Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Hill's Kind-of Meet Benny

My sister and her kids came out a few days after we had Ben. It was just what we needed. The kids were so happy to be spending time with their cousins and it took away from the stress of it all. The only bummer about it all, was the cousins couldn't meet their newest cousin. If you aren't a direct member of the family, you have to be 13 or older to go in the NICU. So we would FaceTime and Jennifer and Grandma would come with me to the 10:30pm feeding. We went on some adventures and did a lot of play time to make up for not seeing their cousin. The whole NICU thing was weird, we just thought he wouldn't be in there long, so we were very hopeful that he would get out before the Hill's left, but that wasn't the case. I think they still had a good time though.

Aunt Jenny and Benny.

Grandma and Benny.

The siblings getting to touch their brother for the first time.

A quick trip to the Prairie Fire Museum.

A visit to Moon Marble Company where they got to watch a real marble being made and got to take home some marbles. Which you will find stray ones resting against base boards all over our house.

We always enjoy our time with the Hill's and are so glad they were able to come out here.

This Summer, We Had A Baby

The last pregnancy pictures I would take. I was on bed rest, it was a Sunday and I got ready so I could get these pictures when they came home from church. I was hoping I would keep him in longer but also had a feeling that I was nearing the end of the race. (Fun fact: We took the same pictures in the same dress when I was pregnant with Millie.)

After a week or two of bed rest, ultrasounds measuring his growth, my embilical cord function, placenta function and a couple of steroid shots, the doctor decided it was time to meet this boy. They tried to induce me but after monitoring my contractions, they decided baby boy might not be strong enough to handle delivery the natural way. Soon, I was being prepped for a c-section and getting wheeled down to surgery while singing Primary songs in my head to calm my nerves. There were so many unknowns, (never having a c-section before, what baby boy would need following such an early delivery, etc.) I was super nervous and was just trying hard to be calm and brave. Luckily, one of my sisters had all c-sections and had always said how easy they were, so that helped calmed my nerves as well.

Being wide awake, having surgery performed and having no clue what was going on with my body, only feeling the pressure, was interesting to say the least. They had Ryan come into the operating room when it was go time and a few minutes later, we heard the smallest, cutest cry ever. 

Everything checked out and because his oxygen levels were normal I was able to hold him. It was very special to hold that little guy. It's one of my favorite parts of having these babies. 

Ryan went with baby boy while they finished working on me. I didn't get to see him again for another six hours, (at midnight) when they wheeled me (bed and all) up to the NICU. When we left, his nurse for the night kept saying we needed to name him because it was weird calling him baby. She gave us her number and told us to call her if we came up with a name during her shift. We went back to the room and decided on the name Benjamin. I called the nurse and told her and we both felt good about our name choice. Especially because Ryan would call him Benny. It would take another few days to decide on his middle name George, because I am the world's worst decision maker.

Only a few hours old. Ryan took this picture while I was recovering and it's one of my favorites.

Some pictures of Benjamin taken the next day after a little sponge bath. The kids loved it when his eyes were open, they thought he had the biggest, dreamy eyes.

He only had to be under the blue lighting for one day. He hated the mask and anything else like his feeding tube and oxygen but he was a good boy and tolerated it as much as he could.

My Mom rushed in the Sunday before, to help when she found out I was on bed rest, she bought a one way ticket with plans to be there for the long haul. Luckily, she had a few days to learn the ropes of our school schedule before she would be left to do it on her own for a while. She was a life saver, I didn't have to worry too much about the other kids because I knew they were in good hands. I am very grateful for her help.

The pictures don't do it justice, but he was a little guy. While I was still in the hospital, I would go up to the NICU and do skin to skin time when he was being feed through his tube. I really appreciated that bonding time. Having a baby in the NICU is a weird thing, I kept feeling like he wasn't totally mine. But, I am glad we delivered at the hospital we did, all of the nurses were awesome, I didn't really have any negative experiences. So that helped.

I think this was taken a day or two before I left the hospital. You could tell they were having Mommy withdrawals. They all wanted to be by me but they didn't really want to talk to me, they just wanted to practically sit on me and watch cartoons. Sam wanted the TV louder, that is why his ear is pressed up against the speaker. 

I am officially a Mom to four kids.

I really wanted to do this pregnancy right, take more belly shots, get a video of him kicking, get professional photos done in the hospital shortly after birth. Just really end my child birthing years on a more together note. This picture really sums up how it actually happened.

Oh well, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit.

By the way, we are all in love with Benjamin, aka Benny. 
He is the perfect caboose to this crazy train we have.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

First Day of School 2016

 Kate - 4th

 Sam - 1st

After school pic.

This year was different in two ways, it was the first time the kids (well Kate) started a new school year at the same school and the first time Mom was on bedrest for the first day of school (which killed me, I really like to get in there on the first day). Ryan took them to school and I picked them up. They both had great days and like their teachers. Hopefully, it will be a good year for them. I can't believe how they just keep growing, they are getting older and older. It's crazy.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Trip To The Oz Museum

With life kind of crazy, we haven't been able to do as much Saturday exploring/day trips. We thought we'd get one more in before school starts. We drove out West to Wamego, Kansas one of the cities that embraces all things Wizard of Oz. It was actually one of our more successful day trips. The museum was awesome. I could have stayed in there a lot longer reading everything and Wamego had a cute downtown with a cool park that the kids loved playing at. Here are some pictures from the day.

Our Munchkins measuring their hands with the real Munchkin's hands.

Kate and our friend's daughter. They didn't think we were crazy and actually wanted to come out with us to the museum for our adventure. Note: The kids were not a fan of the Tin Man's eyes. They were a little bit scary, especially in this picture.

Sam and Millie, looking not impressed with the town's yellow brick road. Sam kept saying, it's not even yellow, it's more of a tan. You can't get anything past that guy. 

Anyway, if you are in Kansas and you want to do something Wizard of Ozzish, I highly recommend this museum. We were so inspired, that the next day we had to watch Wizard of Oz.

Royals vs Angels

A few weeks ago, it was Mormon night at the Royals stadium. They were playing the Angels and we knew we'd have to go because Sam likes the Angels. Well, he likes any team that are playing against the Royals. But that's another story. It was a nice night and the humidity chilled out for the game. We left at the seventh inning but I think the Angels beat the Royals and Sam was glad.

Sam's Angels flag he made with the help of Kate.

Ryan saving the day with cotton candy and water.

Our view. It was a fun night. Let's Go Royals! Or, Let's Go Other Team!