I turned my flash off.

An example of one of the many uses for stickers.
Not pictured are numerous toys plastered with stickers.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I finished the book Devil in the White City and found this image when googleing the 1893 World's Fair. It reminded me of this little excursion we took. Now knowing the history better, my dorky self was excited that we were able to come in contact with one of the few remnants of that fair. I only wish we could have made a stop at the Museum of Science and Industry, the only building that remains from the fair. History is cool. That is all for now.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

16 Month Faves

Folding his arms like this when he feels like he is in trouble.

Loves to play with & eat mud.

Loves his mom. He always gives good hugs.

He likes to draw and it is showing up on not only on paper but walls, books and toys.

He goes along with any plan his big sister has for the day.

He is silly. While camping, he sat in this inter-tube for about ten minutes just sitting there eating rocks.

Loves the water.

Just likes to chill. I turned the corner the other day to find that he had crawled onto the couch and was sitting there like this. Kate joined in for the photo.

Love this kid.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Camped at a KOA in Bryce Canyon.

The kids didn't know what to expect, but they did have each other.

Hiked and had lunch.



and Bear Cubbed in the river.

Got to spend time(?) with this girl,

and this guy.

Enjoyed the scenery.

Found makeshift spots to rest.

Saw oxen just walking on the road.

A trip wouldn't be complete without a face plant in the sand.

Got to take some pictures together and see an arch.

Got some good quality cousin time in.

Kate is game for anything even if it involves a pose where you pretend your holding a big rock.

We were able to spend some time with our friends like old times but with a few more additions.

A tradition in the making? Hopefully.

We are really starting to feel like parents. Well, I guess parents coming into a different stage. Where you do things not only because you want to, but because you want your kids to experience it, play with cousins and make some memories for themselves.

It's a new thing, I kind of like it and it makes me want to buy a motorhome.

Temple Square

A couple of Sundays ago we headed up to Salt Lake with some long time friends and family.
-We walked around temple square.
-Tried to not cry during a movie in the Visitor's Center about families.
-Took a tour of the Conference Center.
-And, none of my kids fell in any of the fountains. It was a hot day and you could see it in Kate's eyes that she really wanted to accidentally fall in.
It was a nice day, we need to remember to do things like that more.