Monday, November 7, 2011

19 Month Faves

Loves animals, but is also wildly nervous around them.

Does this when he is in trouble. So much shame.

Is a scrounge. No one's food is safe.

Still loves kisses, but only sometimes with his sister and mostly with babies.

Hates posing for pictures. Unless a TV is on and I can get in his way. Sad.

This month was slim pickings for around the house photos.
Here are some other things: he also likes to draw with his sister.
He is beginning to stand up for himself by saying "No. No. No."
Loves to hold my hand.
When I am sitting on the ground he never misses an opportunity to back in and sit on my lap.
Loves nursery. (His class at church.)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cousin Time

This last week was spent with all of the Stephens cousins. We went to Corn Belly's, the cousins got to see Kate's primary program, we did crafts, went trick or treating at a grocery store, a mall and in a neighborhood, played dress up, went to the movies, and went to a pumpkin patch to watch them smash pumpkins. We kept busy and the kids all had turns having break downs.
They really loved being with each other. Warning: There are a lot of pictures.

Sam rode with his big sister and when they came back around he was sitting lower than he was in this picture. We were worried but it was pretty funny to just see his blue hood coming around.

Baby Abby, Baby Brody, Sam and Kate

Hello Kitty and Spider Man

Her face looked so cute as Hello Kitty, I think this should be standard everyday make-up.

Sammy with his baby cousins. Watch out.

Sam, Charlotte, Ethan and Kate

When ever Kate would come around Sam would just give this nervous laugh as his way of dealing with it.

Trick or Treating at Macey's. A new experience for us.

Hillary, Heidi and the babies.

Girl cousins

Boy cousins

Our family

Friday, November 4, 2011

At The Zoo

A few weeks ago we were able to meet up with my friend Frannie and her kids at the zoo. We had a great time catching up and the kids each had a buddy. Kate and Liam loved posing for the camera which made it nice. 
Fun times like the old times, just with an added four. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Twenty-Eleven

Kate started off the Halloween Festivities as a Ballerina Fairy for her preschool Halloween party.

Carving pumpkins.

Our scary pumpkins.

Kate as Belle and Sam as a Dragon. 
This picture was taken later in the day, they were a little worn out.

Kate got this Belle dress as a gift from Grandma Lori and Grandpa Doug from their recent Disney Cruise to see Uncle Cory. She took one look at it and changed her mind about her Halloween costume.

All of the Stephens' cousins: Charlotte, Abby, Brody, Ethan, Kate and Sam pushing the stroller.

Our little dragon making a run for it with some candy.

Charlotte loves giving Kate hugs, Kate loves it too but is a personnel space kind of girl.

The trick or treaters.

Abby and Sam. Please note that Sam successfully broke into that box of Nerds by using his teeth and saliva.

We had a good Halloween. Luckily it was nice and warm and the snow held out until the next day.

More pics to follow of the cousin visit.