Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Review

 The kiddos on the Sunday before Christmas.

 Kate's teacher gave the kids little bags with little treasures in them, like these glasses.

On Christmas Eve we decided since we were alone and we make the rules that we would go out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants the Patio.

Our Nativity. Sam as Joseph, Kate as Mary and big baby as baby Jesus. Joseph was a little uncooperative this year.

Christmas jammies.

Leaving treats out for Santa.

We attempted to make tents this year for the kids via Pinterest and they were cool for about a second. We need to make some tweaks and maybe they'll be up and running again. I was just getting so sick of them getting frustrated with the whole blanket over the chair thing and thought this would be awesome. Time will tell I guess.

 The kids waiting patiently on Christmas morning.

Opening presents. Kate makes the best facial expressions. It does make you feel like you got it right even though she pointed out that Santa didn't bring her one thing on her list but that she was still happy. Maybe next year she will ask for more realistic toys and then Santa would be more than happy to comply.

This is probably old news, but I wanted to mention it on here for history's sake, a few days before Christmas we were able to find out the sex of the newest Stephens family member and found out that we will be having another girl. We are so excited and we are so grateful to have this chance again. The kids are really excited to have a little baby around the house and this little girl better be preparing for the love and lack of personal space that is coming her way. 

Needless to say, 2013 will an eventful one.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year!

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Pinterest Christmas

Since we have had Kate we have celebrated (which technically means we lived there) Christmas in our hometown with our parents 3 of the six years. Why? Because for us that is the best time to make huge life decisions. So we were usually in transit to move or trying to figure out our next move. 

Anyway this year I could focus a little more on our life at Christmas and what that will look like. Pinterest has really helped inspire me, here are some ideas I actually put into action believe it or not. 

A felt tree for the kids with the hope that they would keep their hands off mine. Has it worked? Eh, not really, but whatever. Pin found here.

A fuzzy jar. My attempt at trying to get the kids more into the spirit of giving/sharing/helping/being nice at Christmastime. Our goal is to have the tree filled by Christmas. The excitement has died down but whenever I say "Thanks for doing that, go put a fuzzy in the jar," Kate jumps at the chance. The red bag was assembled to hold the fuzzys because the bag they came in was a mess. It was freestyled by me, so don't look too close. Pin found here.

And here is a Pin I'd like to do here, but I can't make up my mind about fabric and details.

And another one here but I'm waiting on the stockings to be done, to use the scraps. So you know where that's headed.

Will the above two happen? Doubtful, but there is always next Christmas and a whole nother list of Pinterest crafts.

Friday, December 14, 2012

On This Day...

Five Years Ago

Kate was about five months old and I did an impromptu Christmas photo shoot with her. 
It was before she knew what candy was and mom could still have a choice in what she wore. I also hadn't dropped my camera twenty times so I could still take good pictures.

That baby now, five years older. Where does the time go?
Today I am super grateful for my children, especially this one. As I watched her run towards my arms after school today, I hugged her and I didn't want to ever let go. Can I just keep them safe and sound in my little nest forever?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses

This Saturday we made "gingerbread houses."
There were tears, some frustration, houses being built, houses falling down, bags of candy spilled on the floor, happiness, good family fun, candy and lots of loud chewing from the kiddos savoring every morsel like this is the last time they will ever eat candy.


The final product: Dad's/Sam's, Mom's and Kate's.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Our Daisy Scout

Kate is an official Daisy Scout and had her "Investiture" on Friday.
It is so fun and interesting to watch her grow and see what she chooses, good or not so good.
She is an awesome girl.
We will be selling Girl Scout cookies this year, so if you are looking for a dealer, I know a pretty cute one.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Set Up

Last weekend we:

Picked out our Christmas tree.

Pulled out all of the decorations.

Had some creative differences.

Decorated the tree.

Attempted to put lights on our house.

Gave Santa their Christmas lists and he knew their names. I think that's why they were so happy.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Field Day

An AM kindergarten field trip = no PM class for Kate + a free day at the Field Museum = a trip to the city and something, because of Kate's school schedule, we rarely get to do.

The math details in that equation are kind of hazy so try not to analyze them too much.
With our last failed attempt to take advantage of a free day, I was a little skeptical that we would be so lucky to have the free day fall on Kate's field trip day, but to my surprise, it all worked out.

Here are some pics...

Kate's new cross-eyed trick that she loves to do for pictures. 
We haven't told her yet, but she has been doing that trick ever since she was born when she sleeps.

Sam admiring a replica of an Indian village.
 I forgot how cool those kind of things are to kids, they stopped and looked at each one very intently.

Kate acting like a gorilla, while Sam tries to act like Kate acting like a gorilla.

The main reason Ryan was stoked to go, the exhibit about the Maharaja.

Taking pictures on the steps. 
The outside of this museum is so rad, you've got to take a picture.

The kids on the drive to the museum. 
For historical accuracy, about five minutes before this they were fighting and Sam bit Kate's face. First of all, who bites faces? But that is beside the point. Sam said sorry and later an "I love you, Kate" was said and then soon after we turned to see this sweet compromise. 

These two get on each others nerves so easily but they forgive so easily too, it's a constant roller coaster at our house. Let's just hope they can forgive this easily later.

My favorite things all in one, going to a museum or on any day trip adventure with my family, seeing my kids be buddies and being able to capture it for just that quick moment.

It makes life so worth it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Trip to the Museum

During the Thanksgiving break we thought we would venture out, something that we haven't really done in a while. We decided to head up to Lake County and check out one of our favorite museums. See here and here. They usually have really interesting exhibits, it's cheap and they have a small kids area that makes the visit nice.

The exhibit they have now is all about Charles Dickens and the many works he has written, focusing a bit on A Christmas Carol for the season. They also have exhibits that are there all year round, hence the Paul Bunyon pictures. It was nice to get out of the house and learn some interesting things. It makes me want to read more of Dickens' works. But I'm not making any promises.