Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Labor Day Excursion

We had a four day weekend, so we thought we take a drive up to Chicago to play in Lake Michigan and see our friend's (Jimmy and Taylee) new baby Otis.

There are a lot of things I miss about Illinois, but tolls are definitely not one of them. I still think this toll bridge is rad though.

This summer we really missed our hour and a half drives to Lake Michigan to cool off. 
By the end of the summer we had to get one lake trip in.

Kate, so far, has been our only child to run right into the lake as soon as we get there. Every time.
The other ones prefer to ease in to the beach experience, a little sand play, and maybe some water if your are lucky.

A successful group photo of the kids.

Kate and baby Otis.

Sam and baby Otis.

On our way home we drove around Springfield. It was Sunday and everything was closed but we will definitely travel through there again, especially when the State Fair is going on. We were looking for this Abe Lincoln statue (below) and stumbled upon the fairgrounds. It looks like it would be a really fun fair. We also didn't get to see all of Lincoln stuff this town has to offer, so we'll be back.

Mom, Millie and Abe.

Ryan's highlight of the trip was stopping at Golden Corral for dinner on the way home. It was pure entertainment and the fact that they had a chocolate fountain and cotton candy, only made it better. I was grossed out on multiple occasions, but it's all in the experience right? And look at that pure joy on my husband's face, he delights in the awkward situations.

It was a nice, but quick little trip. I'm glad that we live close enough to Chicago that we can visit when ever we miss it.